Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 112 The request for the Archbishop?

Chapter 112 The request for the Archbishop?

Holy Sword Tournament Arc II


(POV: Akashic Records)

Esta's eyes burned with an indomitable fury, her grip on her sword tightening as she vowed vengeance upon Velzar.

"You'll regret underestimating me," she hissed through gritted teeth.

Suddenly, a blinding white energy burst forth from her body, surrounding her in an aura that prophesied [White Stage] ascension.

With a triumphant grin, she declared, "This is my unique skill, [Maximizer!] It multiplies the attack potency of my magic by thirty!"

Velzar's grin widened, a mocking glint in his eyes.

"Ah, but what happens when you multiply zero by thirty?" he taunted.

In a split second, Esta launched herself towards Velzar, akin to a rocket. The ground beneath her shattered on propulsion, the sheer force of her movement creating shockwaves that rattled the very air around them.

"SON OF BITCH!!" (Esta)

With a flourish, Velzar used the [Enchanted Blade] skill, boosting his sword with potent mana.


Their blades clashed with an intensity that defied imagination.

Each strike resonated with a deafening sound, echoing through the city as shockwaves exploded around them.


As their battle reached its crescendo, their clash grew so powerful that it sent them soaring into the sky. With every slash and parry, the destructive force of their blows decimated the corner of the capital city. Buildings crumbled and collapsed, reducing to naught but debris in the wake of their unstoppable power.

Now, standing atop a crumbling building, Esta and Velzar locked eyes.

"( He doesn't even look fazed... he's not struggling... )"

Sweat trickled down her forehead, mixing with the stain of blood that was slowly seeping from her wounds.

Through the pain, she glared at the cool and smiling Velzar.

"I suggest you give up now and save yourself the embarrassment, or... do I let you hit me once, just so you can say you tried." (Velzar)

Esta assumed a calculated sword stance, positioning her divine artifact carefully to the side.

"( I don't have enough stamina to break into white stage... I need to go for another tactic, brute force. )" (Esta)

With her body ablaze in magical energy, she poured her entire essence into her blade, infusing it with an otherworldly power. The sword crackled with electricity, runes tracing across its surface, pulsating with untapped potential.

"Oh?" said Velzar, curious.

She took a moment to focus, her mind honing in on the precise movements needed to execute her devastating [White Dragon?s Claw Rapid Flash].

An attack capable of reducing her enemies to mere shreds with its lightning-quick strikes.

Simply put, it was a buffed up [Blink Strike].

Intricate circuitry lines temporarily adorned her body.

In a burst of ethereal white light, Esta shot towards Velzar, her speed ten times faster than her previous dash.

She broke past the sound barrier, leaving only an afterimage in her wake.

Velzar's wicked grin widened, the twisted delight in his eyes gleaming with sadistic joy.

"That's adorable."

As Esta closed the distance, ready to deliver her final blow, Velzar used [Boost] and [Blink Strike] in unison.

His movements became a blur, his body fading in and out of existence as he twisted through the fabric of space itself.

The air crackled with his magical prowess, a golden line slashing through the space where he had been moments before.

In an instant, pain seared through Esta's side, her vision obscured by a spray of crimson as her blood cascaded from the deep, gaping wound Velzar had inflicted upon her.


She staggered backward, her grip on her sword slipping through her blood-soaked fingers.

Velzar, now calmly seated on the other side, sauntered towards her, his bloodstained sword reduced to a blemished ruin.

"Impressive, my dear Esta," he sneered, his voice dripping with condescension. "You managed to break my sword."

Esta's strength waned, her body falling to the ground, her mind swirling with disbelief.

She had lost, defeated by the seemingly invincible Velzar.

Through gritted teeth, she managed to rasp out, "This... isn't over... Velzar. I will..."

"Hm. I'm really hungry," he yawned.


The royal family found themselves on the brink of escape. Guards valiantly protected them, their swords gleaming under the sun, while esteemed nobles huddled together, their faces etched with fear and anticipation. Bluestella, the second queen, hurriedly maneuvered through the crowd, her heart pounding in her chest. Suddenly, she stumbled, but before she could fall, Arthur reached out and steadied her.

"Are you alright, my queen?" Arthur asked, concern evident in his voice.

Bluestella brushed off the incident with a small smile.

"I'm fine, Arthur, thank you," she replied gratefully, her voice filled with genuine appreciation.

A warm smile graced Arthur's lips as he reassured her, "You don't need to thank me, my queen. It's somewhat my duty."

Regret washed over Bluestella like a torrential wave.

How could she have ever harbored thoughts of harming this boy, driven by her own greed? In that fleeting moment, she understood the true meaning of regret.

However, their introspection was abruptly interrupted by a cacophony of shouts. The knights bellowed in alarm, announcing the arrival of one of the assailants. Panic rippled through the assembled nobles, their voices rising in fear as they caught sight of the black-robed woman known as Lirien, slowly making her way towards them.

"...why are they so loud..." Lirien spoke, her voice dull.

In the midst of the chaos, Sir Galtar, the personal guard of King James, urged Arthur and Bluestella to move swiftly towards the waiting armored carts.

"Hurry, my lord, my lady! The carts are ready for your departure," he exclaimed urgently.

Arthur nodded, his gaze unwavering as he replied, "Be safe, Sir Galtar. Your strength as a Holy Knight will protect you."

Galtar smiled. "Thank you, Prince Arthur. I shall fulfill my duty with honor."

Silent and foreboding, Lirien observed their exchange, her eyes flickering with an unknown intent.

"...He has pretty hair..." she said, referring to Arthur.

Sensing the urgency, Arthur swiftly got down on one knee and offered his back to Bluestella, gesturing for her to climb on. "My queen, please, get on."

"T... Thank you, Arthur."

With practiced grace, she hoisted herself onto his back and he stood tall, bracing himself for the race ahead.

As he ran forward, through the crowd of nobles, he could see his mother, Ayisha and beside her were Salmarc and Vanessa.

Galtar unsheathed his magic sword, its aura pulsating with magic energy that seemed to magnify his determination. The blade pointed directly at Lirien, with a firm voice he proclaimed, "Now, you shall face me!"

Nine knights swiftly flanked Galtar, their swords held at the ready, their gazes fixed on the black-robed assailant.

The tension in the air was palpable as Lirien's piercing gaze scanned the crowd of panicked nobles until her eyes settled on the figure she sought - the Archbishop.

With a dull tone, Lirien coldly stated to Galtar, "...I came here for the Archbishop, can I have him...?"

Galtar's brows furrowed in disbelief, his voice laced with incredulity as he retorted, "Are you mad? How can you think of laying your hands on a priest, let alone the Archbishop himself?"


"N-no! Didn't you listen to what I just said?!" Galtar retorted.

"...I promise not to kill him, can I have him now...?" she asked again.

"I... I... didn't you he..." Galtar was short of words.

Confusion rippled among the knights behind Galtar as they shared puzzled glances, unsure of Lirien's true motives.

"As a holy knight, I cannot allow anyone to harm a revered member of the kingdom," he declared resolutely.

With a slight, almost mocking blink, Lirien replied, "How unfortunate for you, then."

"We shall see."

Galtar settled into a staunch sword stance, his grip tightening on the hilt of his weapon. Making a swift hand gesture, he motioned for his knights to step back, creating a small gap between him and Lirien.

Curiosity got the better of one of the Cross Kingdom knights as he leaned towards a Shield Kingdom knight beside him and whispered, "Do you think Sir Galtar is capable of handling this lady?"

The Shield Kingdom knight, exuding confidence, grinned triumphantly as he replied, "Sir Galtar isn't just any knight; he's a holy knight, blessed with an MP of 2,300. His prowess in both magic and swordsmanship is unparalleled."

The Cross Kingdom knight nodded, a glimmer of hope shining in his eyes. "We have hope then."

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