Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 32: The battle has begun?

Chapter 32: The battle has begun?

[POV: Omniscient Akashic Records]




The sounds of clanging armor and heavy footsteps echoed through the Wyvern Pass as the minotaur army made their way towards their destination.

Fenghis Rhan, the Minotaur Lord, walked at the front of the group, his massive form casting a menacing shadow on the rocky earth mounds around them.

Suddenly, one of the soldiers stopped in his tracks, sniffing the air.

"Something's not right," he growled, his eyes scanning the surrounding area. "I smell... Grygan blood."

Fenghis Rhan stepped forward, his nostrils flaring as he sniffed the air. "They must have gotten word. It seems we are not alone in the pass."

As they continued forward, the sound of wings could be heard overhead.

Suddenly, a group of large bats swooped down from above, screeching and clawing at the minotaur army.

Chaos erupted as the two groups clashed, with the bats swooping down to attack and the minotaurs fighting back with their weapons and brute strength.

Fenghis Rhan roared in fury, his massive axe swinging through the air as he cut down one bat after another. "We can't let them stop us! Push forward!"

The battle raged on, with the bat side taking heavy losses.

Finally, the minotaurs emerged victorious, the remaining bats retreating back to their nests.

Fenghis Rhan let out a triumphant roar, his noses fixed on the Grygan village that was still far out. "We will not be stopped! Onward, my warriors!"

The minotaur army continued their march, each step bringing them closer to their goal.

「Between the Grygan territory to the northeast and the Minotaur territory in the mountains lies the Wyvern Pass. This region is a winding passageway, known for its treacherous terrain and frequent wyvern sightings. The pass is flanked by steep rock walls and jagged cliffs, making it challenging to navigate for most beings.

The Wyvern Pass is also a vital trade route for the Beastpeople, allowing them to transport goods and resources between the two sub-regions. Due to the region's dangers, the Beast Kingdom has established several outposts along the pass, providing shelter and protection for travelers.

Despite the efforts to make the Wyvern Pass safer, it is still a hazardous place. Ambushes by other hostile creatures are not uncommon. The Grygans and Minotaurs have been known to fight over control of the pass, leading to skirmishes and battles. Nonetheless, the Beastpeople continue to make use of the Wyvern Pass, bravely crossing its rocky terrain and treacherous twists and turns.」

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[POV: Lumiere Venrite, village chief]




My party of three grygans and I, along with Serena, made our way towards the Wyvern Pass. As we rode, I reassured myself that the earthen walls I had created earlier would protect the villagers from harm. Old man Martini was in charge of the traps and watching over the village. I gave him strict instructions to evacuate the village people if anything happened.

While Fasit was going to join the fight, Sangria kept scouting the advances of the minotaurs to keep track of any sudden changes. However, so far, there were no updates.

Expectedly, Sangria kept her distance from the minotaur army and focused on using [Enhanced Vision] to keep track of them.

She could see even from miles away.

As we drew closer to the pass, there was an air of tension that even the horse seemed to sense. "We can't let down our guard," I said to my companions. "These minotaurs won't be easy to take down."

「(Take note: They always had the horse since they traveled by cart in the Great Forest, Serena just stored it in her [Inventory], like she did with the magicubella tree before)」 (Author)

Gripping the reins tighter, I urged the horse to go faster. The three grygans followed from behind and flying above us was Serena.

Suddenly, Mojito and his party of ten grygans zoomed past us on foot, their fists at the ready. "Don't worry, Lord Lumiere, we got this," he shouted with a smirk.

As they disappeared into the distance, I felt apprehensive. What if they ran into more minotaurs than they could handle? I quickly shook off those thoughts and focused on the upcoming battle. I couldn't afford to be distracted.

Finally, we arrived at the outskirts of the Wyvern Pass. "We need to be careful," I warned the others. "They could be lurking anywhere."

Gargantuan, monstrous bats swooped down from above, their blood-curdling screeches filling the air. Five of them came straight at us, their razor-sharp claws and teeth bared. I could feel my heart racing as I gripped myself, ready to strike.

"We have to be careful!" I yelled to my companions. "These bats are dangerous!"

I quickly gathered my mana and focused my energy, ready to perform my [Earth Magic]. 「Stone Cannon!」 I shouted as I unleashed a barrage of stone bullets at the bats. The ground rumbled and shook as the boulder-like bullets tore through the air like blazing comets and struck two of the bats, sending them plummeting to the ground.

Meanwhile, the three grygans unleashed their own attacks, combining their mana to create a rush of flames that engulfed the largest bat and reduced it to ashes. "Burn, you foul creature!" one of them shouted.

Serena, quick on her feet, summoned her [Water Magic] with a flick of her wrist. 「Aqua Blade!」 she called out as she created a dazzling high-pressure blade of water in her hand. It spun like a deadly boomerang and sliced the remaining two bats in half with a satisfying whoosh.

Breathless, the grygans stood there for a moment, panting and sweating. But they knew they couldn't let our guard down for even a second. The minotaurs could attack us at any moment.

"Let's move forward," I said, gritting my teeth. "We can't let those minotaurs have their way with our lands."

With a fierce determination, we rode forward towards the Wyvern Pass, our adrenaline pumping and our weapons at the ready.

「Lumiere's Current MP: 14,200/15,000」 — Spells used: Several earth ramparts for the village (cost 500 mana points), Stone Cannon (costs 300 mana points).

「Serena's Current MP: 39,700/40,000」 — Spells used: Aqua Blade (costs 300 mana points).

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[POV: Omniscient Akashic Records]




"Okay, it's time.." (Sangria)

Sangria's lightning-infused arrow soared into the night sky, casting a brilliant flash that signaled Mojito and his team to charge into battle. Their advantage lay in the cover of darkness, and they would use it to crush the minotaurs' advance.

Mojito's team consisted of ten men, their fists clad in large, spike-studded gauntlets crafted by Lumiere himself. The gauntlets were heavy, but the security division of the village were built with men of immense strength; Mojito himself boasted a physical strength of 450.

As the minotaurs rushed forward, the grygans sprang into action. Their fists smashed skulls and shattered bones as they surged forward, striking with deadly accuracy. Blood flowed as the minotaurs fell one by one, felled by the relentless onslaught.

The minotaurs were caught off guard, their senses dulled by the night. They relied on their sense of smell to track their prey, but the grygans had the Integral Skill: [Night Vision], which granted them the ability to see even in complete darkness.

Lumiere had a plan: attack the frontlines and thin their numbers before the other, more distant minotaurs could enter the fray. It was a strategy of attrition, meant to wear down the minotaurs' forces before they could mount a proper defense.

The gauntlets proved to be formidable weapons, their spikes digging deep into the flesh of the minotaurs. The night air filled with the sickening sound of bones cracking and flesh tearing as the grygans fought on.

"We need to keep fighting!" (Mojito)

"Yes captain!" (Other grygans)

Mojito knew they had to work quickly. They were outnumbered, and the minotaurs could easily overpower them if they didn't keep up their momentum. They fought with all their strength, using every trick in their arsenal to gain the upper hand.

But even as they held their ground, Mojito could sense the other minotaurs in the distance starting to stir. They needed to end this battle before it could escalate any further.

The grygans fought relentlessly, the sound of breaking bones and splattering blood echoed in the night air. As they battled, they managed to take down about seventy minotaurs, but more kept coming.

Mojito and his team were far from exhausted, but they noticed the minotaurs were spreading out their advances and moving at a quicker pace.

"The minotaurs per minute are increasing!" (Sangria)

She watched from afar.

Suddenly, a minotaur rushed towards Mojito with an axe, but he swiftly blocked the attack with his skin strengthened by his Additional Skill: [Body Hardening]. The axe shattered upon impact.

"Captain Mojito! They're too much!" (A grygan)

The grygans began to feel overwhelmed as they realized they were now surrounded.

Mojito quickly ordered them, "Stay close together and form a defensive formation! We need to shield each other while breaking through the minotaur army's formation."

The grygans give out a war cry and prepare to fight.

The minotaurs were no longer at much of a disadvantage as more of them realized what was happening in the frontlines.

Visibility may belong to the grygans, but the minotaurs had already hastened their pace.

The battle seemed to be turning in their favor.

Mojito noticed their strength in numbers was beginning to take shape.

They were closing in on the grygans, and their overwhelming force would soon claim victory.

The grygans were losing ground and needed a miracle.

Suddenly, a grygan yelled, "We should divide and conquer!" The idea seemed reckless, but Mojito realized it was their only chance.

He commanded half of his men to create a diversion and lure the minotaurs to one side while the other half flanked from the opposite direction.

As they executed the plan, the grygans were swift and coordinated, the minotaurs had no way of countering.

They took full advantage of their enemy's confusion, landing heavy blows, chipping away at their numbers once again.

The tide had shifted once more, but it was still anyone's game.

The grygans were slowly turning the tide back in their favor, but the minotaurs' numbers still outmatched them.

Their victory could depend on how much longer the grygans could endure.

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