Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 131 What happens when a Pendragon meets a Disaster Dragon?

Chapter 131 What happens when a Pendragon meets a Disaster Dragon?

Black Dragon Gate Arc


(POV: Akashic Records)

Fanatio followed Skum?s scent.

It led her to a bustling market district, filled with the sounds of cheerful merchants and bustling shoppers. The atmosphere was lively, contrasting the quieter parts of the city she was accustomed to.

She kept her gaze fixed on Skum, who was engaged in a rather interesting activity.

Skum stood before a small stall, carefully selecting several rejuvenation pills. These magic pills had the incredible ability to gradually restore one's mana and health, a valuable commodity for any seasoned adventurer and even the military.

Fanatio watched with curiosity.

"How much for ninety of these little wonders?" Skum inquired, his tone playful.

The market lady, taken aback by such an extravagant request, burst into a fit of laughter. "Ninety? Are you planning to restore the entire army?" she remarked, her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Skum smirked playfully. "Well, you never know when the kingdom might need a little boost," he replied cheekily.

The market lady nodded, a teasing glint in her eyes. "Fair enough. For ninety rejuvenation pills, it'll be a total of... ten gold coins."

Skum's eyes widened in surprise, a comical expression crossing his face. "Ten gold coins? Are you trying to buy out the entire kingdom's supply? That's a bit steep, isn't it?"

With a sly smile, the market lady explained, "These pills are made from the extract of rare magicubella trees. The trading company that sells them knows their worth, hence the higher price tag."

Skum let out a dramatic sigh, shaking his head in disbelief. "Whoever is running that company must be a thief, I tell you."


Meanwhile, in the comfort of the Silva Citadel, Lumiere suddenly sneezed.

Mojito glance at him with concern.

"Are you alright, Boss?" he asked.

Lumiere chuckled softly, brushing off the eerie feeling that had enveloped him.

"It's nothing." Lumiere rubbed his nose while laughing.


Skum slicked his hair back.

With a twinkle in his eye, he addressed the market lady with a charismatic smile. "Wouldn't you consider parting with these exquisite rejuvenation pills for a mere seven gold pieces? I assure you, it's a generous offer."

The market lady tilted her head, a playfully skeptical expression crossing her face. "Seven gold pieces? My, my, you drive a hard bargain," she replied, a note of amusement in her voice. "How about nine gold pieces, hmm? That seems like a fair compromise."

Skum grinned mischievously. "Ah, my dear, surely you can do better than that. Eight gold pieces and three silvers, that's my final offer."

The market lady pretended to ponder, tapping her finger on her chin as if deep in thought. "Hmm, tempting, very tempting. But I'm afraid I can only settle for nine gold pieces."

Skum feigned disappointment, shaking his head at the market lady's stubbornness. "Honestly, I must insist on my previous offer. Eight gold pieces and three silvers, take it or leave it."

After a moment of contemplation, the market lady let out a sigh, casting a sly glance at Skum. "Fine, fine, I'll relent. Eight gold pieces and three silvers it is."

Satisfied, Skum reached into a small pouch and counted out the agreed-upon amount. He handed the coins over to the market lady, who carefully packaged the rejuvenation pills in a small pouch, tying it with a brown ribbon. As she handed it over, Skum graciously bowed, smiling.

"Thank you, my dear. It has been a pleasure doing business with you."

He turned away, walking through the crowd confidently.

As he made his way past the market stall, he couldn't resist blowing the market lady a playful kiss.

To his surprise, she caught it, a blush creeping onto her cheeks.

"Still got it.." he said.

Meanwhile, Fanatio quietly observed from the sidelines.

She continued to tail him through the bustling market.


Whistling a merry tune, Skum strolled through the forest just outside Glenforst.

Then, he paused.

With a contented sigh, he exclaimed audibly, "Ah, I see you've been tailing me for quite some time now."

A figure emerged from behind a towering tree, stepping into the filtering sunlight. It was Fanatio, her brown hair cascading down her shoulders as she fixed a piercing gaze upon Skum.

"And what, may I ask, are you doing with such a substantial quantity of rejuvenation pills?" she questioned, her tone direct and unyielding.

Skum turned to face her, smiling mischievously.

Gently placing a hand on his heart, he replied, "My dearest Fanatio, your curiosity knows no bounds. But rest assured, these pills are meant to be a generous donation to the kingdom's military."

Fanatio scoffed, unimpressed with Skum's smooth words. "Don't give me that crap," she retorted. "I know you're up to something. What's your real motive?"

Skum let out a theatrical sigh, shaking his head in mock disappointment. "Feisty as ever, aren't you? I assure you, my dear, this is for a matter of utmost importance, though not one that concerns you."

Fanatio's eyes narrowed.

She reminded him of the night they arrived in Glenforst, how he had slipped away from the health-care center and returned the following morning.

"You can't dismiss me so easily," she stated firmly. "Tell me, what were you doing that night?"

Skum chuckled, partly amused. "Well, I'm afraid that's none of your business," he stated coyly.

Calmly, Fanatio crossed her arms. "Naturally, I wouldn't expect someone like you, a professional betting analyst, to have any relevance to me. But there's something different about you, Skum."

His grin widening, Skum leaned in closer, teasingly asking, "Oh? Pray tell, my dear Fanatio, what is it that sets me apart?"

Fanatio's face darkened.

"A dragon... you smell like a dragon."

Skum's lips curled into a menacing smile, his eyes gleamed dangerously. The air around him seemed to thicken, charged with an ominous energy.

"Ah, so you've caught on," he replied.

There was a momentary silence.

"So, what noble house do you descend from?" Skum asked.

"The Pendra-"


Before Fanatio could finish her sentence, Skum moved with uncanny swiftness. He raised his hands, and instantly, a bitter cold swept through the forest. The temperature dropped rapidly, and a small blizzard formed around Fanatio. Her eyes widened in shock as she found herself frozen in place, her body encased in ice. Even the surroundings of the forest were transformed, coated in a layer of frost.

A deep frown creased Skum's forehead as he stared at the frozen image of Fanatio.

"You should never have uttered that name in my presence, child," he stated with a dangerous undertone. "Had it not been for my [Dragon Foresight], I would've ended your life right here and now."

Skum's back erupted with the emergence of black-scaled dragon wings. The manifestation was swift, but the sight was awe-inspiring. In one elegant flap of his wings, he ascended into the sky, the whoosh of his departure resonating through the forest.

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