Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 441 Training Partners

Chapter 441 Training Partners

In the end, Ace found himself alone with Andrew Dawn to discuss matters.

According to Andrew Dawn, Ace's teammates already knew everything he wanted to convey, and he was the only one left out. There wasn't much they spoke about among themselves, but the brief conversation was enough to brief Ace on many details.

After discussing a few other important things with Andrew Dawn and giving his word that he'd assist in keeping the ogres from gaining an advantage in their pre-fight preparations before the war, Ace was going to go his own way.

Andrew Dawn believed Ace was too strong to be part of a team, even with his team consisting of strong members.

While they were stronger together depending on the situation, the task Andrew Dawn had for Ace seemed suitable for him to handle alone.

After they exchanged their thoughts, Ace and Andrew Dawn parted ways.

The next morning, Ace woke up earlier than anyone else on his team and set out with Blue in search of green ogres to eliminate. They didn't fly too fast, as they needed to observe the terrain below for easier navigation.

With the absence of a map, they had to change some habits and develop new ones, like memorising the landscape.

However, Ace left most of the memorization to Blue, who served as the team's mount. This didn't mean that Ace wasn't paying attention to his surroundings, though. He did pay enough attention, but his focus was directed towards other thoughts.

Fortunately, they didn't take long to come across a small group of green ogres, specifically a group of five.

Initially, Ace considered descending to greet them, but he felt lazy, so he opted to attack them from mid-air using his origin ability, easily dispatching them.

Afterward, he concealed the evidence of his attack on the surroundings with his abilities, making it appear as though nothing had happened, while he buried the ogres in the earth.

Using his origin ability still consumed a significant amount of mana, despite his larger mana pool. However, the combination of the rate at which his mana recovered and Ace's expert use of his origin ability prevented him from feeling any strain.

Ace continued to eliminate the ogres he found from mid-air until he encountered two green ogres at the peak of rank 1. Eventually, Ace had to descend to the ground to deal with them because they consistently evaded his mid-air attacks, causing him to use his mana.

Although Ace had confirmed his physical strength could rival that of rank 2 monsters, during his previous encounter with the ogres while Andrew Dawn battled their leader, Ace realised these ogres possessed strength beyond their rank. The same held true for the two peak rank 1 ogres he was currently facing.

Although Ace had confirmed his physical strength could rival that of rank 2 monsters, during his previous encounter with the ogres while Andrew Dawn battled their leader, Ace realised these ogres possessed strength beyond their rank. The same held true for the two peak rank 1 ogres he was currently facing.

While exchanging blows with the ogres who fought with fists instead of clubs, Ace noticed that their strength clearly surpassed rank 1. Although they weren't as physically powerful as he was individually, they still posed a formidable challenge as a duo.

Ace also observed that these two ogres appeared to be trained. Unlike the violent attitude he expected from all ogres, they displayed more controlled behaviour in combat, in contrast to their leader. Despite the leader's violent tendencies, Ace recognized a leader who possessed the ability to think beneath that exterior.

Although the ogres displayed skills that presented a slight challenge for Ace, given their evident combat experience, possibly from their origins, he decided to rely on his physical prowess alone. This allowed him to hone his skills further, and these two opponents provided ideal sparring partners in that moment. Ace understood that it wasn't just his physical strength but how he used it that truly mattered.

Ace squared off against the two peak rank 1 green ogres, each towering over him with menacing intent.

The first ogre lunged with a mighty fist, aiming to crush Ace with sheer brute force. Swiftly, Ace sidestepped the attack, his movements almost dance-like in their grace. As the ogre's massive arm missed its target, Ace seized the opportunity and delivered a precise, powerful blow to the ogre's midsection, causing it to stagger backward.

Meanwhile, the second ogre came at him from the side, attempting to catch Ace off guard. However, Ace's acute instincts allowed him to anticipate the attack. He executed a perfect spinning kick, connecting with the ogre's jaw and sending it tumbling to the ground.

The fallen ogre quickly regained its footing and roared in anger, while the first ogre had recovered from Ace's blow. They both charged at Ace, this time working in tandem.

Ace's muscles tensed, and he performed a series of well-timed evasions, reminiscent of a seasoned martial artist. His strikes were surgical, targeting weak points on the ogres' bodies, inflicting pain and forcing them to rethink their strategy.

Ace knew that these ogres weren't merely brutes; they possessed a level of combat finesse he hadn't expected. They fought with coordination, demonstrating a disciplined approach to combat. The ogres had the strength to match Ace, even if not individually, but together, they were a force to be reckoned with.

As the battle raged on, Ace's movements became more fluid, adapting to the ogres' relentless attacks. He used their size and strength against them, employing clever holds and grapples. He leveraged their own weight to unbalance them and gain the upper hand.

Something about this battle intrigued Ace. These ogres were like his training partners, forcing him to refine his techniques and strategy on the fly. The fight was a test of his skill, not just his strength.

The battle raged on, and Ace's moves became even more calculated and precise. As the two ogres closed in, he noticed an opportunity in their synchronised movements. With a fluid motion, Ace performed a sweeping leg kick, targeting the ogres' legs, causing them to stumble into each other. Their teamwork faltered as they collided, momentarily disoriented.

Ace took advantage of their momentary vulnerability. He darted between the ogres, delivering quick, controlled jabs to their pressure points. His strikes disrupted their balance, causing them to stagger and wince in pain. The ogres, once cohesive and threatening, now found themselves struggling to coordinate their attacks.

Ace continued to exploit their size and strength against them. He used a combination of joint locks and holds, twisting the ogres' limbs and forcing them into positions that left them exposed and unbalanced. He had turned the tables, becoming the agile, skilled combatant amidst the hulking ogres.

The ogres, frustrated and disoriented, attempted to regain their composure. Ace watched their movements closely, recognizing the patterns in their attacks. With a fluid spin, he landed a precise roundhouse kick to the first ogre's face, causing it to stumble backward, clutching its bleeding nose.

The second ogre, now enraged, lunged forward with a wild punch. Ace deftly ducked beneath the attack, allowing it to sail harmlessly over his head. As he rose from his crotch, Ace delivered a powerful strike to the ogre's exposed ribs, causing it to gasp for air and stumble back.

The ogres were no longer working in perfect harmony. Their strength, while formidable, was no match for Ace's agility and well-practised techniques. Ace's movements were almost hypnotic, a dance of precision and control in the midst of chaos.

The first ogre, still nursing its nose, made a desperate lunge. Ace anticipated the move and executed a perfect shoulder throw, sending the ogre crashing to the ground. Ace didn't waste a second, immediately transitioning into an armbar, causing the ogre to yelp in pain.

The second ogre, realising the dire situation, attempted to intervene, but Ace was too quick?with a well-placed kick, causing it to stumble backward.


With the first ogre incapacitated and in pain, Ace swiftly immobilised the second ogre with a joint lock, rendering it helpless.


Dear cherished readers,

I want to take a moment to express my heartfelt appreciation for your continued support and for choosing to accompany me on this thrilling literary journey. Your presence here today is not taken for granted, and it's a source of immense inspiration for me as a writer.

Your comments and votes mean the world to me.

Your active participation in the story's development, your thoughts, and your feedback have all played a pivotal role in shaping the narrative. Your engagement is what breathes life into the characters and makes this world come alive.

I value your input immensely.

Remember, your support is the lifeblood of this novel, and I am deeply grateful for your continued presence. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing you all again tomorrow for the next chapter, as we continue this epic adventure together.

Thanks for reading!!!

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