Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 401 Regrouping

Chapter 401  Regrouping

[I think I've taken enough breaks this month so let's get back to work guys. If our golden tickets surpass 50 before next week, I promise to start uploading two chapters throughout this month and if our power stone stat is also impressive then I'll drop a few bonus chapters once in a while. Thanks for reading and have a novel day guys!]


"I can't believe I was lured away from the team by a monster," Chris muttered in self-mockery, his eyes fixed on the rank 1 Forest Wolf in front of him. The creature stood proudly, its keen eyes locked onto Chris.

His initial plan with Emma had been to venture into the alternate dimension and find a moment of respite, away from the chaos. But fate had a different path in store for them. The energetic Anna, accompanied by his junior sister, had convinced them to engage in a hunt to pass the time while waiting for Ace.

"I don't know how sister Anna convinced us to go hunting," Chris muttered, shaking his head in disbelief. With a sigh, he tightened his grip on his sword, his resolve solidifying. There was no turning back now.

Without hesitation, Chris propelled himself forward, his muscles coiled like springs, ready to clash with the formidable Forest Wolf. His sword, held in a horizontal stance, gleamed in the sunlight, reflecting his determination.

As he closed the distance, the Forest Wolf sprang into action, lunging at Chris with fangs bared. Chris met the attack head-on, his sword striking against the creature's powerful jaws. The clash of steel against sharp teeth sent sparks flying, the sound reverberating through the forest.

Chris relied on his physical strength, utilising his honed skills to match the strength and speed of his opponent. He deftly sidestepped the wolf's retaliatory swipes, his agility allowing him to stay one step ahead. With every swing of his sword, he aimed for the wolf's vulnerable spots, seeking to weaken its defences.

The Forest Wolf, sensing Chris's skill and determination, adjusted its tactics. It circled him, its movements fluid and calculated, looking for an opening in his defences. Chris could feel the wolf's intense gaze, its predatory instincts honed after countless battles in the unforgiving wilderness.

Their dance of blades and teeth continued, each combatant testing the other's limits. The forest seemed to hold its breath, as if even nature itself recognized the significance of this encounter. Leaves rustled in anticipation, and the wind whispered ancient tales of warriors and beasts.

Chris's strikes became more precise and focused. He studied the wolf's movements, identifying patterns and weaknesses. With a quick burst of speed, he feigned an attack to the right, only to shift his weight and deliver a swift blow to the left flank of the wolf. His blade connected, slicing through fur and flesh, eliciting a growl of pain from the creature.

The wolf, undeterred, retaliated with a swift swipe of its paw. Claws extended, it aimed for Chris's chest, but he anticipated the move. He pivoted gracefully, narrowly evading the attack, his instincts sharpened from experience. With a swift counter strike, he delivered a powerful slash across the wolf's foreleg, causing it to stagger momentarily.

Blood stained the forest floor, a stark reminder of the intensity of their struggle. The scent of iron hung in the air, mingling with the earthy fragrance of the forest. The battle had become a test of endurance and willpower, both combatants refusing to yield an inch.

As the battle continued, Chris tapped into his reserves of strength and determination. His breathing became rhythmic, syncing with the ebb and flow of the fight. With each clash of their weapons, he channelled his energy, drawing upon the very essence of his being.

The Forest Wolf, sensing the shifting tides, unleashed a powerful flurry of attacks. Its movements were swift and relentless, forcing Chris onto the defensive. He deflected the wolf's strikes with precise parries, his sword glinting with each block. Beads of sweat trickled down his forehead, but his focus remained unbroken.

With a surge of adrenaline, Chris seized an opportunity. As the wolf lunged forward, its jaws gaping, he sidestepped and delivered a devastating blow to its hindquarters. The impact reverberated through his arms, but he welcomed the pain as validation of his strike's success.

The wounded wolf howled in pain, its eyes narrowing with fury. It lunged at Chris once more, driven by a desperate desire to protect its territory and survive. But Chris, undeterred, met the charge head-on, summoning every ounce of strength and skill within him.

In that critical moment, Chris found himself in a state of complete focus and clarity. Time seemed to slow down as he anticipated the wolf's every move. With his senses heightened, he effortlessly evaded the wolf's lunges, sidestepping and ducking with remarkable precision.

As the wolf's attack faltered, Chris saw an opening. In a seamless motion, he swung his sword in a wide arc, aiming for the creature's exposed side. The blade connected with a resounding impact, sending a shockwave through the air. The Forest Wolf yelped in pain, stumbling back, its strength waning.

Not wasting a moment, Chris pressed on with relentless determination. He took advantage of the wolf's momentary weakness, delivering a series of rapid strikes with deadly accuracy. The wolf attempted to counter, but its movements were sluggish, and its once-powerful attacks were reduced to feeble attempts at defence.

With a final powerful swing, Chris landed the finishing blow, striking the wolf's neck with a precision that could only be described as artful. The Forest Wolf let out a final whimper before collapsing to the ground, defeated.

The forest fell silent as the echoes of battle subsided. Chris stood over the fallen adversary, his chest heaving with exertion.

After calming down his heavy breathing, Chris went ahead to touch the corpse of the forest wolf and exchanged it for gold coins in the store.

After doing this, he then began to walk away from the location he battled the forest wolf.

The others should be through by now', Chris thought and wondered if Ace might have even arrived.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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