Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 57: The Beast King has made a move?

Chapter 57: The Beast King has made a move?

[POV: The omniscient Akashic Records]

Finally, after an arduous journey, Verpace arrived at the palace of the formidable Beast King. He entered the grand throne room and saw the Beast King Kaelin sitting on his imposing throne, with his muscular arms folded and his piercing gaze fixed on Verpace.

Kaelin's regal appearance was enhanced by the magnificent fur coat he wore, which was adorned with precious gems and plates of gold. The throne room was illuminated by a plethora of natural light coming from the large windows that overlooked the surrounding forest.

Verpace approached the throne, panting from exhaustion and clutching his wounds. Kaelin noticed his state but didn't say anything. Verpace already decided to use the healing potion on himself later rather than present it to the Beast King.

The wounded beastman genuflected before the Beast King.

"What did the ruler of the north-eastern domain say about my offer?" Kaelin inquired.

"H-he... he was a savage my lord, just like Prince Gaun described him. He uses the women that surrounds him as playthings and subjects them to the most gruesome desires he harbors." (Verpace)

Kaelin lifted an eyebrow. "Verpace... did you hear my question?"

"Y-Yes my liege," said Verpace, trying to conceal his frustration.

"Then answer me." Kaelin frowned.

"I tried to make them see reason my liege... I-I-I did everything (~sobs) but they didn't care, all they wanted was to send a message to you. His subordinates beat me mercilessly, using cheap underhanded tactics only characteristic of a savage like their ruler. I barely survived, it was by sheer luck I manage to escape with my life... Your Wildness." (Verpace)

[Your Wildness] :: A title of respect used when addressing the Beast King.

Kaelin's voice boomed through the room, "And you let him? You are telling me that the you, Verpace, the leader of the Feral Dominion's elite, could not defeat this so-called ruler from the north-eastern domain?"

Verpace stammered, trying desperately to come up with an excuse.

"(Crap, think of something Verpace... quickly! I don't think my breeches can survive this any longer...)" (Verpace)

Kaelin continued in a cold tone, "I heard this Lumiere is a fierce warrior that commands respect from his people. I find it hard to believe that he would resort to such methods."

Verpace's heart sank, realizing that Kaelin was not fooled by his lies.

"(I wounded myself for nothing?!)" (Verpace)

He tried to think of a new strategy, one that would make him appear less incompetent.

Verpace spoke, "But my liege, with all due respect, Lumiere is not what he seems. He is a Curse King."

Kaelin leaned forward, intrigued by Verpace's statement.

"A Curse King? How do you know this?" Kaelin said with furrowed brows.

Verpace seized the opportunity and continued, "Lumiere was able to break the curse that plagued the grygans for years. How else could he have done this if not by using dark magic? I saw it with my own eyes."

Kaelin rubbed his chin, pondering Verpace's words.

"I see your point. This is indeed a concern, for if we let a Curse King rule a domain, it could result in some unforseen circumstances... and more importantly it could incur the wrath of the spirits dwelling in the Spirits' Domain... we wouldn't want that." (Kaelin)

Verpace wounds still throbbed from the necessary self-harm. Though he had already caused much chaos and confusion, Verpace's thirst for acknowledgement and vengeance was far from satiated. His pride had been wounded by Fasit's defeat of him, and the notion that he might owe a debt to a mere human was intolerable.

"Your Wildness," Verpace began, feigning humility. "I have some more troubling news."

The Beast King raised an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on," he prompted.

"Well, my liege, as you know Lumiere is not all that he appears," Verpace said smoothly. "I have reason to believe that he is actually plotting something bigger than expected."

The Beast King looked skeptical, but Verpace pressed on.

"Furthermore, I have reason to suspect that Lumiere's motivations are not as noble as he claims. One of my sources tells me that the minotaurs did not actually intend to overthrow the Feral Dominion. In fact, their massive army would never have fought against them if they knew Lumiere was a Curse King. I mean, it's quite obvious at this point. Maybe Fenghis Rhan wasn't the power-hungry ruler trying to gain control of more territories in the Great Forest. Maybe it was this human trash Lumiere.." (Verpace)

Kaelin leaned forward, interested. "What are you insinuating, Verpace?"

"I believe that Lumiere has been manipulating his supporters all along," Verpace replied. "He knew that the grygans were desperate to end their curse, so he used that to gain their undying loyalty. Then he incited them to go to war, and forced an amalgamation between the two territories, all the while claiming he was doing it to end the tyranny of the Minotaur Lord. When in fact, it was the other way around."

The Beast King frowned, considering Verpace's words. "Do you have any proof?"

Verpace hesitated.

"(Fiddlesticks! Think of something Verpace..)" (Verpace)

After confidently clearing his throat, Verpace smirked.

"The only way Lumiere would've become the ruler of the two territories would be kill the Minotaur Lord, rather than show mercy. If he did this, none of the monsters in that territory would dare defy him. It's no secret that humans are known for their desire to control. It's likely he did all this all so he could use them to expand his power." (Verpace)

Kaelin nodded slowly. "It does make sense. If Lumiere truly is a Curse King trying to gain control of my kingdom, the danger he poses cannot be ignored. We must take action."

Verpace smiled inwardly, pleased with himself. He had managed to deceive the fearsome Beast King.

"(And they call him wise... maybe I should be the Beast King.)" (Verpace)

Emerging from the grand throne room's towering doors, Gaun, the Beast King's son, glided towards the throne with the regal poise befitting his status. With his lion-like eyes and flowing golden hair, the young lord oozed an aura of pure arrogance.

Verpace, attempting to show his respects, greeted Gaun politely.

"Good day, my lord," Verpace said, bowing his head.

Gaun, however, was not content with just being politely acknowledged. He shoved his chest out to increase his already imposing figure and shot Verpace a condescending smile, relishing in his power trip.

"You must learn to show me more respect, Verpace. I will be ruling this kingdom someday," he said.

Kaelin noticed the exchange. Keen to the subtext in his son's arrival he asked what the matter was.

"If the Beast King intends to take action, he could do no better than to send me. I am more than capable of handling this threat," Gaun declared confidently.

Kaelin sighed and doubted his son's ability to handle the situation. "You underestimate me, Father. I am more than capable of handling this lowly human trash, Lumiere," Gaun replied, affronted by his father's lack of faith.

Kaelin cut him off with a stern glare, quickly reminding him to show respect. "Watch your tone, Gaun," he warned.

Eventually, Kaelin announced that it would be his daughter, Eris, who would handle the situation involving Lumiere. Gaun was insulted but did not protest. He knew that his little sister was a force to be reckoned with, rumored to possess the same power level as Kaelin himself.

Kaelin instructed Verpace to go and fetch Eris.

Verpace hesitated, "But your Wildness, my wounds... they're still.."

"I understand that you're still recovering, Verpace, but you're the only one who can best explain the situation to her on her way here," Kaelin said.

Verpace sighed, knowing that he had no choice. "Very well, your Wildness. I will leave immediately," he said before turning to leave.

As Verpace walked away, Gaun leaned closer to his father. "Why does she get to handle it? Why not me?" he asked.

Kaelin looked at his son with a mix of annoyance and disappointment. "Because you're not ready yet, Gaun. You need to learn patience and respect," he replied before dismissing his son.

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