Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 376 Young Drake

"Could you please stop staring at me like I'm some caged animal, Chris?" Emma said, a playful smile gracing her lips as she turned to face her companion. Chris, upon hearing her words, quickly averted his gaze, a hint of embarrassment colouring his cheeks.

"Well, Sister Emma, your new appearance is quite striking. It even resembles Sister Anna a bit," Chris commented, his words accompanied by a sheepish smile. Emma responded with an enigmatic smile of her own before posing an unexpected question.

"Who do you think is prettier?" she asked, catching Chris off guard. His reaction was immediate, his mind racing to avoid any potential pitfalls.

"H-Haha," Chris forced out a laugh, deliberately avoiding the question. He knew better than to tread on such delicate ground, especially since he had limited experience with women. He glanced ahead, running a hand through his newly red hair, his red eyes fixed on the path ahead.

"Brother Ace would have given an answer," Chris thought to himself, reflecting on his more outspoken teammate. However, he was determined not to make any hasty judgments or comparisons.

Meanwhile, Emma had evolved to Rank 1, although her journey had been quite eventful. During her evolution, she inadvertently lost the magical item given to her by the dwarves, having used it unintentionally as a catalyst. The circumstances surrounding its use remained a mystery to her, but she was relieved to have completed her evolution successfully.

Although the matter still lingered in her mind, Emma decided to set it aside for the time being. She planned to return home, rest, and consult with the others, hoping they might have some answers. For now, her immediate priority was to reach their destination in the alternate dimension.

Like Chris, Emma's appearance had also undergone a transformation. While her body shape remained the same, the colour of her hair and body hair had become distinctly different. Her once brown hair now gleamed with a golden hue, as if coated in a layer of the precious material. The same golden colour extended to her eyes, eyelashes, and eyebrows.

At present, Emma and Chris were making their way back to the alternate dimension. After spending days in the real world without proper rest or sleep, they longed for a smooth journey home. However, their expectations were shattered when the sound of a loud roar reverberated through the forest, immediately putting them on high alert.

They did not have to wait for long before they could identify the source of the roar that just echoed through the forest.

It was a drake but different from the one Blue fought, this one was evidently young and at the moment it had its gaze on the duo.

[Rank 1 Drake Level 38],

"Get ready to fight Chris, I'll support you", Emma stated as she held her staff high and immediately started to circulate her mana.


Emma and Chris were in the forest, the sunlight barely trickling through the thick foliage overhead. The drake, its massive wingspan causing branches to sway, let out a thunderous roar, signalling the start of the battle.

Emma, aware of her superior strength, took the lead. She extended her hand, conjuring a sphere of blinding light that hovered before her. With a swift motion, she hurled it towards the drake, aiming for its vulnerable underbelly.

However, the drake proved agile, dodging the attack with surprising speed. It retaliated with a burst of searing flames, lashing out towards Emma. Acting swiftly, Chris leaped in front of Emma, his flame-infused sword raised high. A gust of wind swirled around him as he summoned his elemental powers, creating a protective barrier of fire and air that deflected the flames harmlessly away.

Taking advantage of the distraction, Emma seized the moment to gather her strength. She channelled her light magic, creating ethereal chains of pure energy that shot towards the drake, attempting to bind its wings and restrict its movements. The drake fought back, flapping its powerful wings to break free from the magical restraints, causing the chains to disintegrate into particles of light.

Chris, sensing an opportunity, unleashed his fiery onslaught. He swirled his sword in a circular motion, creating a vortex of flames around him. With a mighty swing, he sent a wave of scorching fire towards the drake, engulfing it in a fierce inferno. The creature's scales crackled and smoked under the intense heat, but it persevered, roaring defiantly.

The drake emerged from the flames, its scales glowing with an intense heat that seemed to absorb the fire around it. Unscathed by Chris's attack, it launched itself into the air, beating its powerful wings with a resounding force. A wave of scorching wind rippled through the forest, causing the trees to sway and the ground beneath Emma and Chris to tremble.

Emma quickly reacted, her light magic pulsating with renewed intensity. She summoned a radiant shield, encasing both herself and Chris within a protective barrier of pure light. The drake, undeterred, unleashed a torrent of searing flames and gusts of scorching wind, testing the limits of their defence.





Chris, his flame-infused sword still ablaze, focused his concentration. He tapped into his growing control over the fire and wind elements, causing the flames around his sword to surge and the air to whirl around him in a cyclonic fury. With a swift motion, he released a concentrated blast of fire and wind, aiming to counter the drake's elemental assault.

The clash of elements erupted in a dazzling display of light and heat. The flames and wind collided with the drake's fiery breath and gusts, creating a swirling vortex of elemental forces. Emma, sensing an opportunity, used her light magic to enhance Chris's attack, infusing it with a radiant burst of energy.

The combined power of their assault momentarily overwhelmed the drake, causing it to stagger in mid-air. Seizing the advantage, Emma unleashed a barrage of radiant beams, each one striking the drake with precision. The creature roared in pain, its once fiery gaze momentarily clouded.

However, the drake's resilience was undeniable. With a fierce determination, it regained its composure and retaliated with a renewed ferocity. It swooped down towards Emma and Chris, its razor-sharp claws ready to tear through their defences.

Emma's eyes glowed with a renewed determination. She called upon the ancient light spells she gained from the knowledge that came to her from her job after evolving, channelling the raw power of illumination. Beams of blinding light erupted from her outstretched hands, forming a dazzling barrier that repelled the drake's deadly claws.

Meanwhile, Chris channelled the fury of fire and wind into his sword, imbuing it with an intensified inferno. He swung his blade in a wide arc, creating a whirlwind of scorching flames that engulfed the drake. The creature recoiled, its scales sizzling under the intense heat.

The battle continued to escalate, each side pushing their limits. Emma's light magic intensified, creating illusions that confused the drake and hindered its attacks. Chris, with his newfound control over fire and wind, summoned pillars of flame and gusts of air to disrupt the drake's movements.

But the drake was far from defeated. It summoned its inner reserves of strength, unleashing a devastating roar that sent shockwaves rippling through the forest. Emma and Chris staggered, their defences momentarily weakened.

Sensing their vulnerability, the drake seized the opportunity. It lunged forward, its jaws snapping dangerously close to Emma. With lightning-fast reflexes, Chris intercepted the attack, his sword intercepting the drake's maw. The clash of their forces created a brilliant burst of light and heat, pushing both combatants backward.

The impact of the clash sent shockwaves through the forest, toppling trees and scattering debris in every direction. Emma and Chris regained their footing, their breaths ragged as they assessed the situation. The drake, visibly wounded but still defiant, circled above them, its wings beating with a renewed vigour.

Emma's golden eyes shimmered with determination as she surveyed their surroundings. She noticed a small clearing amidst the chaos—a place where they could regroup and strategize. With a swift motion, she gestured to Chris, signalling him to follow her lead. Together, they retreated to the relative safety of the clearing.

The drake, sensing its prey escaping, let out another ferocious roar, its fiery breath igniting the surrounding vegetation. Flames danced across the forest floor, closing in on Emma and Chris. However, Emma summoned a protective barrier of light, shielding them from the encroaching inferno.

Within the safety of the clearing, Emma and Chris caught their breath, their faces streaked with sweat and smudged with dirt. The battle had taken its toll on them, but their determination remained unwavering.

"We need a plan," Emma said, her voice resolute. "We've seen what this drake is capable of, and it won't be an easy opponent to overcome."

Chris nodded in agreement, wiping the sweat off his brow. "We can not rely solely on our individual abilities. We need to combine our strengths and exploit their weaknesses."

Emma studied the drake's movements from a distance, analysing its behaviour. "It seems to favour aerial attacks and relies heavily on its fire and wind abilities. If we can find a way to ground it or disrupt its flight, we may gain an advantage."

Chris rubbed his chin, deep in thought. "I can use my wind manipulation to create powerful gusts and disrupt its flight pattern. While it's grounded, you can unleash your light magic to weaken it further."

Emma nodded, her golden eyes gleaming with determination. "Let's coordinate our attacks and strike when it's vulnerable. We'll need to time it perfectly."

As they formulated their strategy, the drake continued its relentless assault, circling above the clearing.

"Let's go Chris"

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