Alchemist In The Apocalypse: Rise Of A Legend!

Chapter 444  Thrilling Battle Seeker

444  Thrilling Battle Seeker

After peacefully harvesting all the Crimson mana berries, which was quite a heavy haul, Ace went ahead to see if he would spot more stray green ogres.

As he flew through the sky, he continued his task of dealing with the green ogres, all the while keeping an eye on the real world in case he came across another herb.

Ace wondered if the ogre numbers had increased again. Just in the hours he had spent today, he had taken the lives of more than two dozen green ogres.

He pondered the reasons behind the green ogres' persistence in this battle, considering it a losing battle even if their army perished bit by bit.

Ace also contemplated the state of Andrew Dawn's army as they participated in this conflict.

As he thought about these matters and a few other things during his flight, Ace came across a lone rank 2 monster: the Rank 2 Ape Lord, a familiar foe.

Initially, he considered ignoring it, but the accumulated boredom from dispatching weak ogres all morning fueled his desire for a satisfying battle.

Ultimately, Ace descended from the sky to engage in a thrilling physical battle with the Ape Lord.


In the heart of the battle-scarred wilderness, Ace faced the 8-metre tall Ape Lord, a formidable adversary whose colossal frame cast a long shadow across the forest floor. The clash was fierce and unforgiving.

The Ape Lord roared, a deafening sound that reverberated through the trees, and lunged at Ace with tremendous force. Ace sidestepped the attack, narrowly avoiding the massive fists that pounded the ground. Swift and agile, Ace countered with a roundhouse kick aimed at the Ape Lord's knee. The giant creature grunted as the blow landed, staggering slightly.

The Ape Lord retaliated with a sweeping backhand, attempting to swat Ace away like a pesky insect. Ace leaped into the air, performing a mid-air somersault to evade the impending strike. As he descended, Ace's fists blazed with strength, and he delivered a powerful double punch to the Ape Lord's chest. The impact sent shockwaves through the creature's colossal body, causing it to stumble backward.

The Ape Lord, undeterred, unleashed a ferocious haymaker aimed at Ace's head. Ace ducked and rolled beneath the sweeping arm, then executed a rapid spin-kick, connecting with the Ape Lord's midsection. The Ape Lord bellowed in pain, momentarily disoriented.

Ace's battle with the Ape Lord raged on, each move filled with raw power and determination.

With a mighty roar, the Ape Lord regained its composure and charged at Ace once more. This time, Ace met the massive creature head-on. As the Ape Lord swung its colossal fists downward, Ace deftly sidestepped and executed a swift series of jabs, targeting the creature's exposed ribs. Each punch landed with a resounding thud, causing the Ape Lord to stagger back, clutching its side.

Seizing the opportunity, Ace launched himself into the air with a powerful jump, flipping forward with an acrobatic somersault. As he descended, he delivered a crushing axe kick to the Ape Lord's shoulder. The blow sent shockwaves through the creature's massive arm, and it howled in pain.

The Ape Lord, now visibly enraged, attempted a devastating stomp with its enormous foot, trying to crush Ace beneath its weight. Ace rolled away just in time, narrowly avoiding the ground-shaking impact.

Ace sprang to his feet.

Ace shifted into a graceful dance of combat, circling the Ape Lord and striking with precision. He aimed a swift spinning back-kick at the creature's kneecap, attempting to weaken its footing. The Ape Lord roared in agony as its leg buckled, and it dropped to one knee.

As Ace circled the injured Ape Lord, he believed victory was within reach. However, the Ape Lord, despite its pain, was far from defeated.

With a sudden burst of strength, the Ape Lord swung its colossal arm in a sweeping arc. Ace, caught off guard, couldn't react in time. The impact of the blow sent him tumbling through the air, crashing into a nearby tree. Pain shot through his body as he struggled to his feet.

The Ape Lord, still on one knee, rose with a renewed vigour. It lunged at Ace, its massive hands outstretched. Ace barely dodged the charge, narrowly avoiding being ensnared in the creature's powerful grip. He retaliated with a swift kick to the Ape Lord's face, causing it to stumble back momentarily.

But the Ape Lord's size and strength were overwhelming. It roared and grabbed a tree trunk, wrenching it from the ground with astonishing force. With a tremendous swing, it hurled the massive tree directly at Ace.

Ace had little time to react. He somersaulted away, narrowly avoiding the crashing tree. As he landed, the Ape Lord closed the distance with a thunderous leap, its massive fists crashing down. Ace blocked the first strike with his forearms, but the sheer force of the blow sent him to his knees.

Struggling to his feet, Ace knew he had to change his strategy. He couldn't match the Ape Lord's brute strength head-on. Instead, he focused on his agility and speed. He dodged the Ape Lord's strikes and delivered quick, precise blows to its vital points.

The Ape Lord, while powerful, was slower in its attacks. Ace's nimble movements allowed him to wear down the creature's defences, landing hits on its chest, face, and limbs.

The relentless battle between Ace and the Ape Lord reached a critical juncture as neither side seemed to gain a decisive advantage. The forest bore witness to their unyielding struggle.

Despite the ferocity of the Ape Lord's blows, Ace's agility and quick reflexes kept him in the fight. He evaded the Ape Lord's crushing fists and retaliated with precise strikes. He jabbed at the creature's exposed chest, striking hard with a series of blows. Each hit landed with force, but the Ape Lord's enormous body absorbed the impact.

In response, the Ape Lord unleashed a powerful overhead punch, which Ace narrowly avoided by diving forward. Ace rolled to the side, then sprung back into action with a spinning kick aimed at the creature's midsection. The Ape Lord groaned under the force of the blow but remained resolute.

Realising that his attacks were only wearing the Ape Lord down slowly, Ace shifted his strategy. He danced around the creature, utilising his speed and precision to strike at its joints and limbs. Knees, elbows, and shoulders became the primary targets as Ace aimed to weaken the Ape Lord's mobility.

The Ape Lord, feeling the effects of Ace's tactical strikes, countered with a powerful sidekick that caught Ace off guard. It connected with Ace's midsection, sending him crashing into a tree trunk. Pain shot through Ace's body as he struggled to regain his footing.

The Ape Lord's movements were indeed slowing, but its sheer size and endurance remained formidable. Ace was on the defensive now, evading the Ape Lord's crushing blows with acrobatic flips and rolls. His strategy had shifted from wearing down the giant creature to simply surviving its relentless attacks.

The battle raged on, both combatants determined to prove their strength and dominance. The forest echoed with the sounds of their struggle, leaves and debris scattering in every direction as they clashed with unyielding determination. Neither Ace nor the Ape Lord was willing to concede defeat, and the outcome of this intense battle remained uncertain.

The relentless battle showed no signs of conclusion as Ace and the Ape Lord continued to exchange powerful blows, neither side gaining a definitive advantage.

Ace, despite his agility and precise strikes, found it increasingly challenging to break through the Ape Lord's immense defence. His punches and kicks landed with force, but the giant creature's sheer mass absorbed the impact. The Ape Lord retaliated with ferocious swipes, attempting to land a crushing blow on Ace.

With his swift reflexes, Ace dodged and weaved to avoid the Ape Lord's massive strikes. As the Ape Lord's haymaker came crashing down, Ace performed a nimble backflip, escaping the impending blow. He responded with a series of rapid jabs to the Ape Lord's face, causing the creature to roar in frustration.

The Ape Lord, undeterred, tried to capitalise on its overwhelming size and strength. It lunged forward, attempting to grapple Ace within its colossal grip. Ace managed to slip free, but the Ape Lord's efforts had driven him to the edge of his endurance.

In response, Ace shifted his tactics once again. He aimed for the Ape Lord's joints, exploiting its massive limbs' vulnerabilities. The Ape Lord roared in agony as Ace targeted its knees and elbows, attempting to limit its mobility. The giant creature, now showing signs of exhaustion, struggled to maintain its onslaught.

The Ape Lord, sensing its own vulnerability, unleashed a thunderous sidekick, catching Ace off guard. The powerful kick sent Ace crashing into the ground, leaving him momentarily stunned. He fought through the pain, pushing himself to his feet.

The battle continued with neither side willing to concede. Ace's acrobatics and precision clashed with the Ape Lord's brute strength and resilience. The forest bore witness to their unwavering determination and unrelenting combat.

As the confrontation raged on, the outcome remained uncertain, and the battle-scarred wilderness echoed with the sounds of their fierce clash. The struggle between Ace and the colossal Ape Lord persisted, a testament to their unwavering resolve.


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