Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 414 Awakening?

414  Awakening?

As the battle raged on, Ace's mind was consumed by the intensity of the fight. He was no longer aware of the changes happening within him; he was completely absorbed in the dance of power and the clash of auras. Unbeknownst to him, the dark aura that surrounded him began to seep into his consciousness, slowly clouding his thoughts.

With each strike and parry, Ace's power continued to surge, fueled by his determination to prove himself against the formidable emperor. However, this newfound strength came with a cost. As the dark aura within him grew stronger, Ace's emotions started to become erratic. The lines between reality and illusion blurred, and he struggled to maintain a clear focus.

Andrew, ever observant, noticed the subtle shift in Ace's demeanour. He saw the young warrior's eyes flicker with uncertainty and glimpses of confusion. He realised that Ace's powers were increasing rapidly, but the young man was losing control over himself.

"Ace, steady yourself!" Andrew called out, concerned.

But Ace was too deep in the throes of battle to hear the emperor's words clearly. His mind was a whirlwind of conflicting emotions, and his power continued to escalate uncontrollably. His strikes became wild and unpredictable, causing shockwaves of energy to explode in all directions.

The dark aura now fully enveloped Ace, and the ground around him trembled with its ominous presence. The grass withered and twisted under its malevolent touch. It was clear that the power Ace had awakened was immense, but it was also evident that he was losing himself to its influence.

As the battle reached its climax, Ace let out a primal roar, unleashing a devastating surge of energy that sent shockwaves rippling through the forest. The trees quivered and bent under the force, and the very air seemed to crackle with tension.

Andrew realised that he had to act quickly. He couldn't let Ace spiral out of control and potentially harm himself. With a swift motion, he channelled his dragon aura to create a barrier around Ace, hoping to contain the surging power within.

But the dark aura resisted, pushing against the emperor's barrier with fierce determination. It was as if the dark energy within Ace had taken on a life of its own, fighting for dominance over its host.

The battle had reached a critical turning point. Ace's power was now beyond anything Andrew had anticipated, and the young warrior's mind was slipping further into the grasp of the dark aura. The black lizard-like scales that had started to emerge on Ace's body were now spreading, covering him in an eerie, otherworldly sheen.

Andrew's concern for Ace's well-being intensified as he witnessed the struggle within the young warrior. He knew that if he didn't act swiftly, the consequences could be dire. Drawing upon his own experience and inner strength, Andrew focused his dragon aura with unwavering determination.

With a burst of power, he expanded the barrier he had erected around Ace, attempting to shield him from the darkness that threatened to consume him. The pressure intensified, and the clash of auras created a brilliant display of red light and darkness.

Ace was momentarily disoriented by the sudden surge of energy, his movements faltering. The dark aura within him fought against the emperor's barrier, causing a visible strain on the young warrior's body and mind. His eyes, once filled with determination, now flickered with uncertainty.

"Stay with me, lad!" Andrew called out, his voice laced with urgency. "Get yourself together!"

But the darkness had its grip on Ace, and he found it increasingly difficult to resist. The dark aura seemed to whisper promises of power and domination, clouding his judgement.

As the battle continued, Ace's attacks became more erratic and unpredictable. The ground around him trembled with the sheer force of his strikes, but his movements lacked the precision and control they once held. It was as if the dark aura was guiding him now, pushing him to unleash devastating attacks without thought for the consequences.

Andrew Dawn found himself in a difficult position. He could see that Ace's powers were reaching an unprecedented level, but he also knew that if the young warrior lost himself to the darkness, it could lead to untold destruction.

With a heavy heart, Andrew made a difficult decision. He chose not to fully unleash his own power, instead opting to meet Ace's attacks with a measured response. He allowed himself to be pushed back, creating an opening for Ace to strike, all the while trying to assess the best way to break the hold of the dark aura.

"Come on, lad. You are stronger than this," Andrew urged, his voice carrying both encouragement and concern.

As if in response, the dark aura surged within Ace, and he let out a fierce roar that shook the very earth. His body now bore a heavy coat of black scales, giving him an almost primal appearance. The dark energy seemed to fuel his attacks, making them more devastating than ever.

But amid the chaos, a faint glimmer of Ace's true self remained. Deep within his consciousness, he fought against the darkness, struggling to regain control of his mind and powers. His memories flickered like a distant light in the darkness.

Andrew sensed the internal battle within Ace and knew he had to seize the opportunity to help his opponent break free. With a calculated strike, he targeted the area where Ace's heart lay, aiming not to inflict harm but to reach the core of his being.

The impact sent Ace reeling, and for a brief moment, the darkness wavered. Andrew seized the chance and, with the gentleness of a mentor, sent a surge of his dragon aura towards Ace, intending to reinforce the young warrior's true essence.

The collision of auras was intense, and for a moment, everything stood still. The dark aura and the dragon aura fought for dominance, while Ace's consciousness teetered on the edge.

"Figth it!!!!"


Meanwhile, in the settlement, Anna's heart raced with worry and anxiety for reasons she couldn't fully comprehend. Ever since Ace had entered her mind, her emotions had been in turmoil, and her mind couldn't find peace. It was as if an invisible connection had been formed between them, and she felt an inexplicable need to ensure his safety.

With a determined look, Anna decided to send out her summoned crow clones to search for any traces of Ace in the true world. All she wanted was to see through their eyes and confirm that he was safe. Her comrades in the settlement noticed the distress in her demeanour and grew concerned themselves.

As Anna released the black crows one after another, they soared into the skies, spreading their wings wide to search for their target. Each passing moment felt like an eternity to her, and she couldn't help gazed through its eyes, she was taken aback by the sight before her.


While Ace's appearance seemed calm and composed, there was an aura of power emanating from but feel a gnawing sense of dread in the pit of her stomach.

Her teammates gathered around, trying to understand what was bothering her so much, but Anna found it difficult to put her feelings into words. The fear she felt for Ace's safety was overwhelming, and she didn't want to burden her friends with her worries.

Finally, after what seemed like an eternity, one of the crows returned with a vision of Ace. As Anna gazed through its eyes, she was taken aback by the sight before her.

While Ace's appearance seemed calm and composed, there was an aura of power emanating from him that made her heart race even faster. It was evident that he was engaged in a formidable battle, and the intensity of it was palpable even through the crow's vision.

The scene unfolding before Anna's eyes was both mesmerising and concerning. She could see the clash of auras, the brilliant flashes of power, and the destructive shockwaves that emanated from Ace's every move. It was clear that this battle was on an entirely different level, and she couldn't help but worry about the toll it was taking on him.

As she watched Ace fight with Andrew Dawn, she noticed the dark aura enveloping him, a stark contrast to the vibrant and fiery aura of the emperor. The black scales that adorned Ace's body seemed to pulse with energy, indicating the overwhelming power within him.

Anna's heart sank as she observed Ace's erratic movements and the flickers of confusion in his eyes. She knew that he was losing control, and the dark aura was slowly consuming his consciousness. Despite her concern, she felt a sense of powerlessness, unable to intervene directly in the battle unfolding before her.

Her mind raced with conflicting emotions. On one hand, she admired Ace's determination and strength to face such a powerful opponent head-on. On the other hand, she feared the consequences of the dark aura's influence on him. She couldn't bear to see her friend lost to the darkness.

As the battle intensified, she could see the struggle within Ace's mind. The memories of their time together, the bond they shared, and the trust they had built were all under assault from the dark energy. The connection she felt with him seemed to grow stronger, as if their thoughts were entwined.

In a moment of clarity, Ace's eyes met the gaze of one of Anna's crows, and it was as if he could see through its eyes and into her soul. Despite the chaos of battle, a flicker of recognition crossed his face, as if a part of him remembered something they had shared.

"Anna," he whispered under his breath, his voice barely audible amidst the intensity of the battle.


In another dimension, a man clothed in black opened his heterochromia eyes and spoke aloud in a deep and hoarse voice that made it seem like he hadn't spoken for years.

"They are all awakening again"

"Just a little more time", the man muttered before closing his eyes again.


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