Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 403 Changes

[Ace POV],

I knew there was a possibility that my teammates could have evolved or maybe even one of them, but it came as quite a surprise when I saw that both of the females in my team had already undergone a remarkable transformation. 

The aura they emitted now was vastly different, radiating with an unprecedented power.

As I laid eyes on them, it became apparent that their physical appearances had undergone significant changes as well. 

It took me a moment to process what I was seeing, and I even had to rely on the map system to confirm that it was indeed Anna standing before me. Her transformation was nothing short of drastic.

Despite the striking alterations, one thing remained constant—Mia nestled in Anna's arms. Mia's appearance, at first glance, appeared unchanged from the last time I saw her. However, upon closer inspection, I noticed a subtle shift. 

The innocent and naive aura that once surrounded her seemed to have dissipated, replaced by an air of newfound eerie calmness.

Curiosity tugged at the corners of my mind, wondering what experiences and challenges Anna had exposed Mia to, leading to this remarkable change. Yet, at that moment, my curiosity took a backseat. 

I tore my gaze away from Mia and refocused my attention on observing the transformed appearances of my teammates.

Anna's appearance had undergone a striking transformation, leaving me in awe of the changes that had taken place. Her hair, once a vibrant silver, was now completely snow white, contrasting beautifully against her complexion. The most striking feature, however, were her eyes—a dull white that seemed to penetrate through my very soul, almost as if she possessed an otherworldly sight.

Though she had always been petite, I could not help but notice that Anna seemed to have grown a little taller, her figure exuding an undeniable grace and elegance. Yet, amidst these changes, there was one constant that remained unchanged—her alluring curves. They're more pronounced than ever before, drawing my attention almost magnetically. 

Sensing a strange discomfort within myself, I quickly averted my gaze and shifted my focus to Emma.

Emma, on the other hand, seemed to emit an ethereal glow. Her presence evoked a sense of purity and holiness, almost as if she were bathed in divine light. 

However, even from a distance, I could not shake off the odd sensation that being near her brought. It was as if an invisible force tugged at the depths of my being, causing a mix of fascination and discomfort to stir within me.

As I gradually descended to the ground, drawing closer to Emma, a peculiar warmth coursed through my body. It was a sensation that defied explanation—a fiery itch that seemed to flow within my veins. 

Confusion gripped me as I questioned whether this discomfort was somehow linked to myself, a peculiarity of my unknown half race.

Lost in my thoughts, I glanced at Emma's face and was met with an unexpected sight—a perplexed expression mirroring the curiosity I had felt moments ago. 

It was a look reminiscent of the way she used to gaze at Anna in the past, filled with a mix of intrigue and contemplation.







The visual transformation that had befallen Emma was no less astonishing. Her once brown hair and eyes had undergone a metamorphosis, turning into a captivating shade of gold. 

The contrast between her former appearance and her current state was nothing short of striking. While Anna's evolution had seen a shift from silver to white, Emma's change felt more profound, like a radiant dawn breaking through the night.

As I engrossed the magnitude of these transformations, a sense of uncertainty filled the air.

However there was something I was curious about as well.

"Where is Chris?", I asked my teammates aloud all if a sudden.


What Ace was not aware of was that the forest wolves that ran from Emma's show of power encountered Chris on his way to regroup with the girls.

They recognize him immediately since he was the one that one of their strongest kin led away from his teammates.

However they did not think about the situation clear enough and immediately attacked him since he was in their way.

Non of the wolves thought smart to wonder why Chris was standing in front them and not one the strongest in their pack and they payed their lives for it.

Chris stood amidst a small pack of Forest Wolves, his eyes focused and his palms tingling with anticipation. He was honing his mastery over air magic, and now it was time to put his skills to the test.

As the wolves lunged towards him with fierce growls, Chris raised his hands, summoning the invisible currents of wind around him. With a swift motion, he directed a powerful gust towards the charging predators, causing them to stumble and lose their footing.

Taking advantage of their momentary disarray, Chris swiftly followed up with a focused burst of air. The wolves were pushed back with force, tumbling through the underbrush as if caught in a whirlwind. Their startled yelps echoed through the forest as they struggled to regain their balance.

Undeterred, Chris maintained his focus, channeling the raw power of air magic. With a mere flick of his wrist, he sent sharp gusts slicing through the air, targeting the vulnerable spots of the disoriented wolves. The invisible blades of wind cut through their fur and flesh, leaving them wounded and incapacitated.

As the fight continued, Chris seamlessly transitioned from one spell to another, weaving intricate patterns with his hands to control the very air around him. He summoned mini-tornadoes that lifted the wolves off the ground, rendering them helpless against his onslaught.

With each gust and blast, the pack's numbers dwindled, until only a few remained, whimpering and cowering before the might of Chris's air magic.

Sensing their defeat, the remaining wolves etreated into the shadows of the forest, tails tucked between their legs once again.

Were they the monsters or were these humans the monsters? Was what the wolves wondered as they ran.

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