Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 356 Who?

[Third Person POV],

[Andrew Dawn],

How many of those magical medicines you gave to my men, the ones for healing their health and recovering their mana, do you have in stock boy?

Are you in for a trade?


Reading the message that had been sent to him, Ace did not immediately reply as he thought of the meaning behind Andrew Dawn's message first.

He knew that Andrew Dawn knew he could make these pills but he never expected for the other party to require his services soon.

In truth, Ace did not need to sell pills to Andrew Dawn for coins as he had done in the past.

If he needed coins, he could sell them in the store. He could not exchange them though since he figured the primordial chronicle had a way to stop him from generating coins on a steady from the items he made.

The restriction that came when he exchanged the rock turned gold was a good example of this.

But there was one thing he could gain from physical trade that he could not gain from trading his pills in the shop and that thing was possible useful interactions.

This was the main reason he was interested in the human kings in the true world in the first place.

In any case, it was not like there was anything bad in accepting to trade with Andrew Dawn.

Perhaps it might be bad to physically trade with certain people but not Andrew Dawn because in a way Ace had mostly gotten benefits from interacting with Andrew Dawn so after thinking about it for a while, he decided it wasn't a bad idea to try trading with Andrew Dawn so be sent his reply immediately after making his decision.


[Ace Blaze],

Where should we trade?


After sending this at the cost of only a couple of gold coins, Ace chose not to dismiss the primordial chronicle yet and waited for a while to see if he would get a response from Andrew Dawn.

The other party had just messaged him a few minutes ago so there was a chance that he'll receive a response soon and he was right because a few seconds after he sent his reply, another message came in.


[Andrew Dawn], 

Great! I'll see you tomorrow at the rat den location before noon. Just check the atmosphere to determine the time.


Seeing this, Ace could already sense that something should be going on for Andrew Dawn to message him this early but whatever the case may be, Ace even thought it would be good if the deal were about to have was related to something important.

As he thought of this, Ace dismissed the panel in front of him with a thought. Tomorrow he was going to find out the root of the matter but that was left for tomorrow.

He was planning to test his origin powers before but now he was not in the mood to do so again so he cancelled his plans.







There was something else he could do now though.

'Looks like she's waking up again', Ace thought as he and his pet stared at the dark elves whose eyebrows were shaking.


As the battle begins, Agneya takes a deep breath, focusing her energy on harnessing the power of air magic. The serpent, its massive form coiled and ready to strike, lunges forward with lightning speed. Agneya swiftly reacts, summoning gusts of wind to deflect the serpent's attack.

With a flick of her wrist, Agneya sends a torrent of air slicing through the air towards the serpent. The powerful gusts buffet against the serpent's scales, momentarily disorienting it. Seizing the opportunity, Agneya takes to the skies, using her control over the wind to lift herself effortlessly.

As she hovers above the serpent, Agneya concentrates her magic, drawing in more wind to her aid. The air around her crackles with energy as she conjures a whirlwind, rapidly spinning and growing in size. The cyclone descends upon the serpent, engulfing it within its turbulent embrace.

The serpent thrashes within the vortex, its enormous body contorting as it struggles against the power of the winds. Agneya maintains her focus, intensifying the cyclone's force. The tempest roars and howls, tearing at the serpent's scales and buffeting it from all sides.

But the serpent is resilient. With a burst of strength, it breaks free from the whirlwind's grasp, lashing out with its fangs towards Agneya. Reacting swiftly, she evades the attack, somersaulting through the air and landing gracefully a few meters away.

Undeterred, Agneya unleashes a barrage of razor-sharp wind blades towards the serpent. The blades slice through the air with deadly precision, slashing at the serpent's vulnerable underbelly. The serpent writhes in pain, its hissing cries echoing through the battlefield.

As the serpent writhes in pain, Agneya senses an opportunity to press her advantage. With swift and calculated movements, she weaves intricate patterns with her hands, summoning swirling currents of air around her. The currents converge into a concentrated cyclone of razor-sharp winds.

With a fierce determination in her eyes, Agneya hurls the cyclone towards the serpent, its force intensifying as it hurtles through the air. The whirling winds slice through the serpent's scales like a scythe, leaving deep gashes in its flesh. The serpent recoils, its menacing hisses transformed into anguished cries.

Yet, even wounded, the serpent refuses to yield. It lunges forward once again, its massive jaws gaping wide, aiming to crush Agneya within its grasp. Sensing the imminent danger, Agneya reacts with lightning speed. She swiftly conjures a dense wall of air in front of her, a formidable barrier between her and the serpent's lethal assault.

The serpent's jaws collide with the wall of air, its teeth clashing against the unyielding resistance. Agneya channels her magic, reinforcing the barrier with an extra surge of power. The serpent's relentless assault continues, its fury reverberating through the air.

As the serpent's onslaught persists, Agneya realizes that she needs to take a more proactive approach to overcome this formidable opponent. She focuses her attention on amplifying her air magic to its fullest potential. Drawing in the surrounding currents, she gathers a tremendous amount of power source within her.

With a burst of power, Agneya releases a powerful shockwave of compressed air in all directions. The shockwave expands rapidly, rippling through the battlefield and colliding with the serpent's massive form. The force of the impact sends the serpent stumbling backwards, momentarily disoriented.

Capitalizing on the serpent's momentary weakness, Agneya weaves intricate patterns with her hands, conjuring swirling cyclones of air around her arms. The cyclones merge into a pair of formidable vortexes, each pulsating with raw power.

Agneya charges toward the serpent, her movements swift and fluid. As she approaches, she thrusts her arms forward, unleashing the vortexes upon the serpent. The swirling winds spiral with incredible velocity, tearing at the serpent's flesh and sapping its strength.

The serpent writhes and thrashes in agony, its movements growing sluggish under the relentless assault. Agneya maintains her relentless attack, manoeuvring with expert precision to exploit any opening. She darts around the serpent, evading its feeble counterattacks while delivering precise strikes with her air-infused fists and feet.

As Agneya's strikes continue to find their mark, the serpent's movements become increasingly sluggish. Its once-coiled body begins to sag, weighed down by the relentless assault of Agneya's air-infused attacks. Sensing that the end is near, Agneya gathers her remaining strength, her focus unwavering.

With a burst of speed, Agneya propels herself into the air, soaring above the serpent's head. As she reaches the apex of her ascent, she channels the full force of her air magic into a single, devastating attack. She forms a sphere of swirling winds, crackling with energy, in the palm of her hand.

Descending like a comet, Agneya hurtles toward the serpent, her palm outstretched. The sphere of wind energy grows in size and intensity as she approaches. With a resounding impact, Agneya slams her hand into the serpent's head, releasing the full force of the wind sphere.

Unexpectedly, this still the not kill the serpent but it made it stunned and this gave Agneya the opportunity to unleash a series of attacks on the serpent to weaken its defences.

Unexpectedly, this still the not kill the serpent but it made it stunned and this gave Agneya the opportunity to unleash a series of attacks on the serpent to weaken its defences.

Sensing the serpent's weakening defences, Agneya musters her final surge of power. She raises her hands, palms open, and channels a concentrated burst of wind directly at the serpent. The blast strikes true, sending the creature hurtling backwards, crashing into the ground with a thunderous impact.

As the dust settles, Agneya lands gracefully near the defeated serpent. Its massive body lies motionless, its threat vanquished by her mastery of air magic. She takes a moment to catch her breath, the exhilaration of the fight still coursing through her veins.

Before she could rest though, she felt two presence heading towards her.

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