Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 432 The Battle Continues

Chapter 432 The Battle Continues

As the fight reached its climax, the intensity between Ace and the Flame Serpent reached its peak. The serpent's fiery breath and lunges continued unabated, a relentless display of its power and fury. Ace's agility and precision were his greatest assets, allowing him to evade the searing flames that threatened to engulf him.

Ace's relentless determination drove him to keep testing the serpent's defenses. He aimed for the gaps between its armored scales and focused on areas where the creature's defense was weaker. Each precise strike chipped away at the serpent's fiery armor, leaving it hissing in pain and frustration.

The once-imposing scales now bore the marks of Ace's unyielding assault, with cracks and charring marring their fiery surface. But the Flame Serpent was far from defeated. It retaliated with venomous lunges and swift tail strikes, aiming to counter Ace's every move.

The fight took them on a treacherous journey through the mountain range, leaving behind a trail of destruction. The once-pristine landscape was now scarred with smoldering earth and scorched rocks, a testament to the fiery confrontation between man and monster.

As they continued to exchange blows and maneuvers, it became a test of endurance and willpower. The mountain range echoed with the clash of fire and fury, and Ace's determination remained unshaken. Victory was within reach, but the Flame Serpent refused to back down.

In the midst of this fiery exchange, the Flame Serpent unleashed another scorching jet of flames that inched dangerously close to Ace. His agile evasions had saved him countless times, but this time, the searing heat and flames drew nearer.

In a moment of quick thinking, Ace tapped into his Origin ability once again. With a surge of energy, he conjured a wall of ice to defend himself. The sudden appearance of ice amidst the scorching flames created a striking contrast, and the jet of fire collided with the icy barrier.

A spectacular display of steam and sizzling heat filled the battleground. Ace's ice barrier held strong, thwarting the Flame Serpent's attack and earning a hiss of frustration from the colossal creature.

As the fight raged on, Ace's ability to adapt and strategize continued to play a crucial role. He pressed on with relentless determination, seeking out the serpent's weaknesses, and launching precise strikes that targeted the gaps in its armored scales. Each blow chipped away at the serpent's fiery armor, causing it to hiss in pain and frustration.

Ace was not just focused on defense; he knew that he had to take the fight to the Flame Serpent. With his agility and combat skills, he closed the distance between them, striking with his fists while using ice to protect himself from the serpent's fiery breath and lunges.

His punches landed with precision, targeting the serpent's more vulnerable areas. The serpent recoiled, unable to withstand the onslaught. Ace's relentless assault continued to weaken the once-imposing scales, with cracks and charring deepening on the serpent's fiery surface.




The Flame Serpent, faced with this formidable opponent, grew desperate. It unleashed a powerful and devastating move. Opening its maw wide, it summoned forth a massive, swirling vortex of searing flames that seemed to consume everything in its path. The fiery tempest expanded rapidly, creating an inferno of colossal proportions.

Ace, aware of the impending danger, quickly created an even larger barrier of ice to shield himself from the all-encompassing flames. The collision between the two elements created an awe-inspiring spectacle of steam and sizzling heat. The ice held firm, protecting Ace from the fiery maelstrom, but the intense pressure and heat pressed against the barrier, testing its limits.

This was a critical moment in the battle, a high-stakes clash of power and resilience. Ace's determination remained unshaken as he sought to withstand the Flame Serpent's most devastating attack and find an opening to seize victory. The mountain range bore witness to this epic confrontation, with the ground trembling beneath their intense conflict and the air filled with the roars of fire and ice.

As Ace's icy barrier withstood the onslaught of the Flame Serpent's colossal vortex of flames, the pressure and heat reached a fevered pitch. The mountain range trembled under the sheer intensity of the battle, with the ground quaking as the two elements collided in a spectacular display of power.

Ace knew he could not hold out against the searing tempest for long. With each passing second, the ice barrier showed signs of strain, and the relentless pressure threatened to consume him. His determination remained unwavering, but he needed a plan, a way to turn the tables in his favor.

In a moment of inspiration, Ace realized that the vortex of fire was not invincible. As the flames surged and roared, he observed that there were fluctuations in its intensity and pattern. He needed to time his next move perfectly.

With his keen combat instincts, Ace pinpointed a brief moment when the Flame Serpent's fiery vortex faltered. He seized the opportunity and channeled his Origin ability to create a blade of ice with unprecedented precision.

As the flames momentarily waned, Ace lunged forward, slashing through the vortex with his icy blade. The combination of fire and ice created a magnificent clash of elements, filling the battleground with a burst of steam and sizzling energy. Ace's attack cut through the vortex and struck the Flame Serpent's maw.

The colossal creature let out a deafening roar of agony, its fiery vortex dissipating in an explosive display of steam and smoke. Ace had landed a powerful blow, causing the serpent to reel in pain and confusion. Its defenses had been breached.

With the Flame Serpent momentarily stunned, Ace capitalized on the opportunity. He launched a series of swift and precise strikes against the serpent's weakened armor, targeting the cracks and charring he had created with his previous attacks.

The serpent hissed and writhed, unable to withstand Ace's relentless assault. It was a fight of attrition, and Ace had found the chink in the serpent's fiery armor. With determination and calculated precision, he continued to strike.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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