Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 386 Situation

[Ace POV]

"We're being attacked by ogres."

When the emperor said this, I could not help but raise a hairbow to his statement.

Here he was planning to bring the war to the ogres but they acted first and caught him off guard.

No matter what angle I viewed this, it was bad. 

Too bad.

While I was certainly interested in the topic, it had nothing to do with me so I just kept quiet.

Of course, while it had nothing to do with me, the same could not be said for the residents of the settlement.

I was just here to sell some pills, earn some gold coins and potentially encounter and know about interesting things.

The latter looked like it was already happening.


"Dear, we're being attacked again?!" The queen asked the emperor like she wanted to confirm what she had just heard.

The emperor on the other hand did not seem too interested to entertain his panicking wife and just kissed her on her forehead before he started to make his way from our location.

Seeing this, the queen said nothing and just looked at her husband with a concerned expression on her face.

Like the queen, I did not need to be told the reason for the emperor left us to walk further.

It was obvious that he was planning to head to the location the ogres were attacking and I was right because when the emperor saw that he was already a few meters away from us, he bent down like he was about to jump.

Seeing this, I wasted no time jumping on Blue's back and immediately after my butt landed on Blue's back, the emperor took to the skies with a jump.

"After him!" I commanded blue with my voice and the connection that linked us.

Hearing my command, bue immediately separated himself from the queen and her men and when he had also reached a certain distance where no one was close enough to disturb his movement, blue also put a lot of power into his legs and took to the sky with a jump.

It was around this time the emperor had already brought out his wings in mid-air.

I knew that Blue would not be able to catch up to the emperor in terms of speed but unlike the emperor that still had to bring his wings out f his body before he could fly, blue was birthed with his wings so the moment the emperor wings showed sighs of appearing, Blue own had already appeared.

At the moment, we were heading to the emperor's body in mid-air at a very fast speed that required me to hold Blue's neck like my life depended on it.

I did not know the reaction of the people that saw the Emperor and I moved and I did not care.

What I just wanted to do now is to be able to at least see the direction the emperor was heading so I can use that as a trail to potentially trace the place where the emperor's territory was been attacked.

Thankfully I made the right decision because the moment the emperor's wings came out, all that was heard was a sonic boom and the emperor disappeared from his location but...

"Did you see which direction the emperor went to, blue?" I asked Blue as we continued to ascend.


Blue said yes to my question through our link.


"Now charge at that location with your highest speed", I said but what I did not know was that I should have probably held blue tighter because I almost fell to my death.

Next time.


Fortunately for the duo, blue was accurate in his assessment of where Andrew Dawn was heading but it was only when they got there did Ace realise that this wasn't just some cheap attack, the ogres also came with a war.







Right now, high in the clouds, Ace could see that there were three sides and on one side, only two individuals were fighting while the two other sides just watched the battle that was ongoing.

The three sides were, the human side where a few dozen human Ace could recognize were Andrew Dawn men and the second side were huge green human creatures.

They numbered in the hundreds.

"That's a lot", Ace muttered and turned to look at the third side of the 'battlefield' that had the most activity going on at the moment.

The third side was actually Andrew Dawn with a very huge, even huger than the ogres that he had seen at first and currently, they were both fighting.

Andrew Dawn's men were currently silent and around them laid a few dead bodies while the ogre's side was very noisy as they hailed for the huger ogre that was currently battling Andrew Dawn.

Ace reasoned that the huger ogre should be the ogre race leader.

Nobody had also noticed his figure in mid-air and perhaps they had noticed and did not bother with him.

In any case, it worked well for him since he was only here to watch the fight that was going on and he was not let down by what he saw.

If anything Andrew Dawn's current prowess exceeded his expectations but there was something he noticed from the battle that was ongoing.

Both Andrew Dawn and the ogre king did not seem to be using their full power and were just fighting with their raw strength and while it showed that Andrew Dawn had an advantage in this fight, the ogre was the most relaxed.

This initially confused Ace but after observing the battle once more, he was able to see what was going on.

Andrew Dawn and the ogre king appeared to be limiting their power because once they went all out, both sides were going to suffer and seeing as Andrew Dawn's men were so few, it was obvious which side was going to suffer more.

Ace did not think his thinking was wrong because the battlefield where Andrew Dawn and the ogre king were battling was in the centre of their men and the distance their men gave them was hundred of meters.

The chance of a friendly fire happening was just too high.

Just the punch both sides gave themselves was enough to cause shockwaves capable of easily killing a weak rank 1 monster.

As Ace thought of these things, he focused his attention on the fight.

Ace watched intently as Andrew Dawn and the ogre king clashed in a fierce battle. The ground shook with each of their powerful strikes, and the air crackled with energy. It was a fight between two formidable forces, each displaying incredible strength and skill.

Andrew Dawn moved with agility and precision, his movements a dance of power and finesse. He unleashed a flurry of punches and kicks, each strike landing with accuracy and force. His attacks were quick and calculated, aiming for vulnerable spots on the ogre king's massive frame.

The ogre king, on the other hand, relied on his sheer size and brute strength. He swung his massive fists and delivered bone-crushing blows. Despite his slower movements, the impact of his attacks was devastating. The ground trembled beneath their feet with each collision.

Ace marvelled at the clash of titans before him, fully immersed in the spectacle. The fight was intense, and he could feel the raw power emanating from both combatants. Each strike was accompanied by a burst of energy, sending shockwaves rippling through the air.

As the fight raged on, it became apparent that Andrew Dawn was gradually gaining the upper hand. He evaded the ogre king's strikes with deft movements, countering with precise blows of his own. His strategy seemed to be wearing down the massive foe, exploiting weaknesses and chipping away at his defences.

The ogre king, however, refused to yield. He launched a series of devastating attacks, aiming to overpower Andrew Dawn with sheer force. The clash of their strengths created shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield.

Ace's eyes widened as he witnessed the immense power on display. The ground cracked beneath their feet, and debris flew through the air. The fight reached its peak as both combatants unleashed their moves.

Ace knew the fight was going to continue like this for a long time since it was apparent that Andrew Dawn was trying to prolong the battle.

The question was if the ogre king was going to allow that.

"Hmmm. What's that?" Ace muttered when he saw that some ogres have actually managed to make a detour to attack Andrew Dawn from the back.

"Seems like they're trying to end it in this place once and for all", Ace muttered and wondered if he should do something.

He did not know how powerful those ogres were since he was far away from them.

As he was still thinking if he should get involved or not, he heard a bell-like sound in his head.

"This feels familiar", Ace muttered with confusion and it was just like he had suspected.

The emperor repeated an action he had done in the earth den when he was in a fight.

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