Chapter 105 Bump

Chapter 105 Bump

Kan paused for a moment, caught in the unexpected question from Hela. The thought lingered in the air, and he found himself reflecting on it. Love was a complex concept, especially in the midst of the whirlwind events of the past days. He couldn't deny the strong connection he felt with Ellie, a bond forged through shared challenges and moments of vulnerability.

"I... I don't know," Kan admitted quietly, more to himself than to Hela. The question hung in the air, leaving him in a moment of introspection. It was a question he hadn't allowed himself to entertain fully.

With a deep breath, Kan pushed the thought to the back of his mind. There were pressing matters at hand—the gang, the Gecko Brotherhood, and the unpredictable twists that their lives had taken. He needed to focus on the immediate challenges before him.

As he opened the front door and stepped out, a wave of cool air greeted him. The streets were quiet, a stark contrast to the recent chaos. Kan set off towards his own home, hoping for a moment of respite in the familiar comfort of his bed.

Yet, even as he walked, his mind kept circling back to Ellie. She was a force of nature, strong and fierce, yet beneath that exterior, he had glimpsed vulnerability and kindness. The memory of her sleeping form lingered in his thoughts, and he couldn't help but wonder what the future held for both of them.

For now, though, he focused on the present, determined to navigate the complexities of the gang's dynamics and the emerging threat of the Gecko Brotherhood. Love, he decided, was a question for another day—a day when the world wasn't on the brink of upheaval, and he could afford to explore the depths of his heart.

Kan trudged towards his own apartment, ascending the stairs with each step feeling like an unnecessary feat in the age of advanced technology.

"Of all the tech advancement, a staircase exists?! I hate stairs!" Kan muttered, disgruntled by the distance he still had to cover to reach his floor.

Finally, he arrived, casting a rueful glance back at the convoluted stairs. He couldn't help but mutter once more, "Great way to lose all the nutrients in my specially prepared meal! Thanks once again, universe!" His voice, though low, bore a tone of exasperation.

After this brief bout of fluster, he turned his attention to the doorknob. Taking a steadying breath, he twisted it. To his astonishment, the door yielded easily.

"Hmm, dad's back, I guess," Kan mused, stepping into his abode with the nonchalance of someone who had just returned from a casual errand.

He headed straight for his room, expecting a layer of dust and perhaps even some cobwebs due to his prolonged absence and the hushed silence that clung to the space.

However, his entry was met not with eerie quiet, but with the sonorous chorus of snoring. It jolted him from his composed state, his senses instantly sharpened. In the dimness, he discerned the vague outlines of two figures cocooned within his blanket, nestled on his bed.

The sight was so surreal, it momentarily stole his breath. His parents, here, in his apartment, occupying his bed—it was a twist he hadn't even dared to imagine.

"What in the..." Kan mused, not knowing whether to be mad or just straight up laugh.

As he stood there, a whirlwind of emotions churned within him. The rush of surprise and bewilderment mingled with a deeper undercurrent of something akin to comfort. It was a snapshot of the familiar, juxtaposed against the utterly unexpected.

A soft smile tugged at the corners of his lips. This was a moment that defied explanation, one that would unravel its secrets in due time. For now, he simply observed but after a few minutes got bored and decided to head back to the living room.

Kan, after his moment of quiet observation, felt restlessness start to creep in. The novelty of the unexpected guests had worn off, and he knew he couldn't make use of his parents' room, even if it was currently occupied by them. That wasn't the way their family operated.

Besides, fatigue was catching up with him, and he lacked the energy for any kind of negotiation or dispute. The couch seemed like the most inviting option. As he sank into its familiar cushions, a sense of unexpected contentment washed over him.

Within moments, he was cocooned in the embrace of the couch, and the world around him gently blurred. Slumber claimed him swiftly, carrying him away on its tranquil tide.

Kan roused from his slumber to the lilting melody of his mother's voice, its warmth permeating the room. Rubbing his eyes, he peered over the couch's backrest to witness a kitchen in organized chaos. The symphony of clinking pots and sizzling ingredients testified to a culinary frenzy of epic proportions.

Although they had made themselves at home in his bed last night, it didn't erase the underlying tensions."Good morning!!" Kan mustered a reluctant greeting for his mother but his gaze held the weight of unresolved concerns.

Brenda's face lit up with maternal joy, her voice bubbling with pride. She couldn't contain her excitement. "My baby, how did you sleep?!! Look what I'm making!! All of it for you!!" He turned to see what all the joy was about, food wasn't exactly a medal he would cherish for ever and besides, he couldn't remember the last time she made any up until then.

Kan's eyes widened, jaw slackening in shock. He pointed, unable to find the words until it finally blurted through..."What happened to you?!" Kan asked, pointing right at her stomach.

Brenda's stomach, once a familiar sight, now bore a curious transformation.

"Oh Kan, I was just going to tell you but first, I want you to meet someone!!!" Brenda's voice, filled with anticipation, rang out. From behind Kan, a figure emerged, draped in a nightwear that Kan recognized.

It should have been his father. But it wasn't.

"Holy...shit!!!" Kan's exclamation hung in the air, a mixture of disbelief, astonishment, and a touch of horror, all rolled into one expensive joke he prayed it was.

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