Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 416 Strange Happenings

A/N: I know that things might look confusing but please don't be, they'll be explained slowly in future chapters so please be patient. Thanks for reading and i love y'all. Do vote for the book a d comment if you can. It really helps.


In reality, Anna wasn't the only one sensing that something was amiss with Ace. Blue also felt it, but unlike Anna's outward panic, Blue remained silent and fixed his gaze on a specific spot in the sky, wearing a perplexed expression.

Observing Blue's eyes, one could discern that they had shifted from their usual gold to a shade of violet. His typically naive expression had vanished, replaced by one of maturity. The truly unsettling part was what occurred next.

'Blue' parted his beak to speak, and a deep male voice emerged, saying, "This body is quite appealing, too bad I can't fully possess it yet." In an instant, Blue collapsed, exhausted, and drifted into sleep.

Meanwhile, Ace, who had been struggling to regain control, now lost it entirely. But that wasn't the only development. A battle raged within Ace's conscience.

Ace was battling with himself.


In the heart of a tumultuous volcanic landscape, Ace found himself amidst an internal tempest that mirrored the fiery surroundings. Lava flowed like molten veins beneath the cracked earth, mirroring the turmoil within him. The air vibrated with an uncanny energy, and the ground trembled beneath his feet.

As the molten reds and oranges of the volcanic landscape surrounded him, he felt an equally searing conflict raging within.

His mind split like a fault line, and two distinct facets of himself emerged. One was the Ace he had always known. The other was an enigmatic, shadowy version, driven by an insatiable hunger for dominance.

The two Aces circled each other amidst the roaring inferno, their eyes locked in a fierce struggle for control. The Ace he recognized emanated determination, while the other exuded an almost palpable aura of malevolence and self-interest.

With each step they took, the volcanic terrain responded, spewing jets of molten lava into the air. It was as if the elements themselves were mirroring the intense clash occurring within Ace's psyche.

Words, like heated blades, were exchanged between the two aspects of his consciousness. The 'dark' Ace taunted, "Why resist? Power is your birthright. Embrace it, and you can have everything you desire."

The 'light' Ace stated, "What are you?"

The battle intensified. Volcanic eruptions illuminated the scene as their inner struggle played out in this surreal arena. Ace swung between his two conflicting selves, his emotions roiling like the turbulent lava flows around him.

The 'dark' Ace unleashed tendrils of darkness that snaked through the air, threatening to entangle his 'light' counterpart. Yet, the 'light' Ace fought back with an outpouring of memories. 

These memories formed a shield against the encroaching darkness, a barrier that seemed to pulse with a radiant light.

However, the 'dark' Ace was not deterred. It responded with cryptic words that dripped with ominous intent, "You cannot deny what has been set in motion. I have waited for years, and now, the time has come again to fulfil what was started."

The 'light' Ace wavered for a moment. Uncertainty crept into his heart as he grappled with the weight of those enigmatic words. What had started? What was this darkness that spoke of waiting? 








What was it that was currently happening and why was it happening?

As the volcanic landscape trembled beneath their duel, the 'dark' Ace's voice grew stronger, resonating with a chilling confidence, "You think you can suppress me? You are but a fragment of the whole, a naive echo of reality. I'm the real you."

"Don't resist boy, you are to young for what will come and you're still too weak to challenge 'them'"

"Who's them?" Ace asked by reflex and surprisingly the voice replied.

"They are the one that stops us from ever truly becoming one ", the dark Ace but his words only confused Ace more.

Whatever was going on at the moment was too confusing and that wasn't all.

Which 'us' was the imposter referring to because from its tone, Ace could tell it wasn't referring to them(him).

"They are the one that stops us from ever truly becoming one ", the dark Ace but his words only confused Ace more.

Whatever was going on at the moment was too confusing and that wasn't all.

Which 'us' was the imposter referring to because from its tone, Ace could tell it was not referring to them(him).

Ace's confusion deepened. This cryptic response only served to add more layers of mystery to the already perplexing situation. His thoughts raced, trying to untangle the enigma shrouding the fight within him.

But just as he sought to comprehend the situation, a brilliant radiance began to emanate from Ace's form. It was as if his entire being was aflame with a blinding light, illuminating the volcanic landscape with an otherworldly glow.

The 'dark' Ace's figure trembled, its dark form starting to disintegrate like ashes carried away by a gust of wind. But before its figure completely dissipated, it emitted a final, chilling shout, "Emma!"

With those last words echoing in the air, the malevolent presence disappeared entirely. As the darkness receded, Ace felt a profound exhaustion envelop him. The fight had taken its toll on his body and mind.

The volcanic surroundings seemed to respond to the conclusion of the inner struggle. The tremors subsided, and the fiery eruptions settled into a steady rhythm. The intense heat began to wane, replaced by a cooling breeze that gently caressed Ace's tired form.

A second later, Ace 'woke' up.


Dear readers,

I'm grateful for your presence in today's chapter. Your support fuels my passion. Join me tomorrow for more twists and heartwarming moments. Your feedback guides me on this creative journey. Until then, may the magic of storytelling unite us.

Thanks for reading and see you tomorrow! Please vote for the book as well! Thanks once again!

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