Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 384 DON'T READ!!!!!!!! DON'T READ!!!!!!

[Third Person POV]

Emma and Chris sprang into action, their plan forming a clear path forward. They exited the safety of the clearing, ready to face the drake once more. Emma's golden hair billowed behind her as she channelled her light magic, while Chris summoned the power of wind, his fiery sword at the ready.

The drake, sensing their renewed determination, let out a thunderous roar, its wings flapping with increasing intensity. It dove toward them, jaws agape, ready to strike. But Emma and Chris were prepared.

Chris unleashed a powerful gust of wind, creating a whirlwind that engulfed the drake. The force of the wind disrupted its flight, causing it to falter and lose control. It struggled to maintain its balance, desperately flapping its wings in an attempt to stabilise itself.

Seizing the opportunity, Emma unleashed a barrage of radiant beams, each one striking the drake with pinpoint accuracy. The creature roared in agony as the beams of light seared through its scales, leaving behind scorched marks. The combination of wind and light proved devastating, weakening the drake's defences.

With the drake momentarily grounded, Chris charged forward, his flaming sword raised high. He swung with all his might, aiming for the drake's exposed underbelly. The fiery blade cut through the air, leaving a trail of flames in its wake.

The drake, weakened but still resilient, retaliated with a burst of searing flames. Emma, ever watchful, summoned a radiant shield to protect them both. The flames licked at the shield, futilely attempting to breach its defences.

Taking advantage of the drake's distraction, Chris circled around to its flank. He delivered a swift series of strikes, each blow enhanced by the elemental fury coursing through him. His sword sliced through the air with precision, leaving trails of scorching fire in its wake. The drake's scales crackled and smoked under the onslaught.

Emma, her light magic surging, joined the assault. She channelled her energy into her staff, transforming it into a radiant spear. With a graceful thrust, she impaled the drake, the spear piercing through its weakened defences. The creature let out a guttural howl of pain, its once fiery gaze fading.

But the drake, fueled by its own tenacity, refused to yield. It reared back, dislodging Emma's spear from its body. With renewed determination, it summoned the last of its strength, unleashing a powerful gust of wind and a torrent of searing flames.

Emma and Chris braced themselves, their combined defences forming a barrier against the onslaught. The wind buffeted them, threatening to knock them off balance, while the flames licked at their protective shields. The air crackled with tension as they held their ground.

Emma and Chris, their bodies straining under the force of the drake's attack, refused to falter. With unwavering determination, they channelled their magic and elemental powers, reinforcing their shields and pushing back against the onslaught.

Emma's golden eyes shimmered with a newfound resolve. She tapped into her deep well of light magic, infusing her shield with radiant energy. The shield pulsed with a brilliant glow, repelling the drake's gusts of wind and dispersing the searing flames. The sheer intensity of Emma's light magic overwhelmed the drake, forcing it to retreat momentarily.

Sensing an opportunity, Chris took action. He lunged forward, his flame-infused sword held high. With a powerful leap, he soared through the air, closing the distance between him and the drake in a matter of moments. His sword, blazing with intense heat, slashed through the air, aiming for the drake's weakened defences.

The drake, caught off guard by Chris's sudden attack, attempted to counter with a desperate sweep of its tail. But Emma, ever watchful, anticipated the move. With a wave of her hand, she conjured ethereal chains of pure light that shot toward the drake's tail, ensnaring it and immobilising the creature momentarily.

Chris seized the opportunity, his sword descending upon the drake's vulnerable underbelly. The blade connected with a resounding impact, slicing through scales and flesh. The drake howled in agony, its roar echoing through the forest.

But the battle was far from over. The drake, fueled by its pain and survival instinct, summoned its remaining strength. It thrashed and writhed, attempting to break free from the chains that held its tail captive. Its wings beat with a frenzied determination, creating gusts of wind that threatened to knock Emma and Chris off balance.

Emma, recognizing the urgency of the situation, drew upon her deep well of magic once more. She extended her hand, summoning a brilliant sphere of blinding light. With a swift motion, she hurled the sphere toward the drake, aiming for its head.






The dimension explode upon impact, engulfing the drake in a blinding radiance. The creature screeched in agony as the intense light seared its senses. Momentarily disoriented, it ceased its violent thrashing, its movements becoming sluggish and uncoordinated.

Seizing the opportunity, Chris unleashed a relentless flurry of strikes. His sword danced through the air, leaving trails of scorching flames in its wake. Each blow found its mark, weakening the drake further and fueling its desperation.

Emma, her eyes gleaming with determination, followed Chris's lead. She focused her light magic, channelling it into her staff. With a fluid motion, she swung the staff in a wide arc, releasing beams of radiant energy that pierced through the drake's weakened defences. The creature staggered under the onslaught, its fiery gaze fading into a flicker.

As the battle reached its climax, the forest echoed with the sounds of fierce combat. The drake, battered and weakened, fought with a last burst of energy. It summoned its elemental powers, unleashing a final wave of flames and gusts of wind.

Emma and Chris, their bodies weary but their spirits unyielding, stood their ground. They interweaved their magic and elemental abilities, reinforcing their defences and countering the drake's onslaught. Emma's light magic danced with Chris's fiery fury, creating a barrier of radiant flames that absorbed the drake's elemental assault.

With a final, defiant roar, the drake collapsed to the ground, its once fiery form smouldering and defeated. The forest fell into an eerie silence, broken only by the heavy breathing of Emma and Chris.

They stood over the fallen drake, their faces etched with exhaustion and relief. 

"Tsk", Emma suddenly clicked her tongue after a few seconds while Chris who was not far from her shook his head.

"Still can't level up yet"

[Ace POV],

"Seems like he's not here yet," I muttered to myself as the wind brushed against my face, carrying a hint of anticipation. I was standing high in the sky, overlooking the barren landscape below. This was the designated meeting spot the emperor had chosen, the former den of the earth rats.

The once formidable mountain hill now lay in ruins, reduced to scattered rocks and rubble. It was a stark contrast to the memories I held of this place, memories that had left a profound mark on me. The scene before my eyes resonated with a sense of both nostalgia and solemnity.

But the emperor's absence weighed on my mind. Why was he not here? As I remained in the air, the sun beating down on me, I contemplated the possible reasons behind his delay. The minutes stretched on, and finally, I decided it was best to find some cover and rest while waiting for his arrival.

Guiding my loyal companion, Blue, I gestured for him to descend from the sky. Together, we searched for a suitable spot to take shelter. Though the sun's rays had no influence on me, the desire for shade and a refreshing breeze was an instinctual need, a small comfort in a world where the luxuries of my previous life were nonexistent.

After a brief search, we stumbled upon a magnificent tree, its branches stretching wide, offering alleviation from the harsh sunlight. Blue gracefully landed on the ground, and I dismounted, careful not to disturb his serene presence. As we approached the tree, I could not resist the urge to lean against its solid trunk, letting its rough bark provide a grounding sensation against my back.

Blue, ever curious, roamed around for a while, exploring the immediate surroundings before finally settling down by my side, coiling his massive form comfortably. An idea sparked within me, and without much hesitation, I shifted my position and stretched out on Blue's soft and supple body. The sensation was nothing short of heavenly, a momentary alleviation from the challenges and uncertainties that lay ahead.

With a contented sigh, I spoke softly to Blue, as if confiding in a human. "We'll wait for the emperor here, Blue." His eyes met mine, a silent understanding passing between us. Time seemed to slow as we remained in our tranquil sanctuary, the stillness broken only by the occasional screech of a distant bird, the only sound that pierced the air.

The minutes turned into hours, and the world around us seemed to hold its breath, waiting in anticipation. As the sun cast long shadows, signalling the approach of evening, a sudden noise disrupted our serene haven.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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