Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 110 Being powerless is frustrating?

Chapter 110 Being powerless is frustrating?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

Stellaria, her legs elegantly crossed in a meditative position, observed the ongoing conflict with an air of nonchalant boredom.

She sighed, her voice filled with frustration.

"I go out of my way to save a bunch of ungrateful people, and this is the thanks I get? How disappointing."

Drome gnashed his teeth.


[Lightning Spear!]

Rank B.

As Drome charged his spear with crackling lightning magic and then hurled it rapidly for Stellaria, a wicked smile spread across Stellaria's lips.

[Spatial Cage]

With a flick of her wrist, she summoned a transparent spatial cube that deftly trapped the spear in its stasis-like grasp, rendering it powerless.

Stellaria yawned, her voice dripping with indifference.

"Is this the best you can do? How utterly underwhelming."

With a mischievous twinkle in her blue eyes, Stellaria decided it was her turn to show some of her power.

"Boop," she casually said.

With a devastating surge of magic, she increased the speed of the trapped spear multiple times, transforming it into an unstoppable force.

The lightning-infused weapon hurtled downwards back towards Drome with unparalleled ferocity, tearing through armor and flesh alike. A large, gaping hole was ripped open in Drome's chest, and as the life drained from his eyes, he crumpled to the ground, leaving Kana frozen in shock.

Kana's eyes widened in horror as she witnessed her companion's demise.

The reality of their dire situation began to sink in.

Stellaria, sensing Kana's trembling fear, yawned once more, her voice dripping with sadistic amusement.

"Seems like we're almost done already. How disappointingly short our little encounter has been."

With a mix of fear and determination, Kana clenched her bloodstained sword tightly, her voice trembled. "I won't let you get away with this. I'll put you in your place now!"

Stellaria cradled her delicate chin in her hand.

Then she snapped her fingers. "Oh hey, have you seen a cute boy with long black hair and a mask?"

Kana's anger boiled to a crescendo, her fists trembling with an uncontrollable rage.

It was bad enough that Stellaria simply brushed off Drome's death as a meaningless event, but now she dared to ask about Lumiere as if their struggle meant nothing.

"You bastard..."

Flames danced and raged around Kana's body, a manifestation of her fury and determination all at once.

As a low-ranking demon, fire was an innate affinity.

While she didn't have the strength of great demons or higher, her magic aptitude was decent.

Veins pulsating with fiery energy, Kana launched herself towards Stellaria in a blazing streak of speed, her sword ablaze with flames.

The air crackled with anticipation as Stellaria arched an eyebrow, her eyes gleaming with amusement.

"Oh? Finally ready to face me head-on, are we?"

In the blink of an eye, Kana closed the distance between them, her sword poised to rend Stellaria in twain.

But to her utter disbelief, she crashed into an invisible barrier, as though slamming into an impenetrable wall.

The force of impact was unforgiving, crushing the very essence of Kana's being.

With an agonizing crunch, her body was torn apart, countless fragments of flesh and blood splattering onto the ground in a horrifying display.

Stellaria sighed, her voice dripping with mocking sarcasm. "Maybe next time, you'll learn to listen when someone's talking to you. It's rather rude, you know?"

She glanced at the grisly mess of gore that used to be Kana.

"Oh, wait. She's dead.."

In a sense, Kana was lucky. The sub-skill of 『Spatial King: Azurath』 called - [Interspace Isolation], compressed the space around her. Merely being reduced to a pile of flesh was a mercy in itself.

"Perhaps I treated her too harshly." She frowned a bit hovering above the razed capital city.


In the undestroyed parts of Zarbon city, knights hurriedly assisted in the evacuation of civilians, ensuring their safety amidst the chaos. The air was thick with the pungent scent of smoke, blending with the desperate cries of the wounded.

Genevieve, her eyes filled with concern, sought out Sir Reginald amidst the tumultuous scene.

"Sir Reginald!" she called out, her voice filled with urgency. "Are there any remaining individuals in the coliseum area? We must ensure their safety!"

Reginald, a stalwart figure clad in glistening armor, turned to face Genevieve, exhaustion etched onto his face. "No, my lady," he replied, his voice strained. "We managed to evacuate everyone in time. Reports suggest that portals had opened up and transported them here. It seems to be a form of spatial magic."

Genevieve's voice tinged with skepticism as she questioned, "Spatial magic? Are you certain? It sounds too convenient."

Reginald nodded gravely, his eyes reflecting the weight of the situation. "I cannot say for certain, but all indications point to it. We must focus on aiding the wounded and ensuring their survival."

As Genevieve gazed upon the multitude of wounded, her determination resurfaced. She firmly grasped her sword, ready to join the knights in battle. However, her swift movement was halted as Reginald grabbed her wrist, his grip firm.

"Where do you think you're going, my lady?" Reginald's voice carried a hint of worry.

Genevieve's eyes blazed with a fierce determination as she responded, her voice resolute. "I cannot stand idly by while my fellow knights risk their lives. As a knight myself, I must aid them in this dangerous battle."

Reginald's grip tightened, his voice firm but tinged with an undertone of protectiveness. "As the head guard of the king, it is my duty to keep his daughter safe. I cannot allow you to blindly endanger yourself in such perilous circumstances."

Genevieve's anger welled up within her, her words punctuated with frustration. "So it comes down to my gender, doesn't it? You don't believe I possess the same strength as my male counterparts, do you?"

Reginald's eyes softened, his voice gentle as he sought to quell her anger. "No, my lady, that is not the reason. The squad of knights we sent haven't returned, so it is only safe to assume they're dead. Our attackers are dangerous."

"We can't just stand by and watch as our comrades are slaughtered! We must help them, even if it means risking our lives!"

Reginald's eyes hardened, his voice filled with wary caution. "Lady Genevieve, we must wait for the Holy Knights and Court Mages to arrive. The battle is too dangerous for us to join just yet.

The slaughtered knights made it painfully clear.

Genevieve's frustration bubbled to the surface as she retorted, her voice laced with impatience. "Waiting for their arrival could take forever! The Royal Capital is miles away, and time is of the essence. We need to act now!"

"There's already a Holy Knight in enemy territory. None other than Velzar Pendragon."

Genevieve's eyes widened in disbelief, a mix of anger and disappointment flaring within her.

"Velzar Pendragon? That means I'm useless in comparison... I don't possess nearly the same power as the Holy Knights or Court Mages."

Reginald reached out, his hand resting gently on Genevieve's shoulder.

"Don't be so hard on yourself, my lady. Your strength lies in protecting your family, including the king. Focus on ensuring their safety, and leave the battlefield to the Holy Knights and Court Mages."

Reluctant, yet resolute, Genevieve nodded, her determination reigniting within her. She swiftly turned and sprinted towards the evacuation point, desperately searching for her family and the other nobles. However, she noticed the stark contrast in treatment between the upper and lower classes. The wealthier individuals were prioritized while the commoners were left to fend for themselves.

"These knights are nothing but scum!"

Genevieve's frustration echoed through the chaos.

She witnessed a sea of wounded commoners, their bodies wracked with pain from the destructive shockwave that emanated after the coliseum's destruction.

"What reason do these people have to attack us?!"

Suddenly, she stopped in her tracks, her heart pounding with worry.

"Lumiere... I haven't seen him. I want to believe he's safe, but I can't be certain."

Genevieve's thoughts raced as she scanned the area.

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