Chapter 111 Not to be treated nice?

Chapter 111 Not to be treated nice?

The atmosphere had quickly changed the moment Ellie made her way into where they were all secretly gathered and discussing about the Ebony kings. Ellie's arrival had caused a drastic shift as Kan not only cursed his luck because the task of adding the beauty Keyla to be one of his followers and potentially his harem had become a lot tougher.

He felt for sure not everyone was open to having a cheating partner like his parents were. Those people were just messed up, he thought. However, the issue of making Keyla his own was something he originally planned for later. At the moment, his biggest concern was the palpable animosity that seemed to be consuming both girls in the room with them.

"I thought you'd be the one," Ellie replied, steely gaze at Keyla the entire time with her teeth grinding against one another. Because she was behind Kan and resting on his shoulders, Kan could hear clearly and felt if she wasn't careful, she would grind them completely to dust. But at the moment, whatever was pissing Ellie off didn't seem like something she could just push aside.

"I'm going guys, I shouldn't he here," keyla threw her hands in the air and was about to leave but straight away, Kan reached out to her as she stood up, on her way towards the exist and tried to ask why.

"Did we say something? Is something bugging you? I'd understand if you don't like the presence of a third party but Ellie is just one of us, it's completely fine by me, don't you trust me?" Kan asked, holding Keyla's hands firmly and staring into her eyes, almost searching and invading her soul.

"I...I do...but" Keyla tried to protest but Kan was swift enough to take her other hand and walked up to her, making Ellie to let go of him as he was in motion. With only an arm's length separating the two, Kan gauged his changes and seeing it was fair, he took it.

"Listen, if there's someone who makes you feel uncomfortable here, just say it and they'd leave? Okay? We came to you for a reason and that's to help you, you believe me right?" Kan asked, all while his gaze and Keyla's were locked onto one another. The entire time though, Mendy had a constant smile on his face that was both out of mesmerizement and utter pride for Kan. The one that shocked him the most is the confidence Kan exuded even with this stranger. It was like he had done it a couple of hundred times before in the past and just knew what to say and how to say it. Now this was an irony as Kan felt the same way about him earlier.

"Okay, I'll just sit down a little. My head's starting to feel a little fozzy," Keyla said, forcing a small giggle before she looked to her space to sit.

"Yeah, you should sit," Kan urged her and let go of her hand to sit.

[She couldn't take any more of the pheromone again. She would have passed out!] Hela pointed out.

"Yeah apparently. But the skill has done what I want so I guess it's fine if I turn it off for a while," Kan replied Hela in his head.

[Pheromone deactivated]

Kan walked back to his sit to meet a pair of eyes staring daggers at him. It was obvious his little stunt with Keyla didn't go unnoticed under the watchful scrutiny of Ellie. She looked unpleased with a furrowed eyebrow the whole time. As Kan sat down, Ellie left his back and went over to stand at a near corner watching the scene unfold from there.

"So let's get back to what we were saying. You said you are Ralph's girlfriend, as in the leader of the Ebony king's girlfriend. Surely that should give you some insights as to how the gang is ran, correct?!" Mendy started off.

But as these words left his mouth, Keyla's face took a sour turn once again as she looked at Mendy for quite a while and then at Kan before finally looking at Ellie.

"That's a rather suspicious question to ask. You guys said you wanted to help me but as it stands now you only seem interested about Ralph and the Ebony kings gang. I need to know though, are you guys members of the rival gangs? Because trust me, If Ralph finds me sitting with a rival gang, I'd be done and so would you three!" Keyla said, her eyes stern and serious but also did it house a hint of fear.

"You don't have to worry about that. Let us do that for you. Matter of fact, I feel this place is a little unconventional to have this conversation. I believe I speak for everyone when I say..." Kan was about to say something before his ears picked up something.

"Oh, that's the bell. Good for us!" Kan stood up from his seat and that's when Keyla called out.

"Wait, are you leaving just like that?" She asked.

"Aren't you coming?" Kan asked, giving his hand out for her to grab onto and stand up. As all this happened, Ellie was behind him watching it all.

"Where are we going?" Keyla asked.

"Somewhere I'm sure you'd feel safer talking," Kan reassured with a smile and Keyla nodded, following him.

[You have won her over. I'm guessing you'd follow through with the plans right?] Hela asked.

"Of course, she's going to be mine. But first, we need to sort out the problem at hand," Kan said with a determined look on his face as they left the place. The whole time, Keyla and kan walked side by side, having conversations that were indistinct to those that didn't pay much attention. But for Ellie, it was like a walk in the park as she could hear everything being said and had her own thoughts in mind.

'Why is he being so nice to her?! And why is she being so cuddly with him? I know that he is trying to get information out of her, hence, why he is being so sweet. But still, there are people Kan needs to know that even for the sake of the gang, he can't be nice to. Not after what I and her have been through!" Ellie thought while still grinding her teeth. Mendy who was by her side took note as well and only flashed a look at her before minding his business, meddling with his M-Phone.

'I just can't deal with the emotional trauma of being singularly associated with someone. My space is something I cherish, hence the reason I envy the mental fortitude of the likes of Kan who manage to keep their sanity intact and still be intimate with their partners!' Mendy tho

ught all while pressing a few things on his phone.

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