Akashic Records of the Bastard Child Engaged to a Goddess

Chapter 64: Wait did it really happen again?

Chapter 64: Wait did it really happen again?

[POV: Lumiere Del Silva, bastard child]

It had been a week since the Beast Princess, Eris, had attacked our domain. Much to our surprise, not a single beastperson had appeared demanding that we relinquish our domain to the Beast King. It was unclear what Eris had said to her father, but some very successful negotiations had taken place. We couldn't underestimate Eris, though; her childlike demeanor masked a fierce cunning.

Meanwhile, in the northeastern domain, the minotaurs and grygans were working steadily on construction projects under the expert tutelage of the dwarves - Beorn, Kipper, and Thrain. While all three dwarves were skilled in the art of construction, Beorn's experience made him the obvious choice for supervising the building process. Alongside Skarz and Martini, they were ensuring that every aspect of construction adhered to strict quality standards.

Every member of the community played a vital role in the domain's growth. We had been able to provide everyone with clothes, tools, and weapons, and most importantly, access to clean water. My extensive knowledge of magical engineering allowed us to incorporate water magic cores into the water channels' infrastructure for easy access. Thrain, Beorn, and I were the architects behind this ingenious design.

We had also developed a sophisticated sewage system and had more robust and accessible roads that connected the Andarbani territory. Our goal was to expand and unite the two territories into one large territory. The Wyvern Pass posed a potential problem, but we were confident that we could handle any threat that could potentially arise.

The process was complex and intricate, but with Serena and I's vast mana capacity, we were accelerating it significantly faster. Conversations between everyone involved were lively, each member displaying their input for the betterment of the larger community.

"I can't believe how much progress we've made in just a week," exclaimed Beorn. "I'm proud of how far we've come."

"I'm grateful to have all of you here, helping us reach our goals," I replied, taking a deep breath of fresh air, which was a vast change from my previous secluded life.

"It's an honor to serve under you, my Lord," chimed in Kipper.

I was absolutely thrilled that our kingdom was almost complete, finally giving the grygans and minotaurs a place to call home.

But unfortunately... shit always hits the fan. And boy, did it hit hard this time.

Sangria appeared out of nowhere, as per usual with her Shadow Magic, and told me that something terrible was happening at the Industrial Sector.

"What now?!" I groaned, "Can't we have one day without some kind of crisis?"

Then the earth shook beneath us as a wave of [Mana Pressure] surged through the northeastern territory. It was like a giant hand was squishing us all like bugs. And let me tell you, I've only ever felt that kind of force from the likes of Serena or Eris. The fact that those two were mentioned made me even more worried.

"You need to tell me where that's coming from, and it better not be Eris going back on her word," I demanded from Sangria.

"It's the people of the Beast Kingdom, they're in our territory," she stuttered.

"Hell no," I spat, "We sealed that deal with a Sacrytis, no one's dumb enough to violate a magic contract. Something's fishy."

I didn't waste any more time. I told Sangria to alert the rest of the crew - Isadora, Skarz, Martini, and Fasit - and wore an intense expression. I used the skill [Demon Wings] to sprout bat-like wings from my back, creating a powerful wind gust that almost knocked Beorn and Kipper off their feet. With no time to explain, I took off like a bat out of hell towards the Industrial Sector, cutting through the skies faster than a greased lightning bolt.

I didn't even think to call Serena to join me. I couldn't risk her and Eris crossing paths; it would be a bad omen for sure.

[POV: The Omniscient Akashic Records]

Lumiere streaked through the sky, the wind rushing past him, until he finally arrived in the heart of the Industrial Sector. As he touched down, the sight that met his eyes was one to behold.

Over fifty beastpeople bustled about, all going about their business in a frenzied hurry.

One figure, however, stood out amongst the crowd. His name was Kaelin, the Beast King, and he was resplendent in his finest garments from the Feral Dominion. Seated on a throne placed atop a platform carried by four other beastpeople, he was flanked by several other important figures in his entourage. Lumiere could see the imposing presence of Zerzel, the chief adviser to the Beast King, and Drome, the High Priest of the Beast Kingdom. Marganz, the Royal Historian, was there too, going about his business as he always did, scribbling away at his parchment. General Gorus, the commander of the Beast Kingdom's army, and Lady Vliph, the conservationist responsible for safeguarding the forests of the Beast Kingdom, were also present. Gaun and Aradon, the Beast Princes, stood nearby, their eyes darting around the area, while Eris, the Princess of the Feral Dominion, watched from behind her father's throne.

Lumiere could feel their eyes on him, appraising him, sizing him up. He looked around, taking note of the place. The grygans and minotaurs were all unharmed, and a wave of relief washed over him. He wasn't sure how to approach the situation before him, but he knew he had to push forward.

"(What do these guys want? Every single important figure from the kingdom is here... I didn't do anything...)" (Lumiere)

The tense silence that had hung in the air was finally broken when Eris took a deep breath and spoke Lumiere's name.

"Lumiere," Eris said, her voice carrying a hint of apprehension.

"Uh, hey." Lumiere raised his hand in acknowledgement while taking in the sight of Eris and his companions. He wondered if they were here to cause trouble or if they sought to make peace with him.

Kaelin adjusted himself on his chair and addressed Lumiere directly. "So, you're the human who has been causing trouble in the Great Forest."

Lumiere cleared his throat and replied, "Yes, I am the human in question. But I assure you, I'm not someone who would take false accusations lying down. I was simply trying to take care of my domain and had no intention of causing any trouble."

As Lumiere approached the Beast King, the warriors surrounding Kaelin whipped out their swords and pointed them menacingly at Lumiere. However, Kaelin raised his hand and ordered them to stand down, indicating that he trusted Lumiere to speak freely.

Lumiere then addressed the Beast King directly, stating, "While I understand that you, King Kaelin, are the ruler of the entire Beasts' Domain, that does not give you or your people the right to show up unannounced. There's something called courtesy, and it's essential for you to earn the respect of others."

Zerzel, the chief adviser, could not hold back and shouted at Lumiere, accusing him of lacking respect in the presence of the Beast King.

Lumiere turned to face him and responded, "Excuse me, but if you wouldn't mind letting me speak to the one in charge. You're not helping the situation by interrupting."

Eris chuckled under her breath while Gaun patted Zerzel on the back, remarking, "Hey, Zerzel, that human has always been that way. Don't take it personally."

Zerzel looked somewhat shocked as he looked around at the others, uncertain how to respond.

"Is this really necessary?" Eris interjected, her voice breaking the tension. "Can't we all just get along?"

Lumiere and Kaelin exchanged a look before nodding, signaling that they were indeed willing to work together towards a common goal.

"You're right, Eris," Kaelin said. "We're all here for the same reason. Let's put our differences aside and work."

"So, how exactly can we do that?" Lumiere asked.

The air hung heavy with tension, as Lumiere stood before the Beast King and his entourage.

Kaelin, the Beast King, was scratching his chin thoughtfully, considering Lumiere's question about how to foster a healthy relationship between the two domains.

"Well," Kaelin finally said, "it's simple, really. I didn't bring all these people with me just for the pleasure of your company."

Lumiere raised an eyebrow, waiting for the punchline.

Kaelin then leaned in, conspiratorially, revealing, "I've come to arrange a marriage between you and my daughter, Eris."

Lumiere's eyes widened in shock, his mind trying to process the news. "Wait, what? Marriage?" he stuttered, "I barely know her!"

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