Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 36: Im negotiating with the Minotaur Lord?

Chapter 36: I'm negotiating with the Minotaur Lord?

[POV: Lumiere Venrite, Grygan Lord]




I had clapped my hands, drawing Fenghis' attention.

"I have a proposal," I said calmly.

Fenghis raised his eyebrows. "And what could that be?" he asked, his tone skeptical.

"Let's make the fight end quickly and without shedding any more blood," I said.

Fenghis seemed intrigued, but remained wary. "How do you suggest we do that?"

"A test of power," I said.

Fenghis looked at me, considering. "Interesting," he said. "But I'm not going to agree until I know what the terms and conditions are."

I smirked, knowing that Fenghis was a tough negotiator. "I won't tell you until you agree," I said.

Fenghis shook his head. "No deal. I don't make any agreements without knowing what I'm getting into."

I could sense that I was losing him and I needed to make a move. "Trust me, you'll like what I have to offer," I said.

Fenghis remained unconvinced. "I don't trust anyone until they've proven themselves," he said. "And I've seen nothing from you that makes me think you're worthy of my trust."

I took a deep breath. "Fine," I said. "I won't tell you what the test is until you agree to participate."

Fenghis sneered. "You're wasting my time."

I knew I couldn't let things end this way. I walked a bit closer to him.

"Please, just hear me out," I uttered audibly yet with a whispering tone.

Fenghis raised an eyebrow. "What makes you think I'm interested in hearing anything you have to say?"

I could feel the adrenaline pumping through my veins. I had to try one last time. "Because I know what you're after," I said. "Power. And I can give it to you."

Fenghis leaned back, intrigued. "Go on."

"The test of power I propose will give us both the chance to prove who's stronger," I said. "And whoever wins will control everything. All the resources, all the land, all the people. It'll be yours for the taking."

Fenghis considered my offer for a long moment. "And what's the catch?" he asked suspiciously.

"There is no catch," I said. "Just a fair contest. No tricks, no schemes. Just two powerful beings testing their limits."

Fenghis stroked his chin unsure of what this boy could mean.

I was doing this because I didn't want to see any more deaths. I couldn't let Fenghis continue to use his army as pawns in his game. Not when he didn't even value his own son's life. They deserved better than to die without purpose. It was a shame that Fasit and Serena had to waste so many lives before we discovered this truth.

Fasit looked at me, confusion etched on her face. "What are you planning to do?" she asked.

"I apologize," I said. "But I am going to take control from here."

Serena folded her arms, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips. She knew me too well. "Typical Lumiere," she said.

Fasit, on the other hand, respected me immediately. Without objection, she followed my lead and moved back.

Meanwhile, Sangria finally stepped onto the battlefield with her bow in hand. Mojito couldn't help but express his sarcastic joy at her punctuality, but she didn't even respond. It stung him a bit, and I could almost laugh at his frustration although how serious our current predicament was.

Fenghis stepped forward, giving me a challenging look. "So what are the conditions? I ask again," he said.

It was obvious I was eating off on his patience, I had to tell him and hope for the best response.

It'd be easy to manipulate him into agreeing given his hunger for power. That was the main reason I exhausted some time talking to him. To know what makes him tick.

"(I'm a negotiator not a fighter... Time to put those skills to use.)" (Lumiere)

I cleared my throat before addressing Fenghis, "Before we begin, let's agree on the rules of the test of power. The first condition is that we seal it with a 「Sacrytis」,"

Mojito looked at me with confusion, "What's a Sacrytis?"

"A Sacrytis binds an agreement. A breach of the contract results in the death of the person," Fatis explained.

Mojito's eyes widened, "That's scary! Lord Lumiere, are you sure about this?"

"Don't worry, Mojito. I know what I'm doing," I reassured him.

Fenghis agreed to the condition, "I accept. What's the second condition?"

"We won't get help from our subordinates," I said.

Fenghis didn't have any problem with that, "Agreed. But let me remind you that you'll need all the help you can get. I'm not a weakling like you."

I kept my cool and continued the negotiation, "Is that all? Shall I continue?"

There was no response.

A deep breath, I tried to calm my nerves as I spoke up. "The third condition is that any means necessary to win the test of strength is allowed provided it doesn't breach the already established conditions."

Fenghis raised an eyebrow, looking intrigued but wary. "Weapons and even summons?" he asked.

I nodded. "Yes, anything goes as long as it doesn't break the rules we've agreed upon."

Fasit immediately pointed out, "Serena is a summon. You'd be gaining help from a subordinate."

"Oh, that's right." Serena snapped her fingers upon discovery.

She was doing this to ensure I didn't accidentally break the conditions of the contract when Fenghis and I finally sealed it with 「Sacrytis」.

I felt a bead of sweat roll down my neck as my heart raced in my chest. "I hadn't thought of that," I muttered. "But I assure you, I'm not trying to trick you. We can still use our summons as long as the Sacrytis is in play."

Fenghis glared at me skeptically. "You better not be cheating, mongrel. I won't play along with this silly game of yours if you do."

I chuckled nervously, trying to play it cool. "I'm not a cheater. I cherish my own life too much to risk it over a petty battle."

Fenghis seemed to soften slightly, nodding in agreement. "Alright, as long as the Sacrytis is in play, we have a deal. What's the final condition?"

I took a deep breath, my smirk growing wider. "As already stated, the winner gains control over the Grygan and Andarbani territory combined, and the loser would have to serve the winner."

Fenghis nodded, looking unfazed. "I expected as much. So, what will the test of strength be?"

I held up a finger, taking my time to build up the suspense. "I have a unique challenge in mind, one that should suit your sort of enjoyment."

After a little dramatic suspense,

"I propose that we test our power levels," I said, meeting Fenghis' gaze.

Fenghis let out a sigh. "You could have just said it's a test of strength, Lumiere. There was no need for a redundant explanation."

I shook my head. "It goes beyond just being strong, Fenghis. Let me clarify. We will have a chance to fire our most powerful attacks at each other, and the one left standing will be the winner."

The room erupted in cries of surprise, but only Serena, Fasit, and Sangria appeared unperturbed. Mimosa, who had just finished healing the wounded, looked worried but kept her comments to herself.

Fenghis scoffed. "That's hardly a challenge. I have no need to participate in such a barbaric event."

My lips curled into a devious smirk. "If that's the case, then perhaps I can tempt you. You can start first, and if you manage to kill me with your initial attack, then you automatically win."

Skarz rushed to his father's side, trying to intervene. "Father, do not trust him. It's a trick."

Fenghis snarled, delivering a savage punch to Skarz's face that shattered one of his horns. "Shut up, boy. Obey your orders."

Skarz stumbled back, hurt and betrayed.

"Are you agreeing to my proposal, Fenghis?" I asked, ignoring the commotion.

Fenghis hesitated for a moment before finally nodding. "Fine, I accept your terms."

The tension in the pass was palpable as we made our way to the center of the chamber. The atmosphere was electric as we prepared ourselves for the ultimate showdown. Everyone was on edge, waiting for the contest to begin.

As I proposed the 「Sacrytis」, Fenghis and I approached each other, the difference in our height becoming more apparent.

Standing face-to-face, I saw that he could easily overshadow me.

Luckily, my [Night Vision] had been active all this time so I could see clearly in the darkness.

We both extended our hands, stating the conditions of the agreement before saying "Sacrytis."

A bright magic seal appeared, binding the contract.

I knew that whoever broke it would meet their death.

After a brief discussion, Fenghis started his belittling again, but I just smiled brightly and remained silent.

Suddenly, my smile faded, and my eyes turned from purple to red.

I gave him a death stare and warned him,

"Fenghis... pray to whatever gods you have now and hope that your attack kills me, because if it doesn't," I paused as my mana spiked like a tempest around me, pushing back my subordinates little by little, "I'll send you to them."

"Y-you... You think you scare me?" Fenghis stuttered, trying to hide his fear.

"If you don't want to die, then you should refrain from underestimating me," I replied with a smirk. My once bloodlusted aura vanished almost instantly.

Fenghis's fear only fueled my excitement.

And with that, the contest began.

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