Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 364 DUPLICATE!!!! DON'T BUY!!!!!!


After devouring the gem milk meal I had just prepared for him, Blue let out a resounding burp, accompanied by a small blue flame. I couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at his fiery response. 

He doesn't usually release flames so it made me wonder what was the cause now.

Simultaneously, a melodic notification chimed in my mind, alerting me to something important. I summoned the primordial chronicle and discovered that Blue had amassed enough to reach level 10. Without any hesitation, I swiftly upgraded his level.

In response to this, Blue let out another burp, even louder than before. This time, the flames that erupted from his mouth were larger and more intense. It was quite a spectacle to behold, though not at all threatening. Blue was definitely growing stronger, despite his still diminutive size.



[Name: Blue]

[Age: 0]

[Race: Gryphon[Gyps fulvus]]

[Level: 10]

[Title: Tamed Beast]

[Master: Ace Blaze]



Now that blue flames have some form of damage at least, I wonder if I can carry him more properly...

"Blue, get ready, it's time for you to be useful"


[Third Person POV],

Ace stood confidently in the heart of the dense jungle, his gaze locked onto the three formidable level 35 apes that confronted him. Their intimidating size and muscular build were no match for Ace, who possessed miraculous physical prowess and control over his strength.

With a calm demeanour, Ace took a deep breath, savouring the challenge that lay before him. He knew he could easily overpower these apes, but he wanted to use this opportunity to further refine his combat skills and enhance his control over his immense power.

The first ape charged at Ace, its massive fists swinging through the air. Ace effortlessly dodged the incoming strikes, his movements fluid and precise. He swiftly countered with a well-placed punch, his fist connecting with the ape's abdomen with just enough force to send it sprawling backwards, gasping for air.

As the second ape lunged forward, Ace gracefully evaded its attacks, displaying a dance of agility. With each evasion, he skillfully directed his strikes, aiming for non-lethal areas to incapacitate rather than kill. His blows landed with pinpoint accuracy, disabling the ape's limbs and leaving it incapacitated on the jungle floor.

The third ape, witnessing its comrades' defeat, grew enraged and charged at Ace with increased ferocity. Ace, still relaxed and composed, parried each of the ape's wild swings effortlessly. With a precise combination of kicks and punches, he incapacitated the third ape, leaving it disoriented and unable to continue the fight.

The fight continued, with Ace deliberately prolonging the encounter. He exhibited a mesmerizing display of acrobatics, dodging, and countering each attack with calculated finesse. His movements were swift and elegant, showcasing his fulfill mastery over his body.

As the fight continued, Ace's movements became even more captivating, bordering on artistry. He seemed to flow through the air, evading the apes' attacks with seamless grace. His body twisted and turned, executing acrobatic manoeuvres that would leave any onlookers in awe.

With each dodge, Ace seized the opportunity to showcase a different fighting style, seamlessly transitioning from martial arts to capoeira, and then to a dazzling display of parkour. His strikes were precise and calculated, landing with a resounding impact but never crossing the line into a lethal force.

The apes, driven by a mix of frustration and admiration, became more determined to land a blow on Ace. They attacked in unison, their movements synchronized in an attempt to overwhelm him. But Ace effortlessly weaved through their coordinated assault, his senses finely tuned to anticipate their every move.

Taking advantage of the jungle environment, Ace utilized the surrounding trees to his advantage. He leapt from branch to branch, his agility matching that of the agilest of primates. With each swing and jump, he delivered lightning-fast strikes, hitting pressure points and temporarily disabling the apes without causing any lasting harm.

The fight seemed to be an intricate dance, a display of skill and finesse. Ace's control over his immense strength was on full display as he held back, never allowing his strikes to reach their full potential. It was a delicate balance between demonstrating his superiority and ensuring the apes were left standing, albeit incapacitated.

As the fight raged on, the air was thick with tension, and the apes, despite their exhaustion, refused to give up. But Ace, ever composed and in control, seemed to possess an infinite well of power source and determination.

Suddenly, a primal roar echoed through the jungle, piercing the air and reverberating through the trees. It was a call of distress, a signal to alert the apes' kin of the intruder in their territory. Ace's keen ears picked up the sound, and a smile tugged at the corners of his lips.

Instead of retreating or preparing for a potential ambush, Ace welcomed the challenge. He knew that more apes would be drawn to the commotion, and he saw this as an opportunity to push himself further and test the limits of his current control of his strength.




Besides, the more the merrier because this might just make blue become something much more than not just being a burden.

With unwavering confidence, he stood his ground, awaiting the arrival of reinforcements.

Soon, the forest erupted with the thunderous pounding of ape feet. Branches snapped and leaves rustled as a horde of enraged apes charged toward Ace, their eyes filled with fury and their roars shaking the ground. The number of opponents multiplied, but Ace remained unfazed, his focus unyielding.

As the first wave of apes lunged at him, Ace deftly evaded their attacks, his body moving with calculated grace. He spun, ducked, and weaved through the chaos, delivering precise strikes that incapacitated his adversaries without causing lasting harm. The apes, blinded by their rage, failed to coordinate their assaults effectively, giving Ace ample opportunity to exploit their vulnerabilities.

With each incapacitated ape, the horde grew angrier, their cries of frustration fueling their determination. But Ace welcomed the challenge with open arms, using their increasing aggression to his advantage. He drew them deeper into the heart of the jungle, where the terrain became more treacherous, full of tangled vines and hidden pitfalls.

Using his intimate knowledge of the jungle, Ace gracefully manoeuvred through the hazardous landscape, turning obstacles into his allies. He leapt from tree to tree, using the foliage as cover and springboards for his lightning-fast strikes. The apes, in their blind fury, stumbled into the traps laid out by the jungle itself, further thinning their ranks.

The fight raged on, the clash of bodies and the grunts of exertion merging with the primal symphony of the jungle. Ace's movements became a blur as he seamlessly transitioned between opponents, exploiting their weaknesses with surgical precision. Despite the overwhelming odds, he remained calm and composed, his mind honed and focused.

As the horde of apes relentlessly pressed on, Ace could feel the weight of their numbers. It was time to unveil his true power, to show these creatures the extent of his abilities. With a determined glint in his eyes, Ace's calm demeanour transformed into a focused intensity.

In one swift motion, Ace propelled himself into the air, defying gravity with an effortless leap. The apes below looked up in awe as he soared above them, his body surrounded by an ethereal aura. Time seemed to slow down as Ace's movements became a blur of motion.

Descending upon the apes like a whirlwind, Ace unleashed a flurry of devastating strikes. His fists and feet became blinding streaks, delivering precise blows that sent shockwaves through the forest. The apes, caught off guard by the sudden surge of power, could only watch in awe as their brethren fell one by one.

With every strike, Ace carefully controlled the force, ensuring that each ape was left incapacitated but alive. He had no desire to end their lives yet.

As the last ape fell to the ground, gasping for breath, a silence settled over the jungle. The remaining apes, witnessing the spectacle of their defeated kin, retreated into the depths of the forest, their roars fading into the distance.

Ace stood amidst the fallen apes, his chest heaving with exertion and his body radiating with power. The jungle bore witness to his triumph, its ancient trees whispering their admiration for the display of strength and control.

With a deep breath, Ace's demeanour returned to its usual calmness. 

"Now I wonder if Blue's fire breath can even kill even the weakest ape here..."Ace muttered as he made his way to the location he had hidden blue.

As he ran through the woods, Ace decided to check his status to see how much he had progressed and heavens was he surprised.



[Name: Ace Blaze],

[Age: 17],

[Race: High Human [Homo sapiens]/?????],

[Job: Alchemist lord],

[Origin Ability: Transmutation[Evolvable]],

[Level: 25[91%][Rank 1]],


[Affiliation: None],



[Ranking: Rank 54],

[Title: Advanced Alchemist[Active], Alchemist Lord[Active]],

[Tamed Beast: Blue[Level 10]],



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