Chapter 100 Meet me in the room for your punishment!!

Chapter 100 Meet me in the room for your punishment!!

As the knock resounded on the door, Kan went over to open it and to his surprise, he met none other than Mendy, Jessica and the twins, Sully and Susie together, all at the door.

Surprise took the form across his face as did theirs. Jessica was the one who was most surprised by this and not known to hide her feelings, she openly asked...

"Wow...she lets you live here now?!" Jessica said in a tone that dripped with both condescension and malice all at once.

Kan noticed the heat coming from her but deliberately chose to ignore it as he turned to the twins and flashed a wide smile at them, causing them to smile back...

"Hey guys, didn't know you were coming but the timing couldn't be any perfect!!" Kan said, shaking the tray in his hands and raising both his eyebrows in an inviting manner.

It was an unspoken gesture but they all knew what he meant and before he knew it, Sully had grabbed the plate from the tray and rushed inside the house, sitting on the floor and began to dig in with his hands.

"Sully, what is the meaning of that?!" Jessica immediately reprimanded, forcing Sully to stop dead in the middle of a bite.

Kan however laughed heartily as he said...

"You've got fast swipes, you wouldn't happen to be the big bad wolf, would you?" Kan teased, laughing out loud but soon found he was the only one who understood the joke.

He however invited them all in as he went to the kitchen.

"I can't wait till y'all taste what a good chef like myself is capable of!!" Kan declared with pride as he began to dish out into various plates.

"Leave me out, I'm here to see Ellie. Matter of fact, I'll go see her now!!" Jessica declared, standing up from the couch which they all squeezed in tightly together.

But just then, Ellie walked out of her room and met Jessica halfway saying...

"Thought I heard some noise. Hey, Jess!!" Ellie said, walking over towards Jessica and embracing her.

"You good? Couldn't get you off my mind. We all went to pay Kane a visit and we found you were there earlier. He says you don't look so good so we came over to see you too. I would have called first but I totally got carried away trying to control the kids and you know Mendy..." Jessica began to go on a tangent of explanation before Ellie cut her there.

"It's fine, you guys are welcomed anytime. By the way, something smells nice!!" Ellie said, shoving Jessica aside lightly as she went on a curious hunt to find out what her nose had perceived.

She made her way to the kitchen where Kan had dished out five plates of his finely cooked pasta.

"Hehehe...turns out you know more than sandwiches ayy? But I don't know this recipe, where did you get it from?" Ellie asked as she glared at the plate.

"It's a secret recipe. Stick around and maybe you could learn a few things from Kan, the kitchen maestro!!" Kan said, evidently delighted Ellie seemed impressed by his cooking even without having tasted it.

"Oh...I see. But hang on, I don't remember having anything that could make this meal. So how did you get all the stuff? From your place, I believe?" Ellie inquired.

"Nah, went to the local market not far from here!" Kan said casually as he walked by her with plates on a tray and went to set them down. Ellie watched him go with a surprised look on her face the whole time.

He met Mendy tinkering with a small square device he wondered what it could be.

"Is that some kind of communication device?" Kan asked as it bore semblance to mobile phones he was most used to.

"Yeah, I'm planning to call it an M-Phone!!" Mendy said, evidently taking pride in his invention.

Kan pieced together that the M would mostly stand for Mendy.

Kan stretched his hand out to have a look at it. Mendy didn't hesitate to hand over his invention to Kan.

"Feels a little heavy!" Kan murmured.

"You have a weight you are familiar with in mind?" Mendy was quick to ask.

"No, just that I imagine this would be carried around. People could grow muscles just by using one of these things, you know what I mean?" Kan laughed for a bit before continuing...

"The weight I suspect must be due to some of the unpolished materials you used to save production cost? Am I right?" Kan asked.

"Yeah, that's actually correct!" Mendy said, surprised with how much Kan seemed to know just by holding his invention.

Kan toggled a few interfaces and commented on them.

"Love the display design. And I'm guessing the battery must be like super durable, correct?!" Kan asked.

"Absolutely!! It's around 10000 mAh which I believe should last a week without charge. Although this is only the starting spec. With time, I would augment it, adding more changes!!" Mendy said in delight.

"How many have you made? I'd like one. And how much do you sell?!!" Kan asked excited about the prospects of using a mobile phone again.

The system could probably do more than any mobile phone but there was nothing he felt could top the familiarity!

"Well, I haven't started large scale production yet. You know these people, it takes time before they accept change. And I still have to do a few tweaks as well as get it accepted by the higher-ups so that it can be linked with the tree!" Mendy explained his plans brilliantly and noticed Kan's interest in it which gave him more vigor to continue!!

"That's great but I'd like one for myself. Just tell me your production cost and I'll pay!!" Kan said, handing him a bowl of his self-prepared meal before walking back to the kitchen.

"Hmmm, my opinion about you isn't that wrong after all. A franchise player you have turned out to be, just like I suspected from the start. The twins love you, Kane loves you, Ellie loves you, while I'm incapable of such enormous emotions, I feel positively about you as it stands. Now you just have to climb the mountain of a person, Jess. Do that and I'll personally give you the crown!!" Mendy internalized as he watched Kan walk back to the kitchen casually.

Kan re-entered the kitchen to find Ellie and Jessica huddled together, their voices lowered but the intensity of their conversation was palpable. Their gestures were animated, hands punctuating their points, occasionally pointing in each other's direction with a hint of displeasure.

Their exchange seemed to be about something they wished to keep private, guarded secrets shared in the confines of the room. However, the moment they caught sight of Kan, their expressions quickly shifted, masks of smiles replacing the previous tension. It was clear they didn't want him privy to their dispute, choosing to shield him from whatever disagreement was unfolding between them.

Kan, though unable to catch much of the conversation, could discern that his name had been tossed into the mix. Nonetheless, he put on a facade of nonchalance, grinning as he approached Ellie. His hand playfully brushed behind her, a teasing wink accompanying his gesture. Ellie reciprocated with a knowing smile, fully aware of the charade they were putting on, especially with Jessica present.

"I'm just gonna see to the twins now," Jessica declared, her smile forced before she made her exit from the kitchen.

With Jessica gone, Ellie turned her attention back to Kan. Her charming expression gave way to a somewhat forced frown as she playfully beat on his chest, her fingers interlocking around his neck.

"What was that for?!!" she asked, maintaining the pretense but her eyes twinkling with amusement.

Kan adopted an innocent expression, his hand making a chef's kiss gesture, clearly enchanted by the sight of Ellie. "What? I can't resist the way you look after a nap!! Natural and just mmm!!" he exclaimed.

Ellie couldn't help but chuckle, finding Kan's playful antics endearing. However, she swiftly yanked on both of his ears, drawing him closer before she whispered her ultimatum, still feigning an angry tone. "When they leave, you and me, in my room, that's where you'll receive your punishment for being naughty!!"

Ellie and Kan made their way to the living room, joining the rest of the group. Since the couch was a bit tight for everyone, most of them settled on the floor. They enjoyed their meal, the chatter filling the room.

Once everyone was finished, except for Jessica, Kan and Mendy took charge of clearing the plates. They headed to the kitchen together, engrossed in their conversation about Mendy's invention. Jessica, meanwhile, shot occasional glares in Mendy's direction. However, this didn't seem to dissuade him at all, and he continued discussing matters with Kan.

After everything was tidied up, they all reconvened in the living room. It was then that Jessica, now wearing a serious expression and exuding a business-like aura, took charge of the meeting, getting down to the true reason for their visit.

*Author's note*

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