Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 362 Getting Blue Stronger

[Ace POV],


[Name: Ace Blaze],

[Age: 17],

[Race: High Human [Homo sapiens]/?????],

[Job: Alchemist lord],

[Origin Ability: Transmutation[Evolvable]],

[Level: 25[91%][Rank 1]],


[Affiliation: None],



[Ranking: Rank 54],

[Title: Advanced Alchemist[Active], Alchemist Lord[Active]],

[Tamed Beast: Blue[Level 10]],



Putting aside the fact that the primordial records I've accumulated till now were not even enough for me to level up once, I was a little taken aback by my current rank.

'Rank 54'

That was quite a high number which held a significant amount of importance because it stated here that I was the fifty-fourth most powerful human to have come from planet Spe.

'Is a unique grade job this powerful or is it because I've gotten accustomed to my strength?' I thought as I wondered which of the two was the reason for my sudden rise in strength.

It was possible that he could even be the two that contributed to my current rank but in any case, I'll leave this till later.

I need to get blue fast.

Apart from wanting to further increase the control of my strength so the situation where I accidentally kill something I didn't want to kill at first doesn't happen again, the real reason I did not kill the apes was that I thought of using them as a way to make blue stronger.







It was something that had been done before for Anna where I and the rest of the team weakened a few monsters for her to get the last kill.

I thought that the situation could also be applied here for blue as well.

There was no use bothering to think much about it since the result will soon reveal itself.

As I thought of these things, I finally reached the location I had dropped Blue and after releasing him from the defensive dome that I had created to protect him and hide him from stronger monsters when I was not with him, I immediately took Blue into my arms and dashed back to the location I had fought the apes.

Since I wanted to get there faster, I decided to use my origin ability to increase my speed.

The increase in speed here was not me referring to using my transmutation ability on my body but to the wind that stopped me from fully running at full speed.

I had an idea in mind so it did not hurt to try it and I did not have to worry about using too much mana since the idea I had in mind didn't seem like it would take a lot of my mana.

Besides, if I did run low on mana, I still had a few pill bottles containing rank 1 mana pills in my storage ring.

As I thought of this, I immediately put my plan into action and activated my ability.

As I activated my Transmutation ability, I focused my attention on the surrounding air. I visualized the air molecules and their behaviour, understanding that reducing the pressure on my body would allow me to move at a higher speed without the usual resistance.

With a combination of concentration and precise control over my Transmutation ability, I began manipulating the air molecules in my immediate vicinity. I envisioned a thin layer of low-pressure air forming around my body, creating a cushion of sorts that would minimize the resistance I faced while running.

Drawing upon my knowledge of fluid dynamics and aerodynamics, I calculated the ideal conditions for reducing air pressure. I adjusted the density and speed of the air molecules, ensuring they moved in harmony with my movements.

As I increased my speed, the manipulated air responded accordingly. The layer of low-pressure air wrapped around me, minimizing the air resistance and allowing me to push through the atmosphere with greater ease. It was as if I had created a temporary pocket of reduced air density, enabling me to reach higher velocities without expending excessive energy.

I could feel the difference immediately as I sprinted through the jungle. The resistance against my body lessened, and my movements became even more fluid and efficient. The wind that would typically impede my progress seemed to part before me, as if recognizing the altered state of the air around me.

The scientific process behind this manipulation of air pressure involved a delicate balance of understanding the properties of air, utilizing my Transmutation ability with precision, and implementing principles of fluid dynamics. It required a deep understanding of the physics involved and a keen awareness of the interplay between my own movements and the surrounding environment.

As I raced through the jungle, the reduced air pressure continued to assist me, allowing me to reach my destination in record time. The controlled manipulation of the air had proven to be an effective technique, providing me with an advantage in terms of speed and efficiency.

With each successful application of this method, I further solidified my understanding of air manipulation and expanded my repertoire of scientific approaches to enhance my abilities. It was a testament to the versatility and limitless potential of my Transmutation ability, and it fueled my determination to explore its boundaries and unlock its true power.

With each stride, my speed increased exponentially. The world around me became a blur as I sprinted through the dense jungle, my feet barely touching the ground. The trees whizzed past in a blur of green, and the wind carried the faint sound of leaves rustling in my wake.

Blue, my loyal companion, clung tightly to me, his feathers ruffled by the force of our movement. He seemed to enjoy the exhilaration of our high-speed dash, his eyes gleaming with excitement.

Within minutes, I arrived at the location where I had fought the apes earlier. The remnants of the fight were still evident—a few broken branches, trampled foliage, and the incapacitated apes scattered on the forest floor.

Setting Blue down gently, I surveyed the area. The apes, though defeated, still radiated a sense of primal power. 

But even if they exhibited some form of power given their level and rank, it was still useless since they could barely move.

Now then....

"Get your fire ready blue...."

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