Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 410 Mystery

[Don't read the next chapter! It's a duplicate! Two chapters tomorrow without fail!]


"Another dragon blood?" Ace muttered silently, his eyes fixed on the familiar bottle in Andrew Dawn's hands. The vibrant crimson liquid inside seemed to stir something within him. It wasn't that he didn't appreciate the gift; after all, it was a substance from a majestic dragon, and that held a certain allure. However, as Ace observed the contents of the bottle, he couldn't shake the feeling that something was missing, like a puzzle piece that didn't quite fit.

Unbeknownst to Ace, Andrew Dawn, who had a keen perception of Ace's emotions, noticed the subtle change in his demeanor. He knew that something was amiss, and it puzzled him. Andrew couldn't quite grasp why Ace would react this way to a gift he thought would be cherished.

What both Ace and Andrew were unaware of was the reason behind Ace's unexpected reaction. Deep down, Ace had been anticipating another dragon-related item, perhaps something entirely different from what he had encountered before. He had built up expectations in his mind, imagining all the possible treasures Andrew might present to him. And when those expectations weren't met, a tinge of disappointment crept in.

Ace's disappointment, however, had nothing to do with the dragon blood in Andrew's hands. He held no hidden agenda or ill intentions towards the precious gift. Instead, he found himself longing for the fulfillment of the visions he had constructed in his mind.

As the minutes passed, the awkward silence between them lingered. Ace struggled to articulate his feelings, and Andrew was left to speculate. Misinterpreting Ace's reaction, Andrew assumed that Ace did not appreciate the dragon blood and hastily considered fetching another dragon-related artifact from his storage ring to appease him.

Andrew Dawn pondered the situation, realizing that Ace's disappointment might indeed be related to the repetition of items. He reflected on the incredible help and support Ace had provided on their journey, and he felt a sense of gratitude and indebtedness to his loyal companion. It was true; he couldn't afford to be stingy in showing his appreciation.

However, as Andrew considered this, he remained unaware of the true emotions swirling within Ace, who was struggling to make sense of his own feelings. Ace was not used to experiencing intense emotions, and as such, he found it challenging to identify and articulate what was going on inside him.

Just as Andrew was about to take the dragon blood back into his storage ring, Ace reached out and gently grasped the bottle from Andrew's hands. His voice, though composed, carried a hint of sincerity as he said, "Thank you," acknowledging the gesture with appreciation. But deep within, something was amiss, and Ace couldn't quite put his finger on it.

As Ace held the bottle of dragon blood, ready to stow it away in his own storage ring, an unexpected sensation washed over him. It hit him like a wave, leaving him feeling strangely famished—a hunger as though he had been deprived of food for days. Despite the intensity of this newfound hunger, Ace managed to keep a composed expression, only showing a slight frown.






The hunger was unlike anything he had ever experienced before, and he was perplexed as to why it emerged at this particular moment. It had nothing to do with the dragon blood; rather, it seemed like a manifestation of something deeper, something he couldn't quite grasp.

Andrew Dawn could not help but feel a pang of concern and self-doubt as he observed Ace's reaction. He grappled with the idea that perhaps Ace was genuinely dissatisfied with the dragon blood gift. Despite Ace having taken the bottle from his hands, Andrew couldn't shake the feeling that he had somehow fallen short in expressing his gratitude and appreciation for all that Ace had done for him. His pride warred with the desire to make things right, to give Ace something more valuable and meaningful.

Feeling conflicted, Andrew decided that he would indeed present Ace with another gift of equal value, alongside the dragon blood, to show just how much he valued their friendship and the contributions Ace had made to their adventures. He was determined to make sure the next reward would truly be satisfying and meaningful.

While Andrew's thoughts were preoccupied with finding the perfect gift, Ace was deep in contemplation about the strange hunger he had experienced. His mind raced with thoughts, trying to make sense of the unexpected sensation. It was unlike any hunger he had ever encountered before, and the timing was peculiar, occurring right after he held the dragon blood.

As Ace delved into his own investigation, he made an intriguing discovery. Immediately after the intense hunger surged within him, a tantalizing fragrance wafted through the air, engulfing his senses. Ace could not quite describe the aroma, but it was undeniably alluring, almost like the scent of the most delectable feast he could ever imagine. This perplexed him even further, as it seemed the source of his strange hunger was intertwined with the dragon blood he now held.

The puzzle pieces in Ace's mind began to connect, and he wondered if there was more to the dragon blood than he had initially thought. Could it be that the blood of the dragon held a power or significance that went beyond its apparent properties? Or was there something unique about Ace himself that triggered such a reaction?

Ace's certainty about the dragon blood's role in triggering his unusual state was straightforward. The moment his eyes fell upon it after experiencing the intense hunger, he felt a sudden rush of dizziness and an even greater appetite. His body seemed to react fiercely, as if his blood was boiling, and an inexplicable desire to embrace his primal instincts and go wild surged within him.

Acting on instinct, Ace swiftly placed the dragon blood into his storage ring, and like a mirage, all the previous effects disappeared as if they're merely fleeting illusions. This only served to confirm his belief that the dragon blood was undoubtedly responsible for his mysterious condition. But why? What could possibly give rise to him to be so drawn to dragon blood and even contemplate consuming it?

As he pondered this perplexing question, a realization struck him like a lightning bolt.

His mysterious half-race.

A race he knew nothing but knew it made his whole self quality increase to an extreme level that still evidently had a lot of potential he had not unearthed yet.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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