Alexander The Great Mage

Chapter 118 - Dark Warriors

When Alexander first discovered the power of his golden barriers right after he had awakened as a Scion Lord, he was able to resist the almost-full powered attack from a battlecruiser's main cannon. Barely. During that exchange, his barriers had begun to shake after a few moments of resisting the cannon attack.

However, ever since he had unlocked the power of a Scion King, he could feel the power and energy in his body undergoing a qualitative change.

An enhancement of sorts.

The Power of Magius that flowed and coursed through his veins could be combined with the Power of Perses through the medium of a God Crystal. However, with the Power of Zegaro added to the mix, it was like adding a catalyst to a mixture..

He didn't have to fully depend on the Crystal Sword to release a measure of his Scion Lord power anymore. Releasing through the Crystal Sword would definitely produce the strongest and fullest version of the Scion Lord power. But he felt like as the days go by, he could bypass the Crystal Sword more and more, and unleash a level of power that was quickly rising to match the power unleashed through the sword.

He was half elated, and half worried. It was totally uncharted territory for him, and the fact that he owned two parts evil power and only one part good was a source of worry.

It had been merely a few weeks since the awakening of his Scion Lord power and the engagement with the battlecruiser, and already, he had to face a full powered attack from a Starship's main cannon which was literally millions of times stronger than a battlecruiser's.

It was not called Star Annihilator Cannon for no reason.

The sustained energy beam attack of the cannon was strong enough to pierce through the many layers of a burning star and ignite the star's core, causing it to go supernova.

Although it was by no means an instant process and required many minutes of uninterrupted attack on the star's core before it was able to impact it to the point where the star would explode, it  was still a heaven defying attack. Planets would not last a second against the Star Annihilator Cannon.

And it was exactly such an attack that Alexander had to face at that moment.

The Star Annihilator Cannon's attack was not instant. With such a powerful cannon that implemented countless high level technology, there was a few milliseconds delay between the moment the cannon released the energy and the moment the energy actually left the cannon.

Alexander had instantly detected the main cannon's activity the moment it had begun and had reacted without hesitation.


He immediately teleported away from the main cannon's line of fire!


A blinding light exploded from the main cannon and lit up space around The Star of Symphonia like a second sun.

"Damn it! This Prince Flario sure is vicious!" Alexander shouted in anger. "That was a big-ass cannon he fired at me! If I reacted even a tiny bit slower, I would have been hit! And if that big ass cannon's energy beam hit me, I would have disintegrated, Scion King or no! Damn! Damn that evil Prince!"

To vent his suddenly maxed out level of frustration, even before the main cannon's attack dissipated, Alexander began to gather his remaining energy for one final attack. He was determined to teach Prince Flario a painful lesson!

WHOOSH! Golden energy swirled around him powerfully and instantly accelerated into an alarming speed, creating a massive golden tornado.

WHOOSH!! The golden tornado suddenly turned black as Alexander ignited his Scion King powers.

Slowly and impossibly, the giant black tornado accelerated even more. It began to twist and turn into the shape of a giant black dragon. Within seconds, a giant black dragon the size of a small moon appeared and solidified around Alexander.


The fearsome black dragon lifted its head, opened its giant maw and let loose a ferocious roar. Well, it would have been a ferocious roar if sound could travel in space. But still, it was an awe-inspiring sight.

Compared to the absolutely humongous Starship, the black dragon was still extremely small. However, it was no longer a speck of dust. It could comfortably sit on the same scale as the Starship.

WHOOSH!!! The power fluctuation around the black dragon continued to increase. Alexander gritted his teeth in determination and poured every single iota of energy into the black dragon. He was going to separate the Dome from the upside down axe and cut The Star of Symphonia in half!

"Damn that vicious Prince Flario. I am just one man, for God's sake. Why fire the main cannon? Where is his Royal dignity? Where is the respect for enemies? Where is basic common sense? You don't fire a Starship's main cannon at a single person!" Alexander was totally pissed off. The close shave had unnerved him slightly, and he was working up a huge brew of anger to regain his composure.


A massive explosion of power rippled as his black dragon broke past a power milestone and continued to power up relentlessly.


"Sir! The target had teleported away! Star Annihilator missed!" An aide reported.

"Release the Dark Warriors! Kill him at all costs!" Prince Flario gritted his teeth and gave out an order. If at all possible, Prince Flario did not want to have anything to do at all with the Dark Warriors. But desperate times call for desperate measures.

He only hoped that the benefits would outweigh the horrendous cost he was about to pay.

"Yes sir!" The aide replied in a slightly shaky voice as he pressed a series of buttons on his command pad.

"Dark Warriors are to be released? This is bad!" The aide thought to himself.

"Sir! A massive power spike detected from the enemy. He seems to be powering up for an attack!" Another aide shouted.

"Where are the Dark Warriors?" Prince Flario demanded. He felt utterly humiliated that his only way out of this predicament, his only hope of survival rested upon, of all things, Dark Warriors!

"They've left the Starship and are closing on the enemy. ETA fifteen seconds!" The aide shouted a little too loudly in his nervousness. All his professionalism and pride as an aide who was able to maintain absolute control over his emotions evaporated in light of the incredible situation that was unfolding before him.

"Put them on display." Prince Flario ordered.


The image of a massive black dragon whose aura was clearly emanating spiking in power appeared on the bridge's massive main screen. All heads in the bridge, without exception, swivelled and all eyes immediately focused on the screen.



If Alexander could hear in space, he would have heard fearsome howls resounding through space at that moment. However, it didn't matter. What his ears failed to inform him, his eyes did very clearly.

Angels. - That was the first word that appeared in Alexander's mind when he saw them.

Fallen Angels. - The next two words.

BLOODY FREAKING HELL!!! - The next three words.

The next series of words were a string of profanities not suitable for anybody of all ages to hear.


"That's the power of three Gods?" Blackfire said, feeling stunned.

"That's incredible." Aleyria said softly. The black dragon had grown so large that Aleyria didn't even need to enhance her vision to see it. But she still did anyway, for the clarity and the details.

Even with the distance between them, she could feel Alexander's unique power signature faintly. It was a testament of just how incredibly and insanely powerful Alexander had become.

Aleyria thought back to the day she found out that Alexander was not the King Aloxandros that she knew and loved. He was still so weak at that time. It was absolutely mind blowing to know that he had powered up to such an unbelievable level, a level that she had no hope of even reaching. Not in her wildest dreams, and definitely not in reality.

"He is incredible.." Aleyria said to herself tenderly.

As a powerful black fire dragon, Blackfire's senses were much more powerful compared to Aleyria and he could sense Alexander's power much more acutely. And he could sense a deep, underlying stream of darkness within that power. It was to be expected, considering that his power consisted of two parts evil and one part good.

But at that moment, the dark portion of Alexander's power seemed to be billowing out with a magnificence and regality that was worrying. It was as though darkness was flexing its archaic power and showing the universe that it was sovereign.

"Aleyria, hang on tight. I am teleporting ahead." Blackfire said quietly.

"Ah, okay. That's great!" Aleyria smiled happily at Blackfire. In her happiness, she did not notice the tinge of worry in Blackfire's voice.

"Wait, what is that?" Aleyria frowned.

"Dark Warriors!!" If Blackfire was stunned by Alexander's Scion King form, he was totally flabbergasted now.


He immediately teleported ahead.

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