Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 102 - Mechas

"... …" Flamewing was speechless.

"You don't think it's doable?" Alexander chuckled lightly.

"It's a Symphonian Mothership, Alexander." Flamewing said as though her words were self-explanatory.

"Even if on the off chance that you manage to capture it, how on earth are you going to operate it? You know nothing about technology. You're basically a barbarian mage, you know." Flamewing admonished him before giggling slightly at her own words.

Alexander laughed out loud. "That's actually true! I AM a barbarian mage. A powerful barbarian mage who will kill all high tech soldiers if they do not do as I say."

"It's still a bad idea though." Flamewing said stubbornly. "How will you even know that they're doing what you're telling them to do? They could very well be initiating the self-destruct sequence and you wouldn't even know."

"The ships can self-destruct?" Alexander asked in slight awe.

Flamewing sighed.

"Well, my choices are actually very limited here. I can try to capture them and increase my strength, or I can destroy them and all the others that would come after them, or I can just go into hiding and let them do whatever they want, which, frankly speaking, isn't even a real choice."  Alexander remarked. "I'm not letting some stuck up prince make a mess of my country."

"You can try and buy time. These are Prince Jolto's ships. Other ships would probably be here soon. If you can frustrate their attempts to do whatever they plan to do, then I am sure that when the other ships from the other factions arrive, the problem would be solved." Flamewing persuaded Alexander.

"Have you been in a war before, Flamewing? Or a battle involving many factions and sensitive timing?" Alexander asked curiously.

"Err… No." Flamewing admitted.

"If you have, then you'll know that it's impossible for the 'problem' to be just 'solved' with the arrival of other factions. In fact, the problem would get worse, the situation would become more chaotic and many, many unspeakable things can happen. We need to deal with whatever problem that presents itself to us with whatever tools and resources we have on hand, and assume that's all we will ever have." Alexander explained patiently.

Flamewing remained silent as she tried to digest Alexander's words.

"Anyway, what's the worst that could happen? You're a Scion Lord!" Alexander exclaimed.

"Yes, I guess I am." Flamewing said as a sliver of excitement rushed through her body.

"Symphonia's anti-magic technology is useless before you. You have the power to go head to head with most of the firepower that Symphonia can throw at you. I'm pretty sure you can handle most of the battlecruisers by yourself. In fact, if you exert yourself, I'm sure you can destroy a Mothership by yourself too!"

A Mothership? Are you sure?" Flamewing asked doubtfully.

"Absolutely." Alexander replied firmly. "I could resist the all out attack from a battlecruiser. You're a Dragon Scion Lord. I am sure you can deal with a puny little mothership!"

Flamewing giggled as she stared at the 'puny' mothership which filled almost her entire vision.

"And then you have me. I am… What's a Scion of three Gods called?" Alexander asked.

"Well… Since you're the second one to be that, and the first one died without being named, how about you think of a title to call yourself?" Flamewing said.

"How about… Tri-God Scion?" Alexander pondered out loud.

"HA HA HA!" Flamewing burst out laughing. "Come on, I'm sure you can do better than that!" Flamewing mocked Alexander lightly.

"Why don't YOU come up with something then!" Alexander said in mock annoyance.

"With pleasure. Scion King. When we finally fuse and get all four powers, Scion Emperor." Flamewing said easily.

"Uhhh… That's so standard…" Alexander complained. "We should make a cool name, since we're the ones naming it."

"Yeah? Go on ahead and make a cool name then. Just not the Tri-God Scion. That's too icky." Flamewing said.

Ahead, the mothership and the three battlecruisers began to descend rapidly.

"Alright, let's leave it at Scion King for the moment. I'll think of a better name after we deal with this emergency." Alexander said. "Let's get closer!"

"What are you going to do?" Flamewing asked nervously. Although they kept a tight lid on their powers and made sure that none leaked out so that they could avoid being detected by the enemy's arcane scanners, they were flying without any cover or camouflage. Any closer and she was sure that the ships would visually detect them.

"Immobilize them, at least." Alexander said. "They are all gathered in four vessels now. If we allow them to land, thousands would probably leave the ships, and it would make containing them extremely difficult."

"That's true. I hope you're ready to handle the rest of the fleet after you immobilize this one." Flamewing agreed. "How are you going to immobilize them?"

Alexander took a deep breath and then released a horrifying wave of spatial energy towards the ships. The Mothership was extremely large, probably as large as Rin-Turah before it was destroyed. The three battlecruisers were as large as Royal Palaces.

It took almost all of Alexander's power to rapidly cover them in golden waves of spatial energy.


Space below the ships began to glow brightly as the ships strained against Alexander's golden spatial energy.


The ships began to creak loudly as their inertia wreaked absolute havoc within them. The ships shuddered to a stop as sirens began to blare loudly.

Hatches opened from all four ships as they prepared to launch their fighters.


The first fighters got stuck in frozen space near the entrances and the second fighters collided into them, resulting in massive explosions that ripped the hulls of the battlecruisers. Bright yellow fire raged uncontrollably near the hatches. However, as testament to their long experience in building effective warships, the explosions were contained and did not spread to the rest of the ship.

Very soon, the fire was put out, and massive gaping holes could be seen on the hull of the battlecruisers where the hatches were supposed to be.

The Mothership suffered the same fate, however, being a massive ship, the explosions on the hatches barely did her any damage.

"Ooops." Alexander said with a laugh. "I didn't mean to cause that to happen. I had no idea they would immediately deploy fighters."

Flamewing chuckled.

A red beam shot out from the Mothership. However, it hit the space barrier that Alexander had put around them and failed to penetrate.

"Oh there goes their code red signal. Even if they fail to send the core red signal, being cut off from their HQ would probably cause their HQ some alarm. More ships would come to investigate. You need to get ready for that eventuality." Flamewing reminded Alexander.

"Don't worry. I can handle investigative teams." Alexander assured her. "They would send, what, maybe two motherships to investigate? Three at most?"

"Yes, that sounds about right." Flamewing agreed.

"Ptooey. Lambs to the slaughter." Alexander said arrogantly.


"Sir! We've lost contact with Tiger 753!" An aide reported to Prince Jolto.

"Excellent! The prey has revealed itself." Prince Jolto grinned. "Position the Starship above the last known position of Tiger 753 and release The Queen Bee. Inform all Motherships to continue their mission, but remain on standby to support The Queen Bee.  "

"Queen Bee?! I want to join!" Princess Jenny exclaimed.

"Sure, I am going as well. I'll meet you there." Prince Jolto said with a smile. He turned to the three little girls who were standing silently behind Princess Jenny. "Lead a thousand mechas each and make sure she's safe." He ordered them.

The three girls saluted in acknowledgement.

"I don't need the thousand mechas." Princess Jenny said with a frown. "Jane, Janet and Janetta can protect me easily. They are pretty powerful, you of all people should know that."

"Yeah, I am sure they can." Prince Jolto agreed easily. "But the mechas go with you, if not you're not going anywhere."

"They're NOT coming with-"

"I'll tell mom."

"Alright, fine they can." Princess Jenny humphed cutely and stomped out of the bridge.

Prince Jolto left the bridge with his personal guards following him closely. He quickly made his way to the storage area for his mechas.


The storage door opened.

Before him was a sheer drop of at least a hundred meters. He was standing at the entrance of an absolutely large room filled with exactly seven massive mechas. A thin bridge cut through the room and branched out neatly into the chests of the mechas, which were where the cockpits were located.

All the mechas look exactly the same except for their colours.  Black, White, Grey, Red, Green, Blue and Yellow.

"I would recommend Bulwark, Your Majesty." His chief bodyguard, Barako, said softly from his side.

"Bulwark? Full defensive mecha? Are you anticipating a dangerous fight with heavily armed warriors in Arcanus 26, Barako?" Prince Jolto asked in mild amusement.

Barako was a thin man filled with nervous energy. He blinked often and he fidgets all the time. However, absolutely everyone, even Prince Jolto himself, treated him with respect. Because Barako may be thin and fidgety, but his reputation was not.

His nickname was Kingslayer.

He had personally killed and destroyed seventeen kings and their personal guards in the Symphonian Expeditionary Wars before finally being recruited by Prince Jolto.

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