Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 146 The Aurelian Empire’s major threats?

Chapter 146 The Aurelian Empire's major threats?

(POV: Akashic Records)

Corvus, with a knowing gaze in his stare, interjected, "If I understand Aurelia's implications correctly, the attackers who disrupted the kingdom's affairs may not be of significant importance at this moment."

Rivka, curious but composed, questioned, "How so?"

Aurelia, her voice calm and composed, answered, "The attackers inadvertently played into our hands. They've given us a reason to take control of the Cross and Shield Kingdoms' government by force, especially now that the humans no longer feel safe under the current regime."

Gideon, his voice dripping with admiration, remarked, "A wise plan indeed. By creating chaos, they've provided us with an... opportunity."

Rivka countered, "While it may be a good plan, I highly doubt that the kings of both kingdoms will easily relinquish their control."

Aurelia agreed, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You have a point, Rivka. The kings will prove to be a nuisance." She paused to exude a calm yet menacing grin which displayed her pearly white teeth, "But not one that'll last for long."

Gideon, his confidence undeterred, chuckled. "There's no need for us to fear powerless kings who pose little to no threat to us."

Aurelia's voice held a hint of caution as she retorted, "Indeed, Gideon. However, of the two kings, one possesses a unique skill known as 『Monarch's Will』."

The 『Monarch's Will』 was exclusively bestowed upon those who demonstrated the qualities of a king: a strong mindset, unwavering will, and immense mental strength. These attributes collectively formed what was known as the Kingly Factor. Individuals with the potential to exert dominance over those they ruled were granted this Unique Skill. This skill served as the ultimate defense and offense, capable of bringing even an entire army to its knees. While not invincible, it was a formidable power indeed.

Rivka's eyes widened in disbelief. "That's impossible!"

Aurelia nodded gravely. "It's the truth. King Greyson possesses this trump card, but he may not necessarily be our main obstacle."

Corvus, his gaze penetrating, added, "There are others we need to be wary of as well. The Arcane Order, known as the four Elemental Kings, are the most powerful mages in the Human Continent."

Gideon leaned forward with an elevated brow. "Hm, how come they've never come up in discussions before, tell us more."

Corvus continued, his voice carrying weight, "These mages possess immense power, each specializing in one of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and wind. They're revered as the pinnacle of magical prowess."

Unfazed by this news, Rivka folded her arms. "If we are to secure our hold on the Human Continent, naturally neutralizing these... Elemental Kings, will be inevitable."

As the discussion unfolded, Aurelia adjusted her posture, crossing her legs in a more comfortable position. With a sense of purpose, she began to divulge the key players they needed to be wary of.

"There are three individuals we should focus our attention on," she stated, her eyes sharp and focused. "The others will fall in due time."

Corvus was as perceptive as ever. He interjected, "If I'm not mistaken, one of them is the Feral Dominion?s Beast Princess, Eris Fergonius."

Aurelia nodded affirmatively, her movements graceful. "Indeed, Corvus. She may appear as just a little girl, but that's only on the outside. Eris holds the reincarnated soul of the Immortal Beast King, making her a formidable grade 0 level threat."

Gideon arched an eyebrow incredulously. "A mere child possessing such power? I highly doubt she stands a chance against us."

Miriam, who had been quietly observing, finally spoke up. "While she may be young in her physical form, Eris possesses the memories and abilities of the Immortal Beast King. She's a force to be reckoned with from what I've seen."

"Well that's the point, you can't see anything," Gideon joked.

Rivka glared at him. "And that's your attempt at a joke?"

Almost immediately regretting why she spoke, Miriam went back to silent mode.

"It... was just a joke," Gideon sipped his wine. "You guys are no fun."

"Let's focus on the discussion please," Corvus called them to order.

"Of course," Gideon, still not fully convinced, retained his confidence. "No matter her past, I she'd be capable of harming a hair on my head."

Adjusting her sword once more, her eyes alternated between Aurelia and Gideon. "You shouldn't get cocky, Gideon." Rivka added her assessment. "If Eris is anything like the Immortal Beast King, she'll prove to be a worthy adversary. Our arrogance will only serve us a platter of defeat."

Aurelia then shifted the focus to the second individual they needed to be cautious of. "The Hero/Sword King, Gal Pendragon, is someone another we should take seriously."

Corvus nodded in agreement. "Indeed, Gal Pendragon wields immense power as the Hero. However, I must say, Rivka, your mastery of the sword surpasses his."

Rivka, a faint blush coloring her cheeks, tucked a strand of stray red hair behind her ear as she softly replied, "I... I appreciate your confidence in my swordsmanship."

Gideon, the mischievous one, couldn't help himself. "Don't let it go to your head, Rivka."

Rivka shot him a withering glare. "Shut up."

"Just saying, you have the most ordinary swordsmanship I've ever seen," Gideon retorted.

Aurelia smiled at Rivka. "Don't mind him, your swordsmanship is beautiful."

"Th... Thank you, your Radiance." Rivka bowed her head slightly.

Shifting the focus of the discussion, Gideon furrowed his brows and asked, "And who might be the last individual we need to be wary of? The Elemental Kings, perhaps?"

Rivka, her tone tinged with exasperation, retorted, "Is your memory really that faulty or are you just being foolish, Gideon? The Elemental Kings are a group of four. They clearly wouldn't fit in a list of three people."

Gideon closed his eyes, a slight smile playing at the corners of his lips. "My apologies, Rivka." The smug look on his countenance was more than enough proof that while he admitted his mistake, his pride was still intact.

Rivka scoffed, rolling her eyes. "Whatever."

With a sliver of uncertainty in his voice, Corvus faced Aurelia.

"If I may, Empress Aurelia, I fear my memory is failing me... a quirk of old age perhaps. Who is this last person... the one we should be so cautious of?"

Aurelia, took a moment to recall all the events this individual had been involved in. He was an influential figure the realm of magic and also undoubtedly a force to be reckoned with. The slight micro expression on Aurelia's face told them all they needed to know.

She replied with a solemn tone, "If somehow Eris Fergonius and Gal Pendragon were to fall, the one who would not easily falter is none other than him - The Uncontested One."

Corvus unconsciously tightened his grip on his staff, concern etching his features. The mention of this epithet stirred up numerous memories within the confines of Corvus' mindscape.

"But your Radiance, it's been decades since he disappeared from our map. Are you implying he might still be alive?"

Nodding solemnly, Aurelia answered, "Indeed, he may have vanished, but not because of death or invalidity. He simply chose to do so. And that, my champion, is the only logical explanation."

Rivka chimed in, her eyes narrowed with steeled resolve.

"If that's the case, then in a situation where the Cross Kingdom's government is being overthrown, The Uncontested One would undoubtedly interfere. He knows the dire stakes they'd face. And also, how disadvantageous it'd be to him."

Miriam inclined her head in agreement. "Yes."

Gideon's confident smile seemed to radiate an unwavering self-assurance. "Even The Uncontested One is no match for me," he declared with a flicker of youthful pride.

Rivka, her patience wearing thin, shot him an exasperated glare. "Do you truly believe you can defeat everyone, Gideon? Have you lost touch with reality?" Her tone tinged with exasperation.

Gideon's smile widened, his eyes sparkling with determination. "You underestimate the power of the mind, Rivka. If one believes they have already won, then victory becomes inevitable."

Corvus interjected with a question. "What about this Lumiere boy? Could he pose a threat?"

Rivka's eyebrow arched in confusion. "Lumiere? Who?" she questioned, her abruptness cutting through the air.

After a gentle sigh nothing short of a siren?s song, Aurelia spoke up to provide clarity. "Lumiere's the name of a newly born Curse King. But in the grand scheme of things, he's no threat... inconsequential to the survival of the kingdom."

Rivka's face contorted with mild distaste.

"If he's a Curse King, why haven't we chained him down and eliminated the threat? Curse Kings are a menace to the peace of the Human Continent. If he's roaming freely, he becomes an even greater danger."

Aurelia's expression softened as she explained her perspective.

"He's... different. He holds a special significance to me."

She paused for a moment before continuing, "However, I will need your assistance, Rivka."

Without a moment's hesitation, Rivka stood up, her resolve etched into her every movement. She bowed her head slightly and declared, "I'm ready to do whatever you require of me, Empress Aurelia. Tell me, what is it that you need?"

"Excellent," she said.

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