Chapter 11: The riddle

Chapter 11: The riddle

In the mystical realm of limbo, inside the temple of memories, Alex stood beside the enchanting presence of Nebula, the goddess lady. Nebula's ethereal form radiated an otherworldly brilliance, her eyes shimmering with wisdom and untold secrets whilst offering steadfast companion to Alex, she remained ever watchful, ready to offer support in this extraordinary encounter.

Just as they travelled through the caverns of the temple, Alex and Nebula spotted a shimmering glow ahead of them that got closer by the second. Eventually, floating over them was a deity.

A being floating with an ethereal glow and countless worlds surrounding it. The deity had no face nor form other than a pure shining light. The feeling of immense pressure came over Alex as he sought to look away from the blinding light.

"You seek knowledge, Alex" the voice echoed through the air, resonating with power. The voice was from none other than the deity itself.

"I am the source. The physical embodiment of the universe's will. I am your judge and jury, Alex," The source introduced itself. Alex stood with awe and for once even felt fear when he looked around and saw Nebula bowing with her face to the ground.

"Alex, heed my words and tread cautiously. The path you embark upon, transmigration, holds great risks. Limbo, the realm between worlds, is treacherous. Should you stray too far, you face the danger of becoming lost for eternity." the source warned.

Alex's immediately began to rethink his decision. First, Nebula gave him the same warning and now it was being repeated. This had to be a sign that it was a bad idea to begin with.

"It is without a doubt that your core, the foundation of your being, may suffer irreparable harm during the transmigration. Without a stable core, your rebirth may become a disastrous ordeal."

A shiver coursed through Alex's spine as he realized the gravity of the situation.

"But the path you choose will shape your destiny. I offer you two choices, two paths to glean the understanding you seek." the source continued to speak.

Alex's heart thumped in anticipation, his eagerness and curiosity piqued by the weightiness of the moment. He nodded and eagerly awaited what the source had to say.

"This is the temple of memories. In here, enlightenment awaits you. But it is not for free. You gain knowledge here and move forward only if you are worthy," the source said.

"How do you qualify one as worthy," Nebula spoke on behalf of Alex. She did great thing because at that point, Alex had no idea what to say. He was completely clueless as to what to say to the powerful deity in front of him.

" He has two choices. The first one is to embark on a perilous journey, fraught with danger and challenges. You'll traverse treacherous lands, facing ancient curses and malevolent creatures. In your quest, you will encounter wise sages and enigmatic beings, each offering fragments of the knowledge you seek."

Alex and Nebula pondered the gravity of this choice. The thought of an arduous journey both excited and intimidated them. Was this the path to true enlightenment? Or was there another choice?

"Your second choice," the source continued, "Is to accept a riddle. Answer it correctly, and I shall grant you the knowledge you desire. Fail, and you will be forever barred from this realm, condemned to wander without understanding,"

"This is the part you must choose wisely. Remember, knowledge is very important if you must seek the journey only gods embark on," Nebula explained to Alex the whole significance of going through this phase.

"I'm not about to fight no monsters and pass through stress. let's go with the riddle, how hard can it be?!" Alex concluded.

With renewed determination, Alex eagerly agreed to the riddle, prepared to unravel the enigma shrouding their path to enlightenment.

"I choose the path of the riddle," Alex voiced this time.

"Very well, you have three riddles, answer them all correctly and then your path to a new life will be created," The source said.

"Alright, let's do this!!" Alex said. Nebula at that point wanted to facepalm herself again seeing how casual Alex behaved in front of a sentient being capable of almost anything. Again, his casual nature slipping in and out making Nebula wonder if he actually knew where he was.

"Voiceless I cry, wingless I flutter, toothless I bite, mouthless I mutter. What am I?"

Alex furrowed his brow, mind racing to unravel the riddle's meaning.

"Fuck, I should have gone with the first choice," Alex on the spot, then and there began to regret his decision.

*Author's note*

First of all, who knows the answer to this riddle?

No cheating...I'll give y'all time before I post the next chapter.

Also, show author some love with powerstones and reviews please.

Also, Golden tickets will be highly appreciated

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