Chapter 113 IT’S MY SYSTEM’S FAULT!!

Chapter 113 IT'S MY SYSTEM'S FAULT!!

"What did you do?" Kan asked.

[Seeing that you had some interest in her but never really pushed for it, I decided to do that for you,] Hela replied.

"What? What did you really do?" Kan asked, not finding the situation funny anymore. He understood that whatever the system was, classify it as technology or magic, it went far beyond anything he knew or could conceive.

The system had shown glimpse of being sentient and not just a program stuck in his head. This atimes made him feel uneasy but there are moments were its almost alive nature paid off, this moment however wasn't one of those.

[When you shook her at the hospital, I ran a search of her on her socials and found her profile. So I clicked a few pictures of hers, that's all,] Hela explained it self, almost sounding like a child being scolded.

The very thought that he had a system he couldn't really control and didn't have the proper grips around how it worked or operated made him terrified. For all he knew, Hela had carried out some other actions behind the scenes that he might never find out about.

However, this was one of those less harmful ones yet, he was still offended and made it known.

"Look, I get you are trying to be some helpful type of AI assistance but you have to understand something here. I'm the pilot annddd the copilot. You are just the passenger and I take you where I want to go and when I want to go. In simple terms, I'm your host and not the other way around so I suggest you run all ideas through me first before implementing any of it!!" Kan scolded.

His warnings were of fair standings. He needed to make sure it never happened again as for all he knew, the next time it might be something he genuinely couldn't brush aside and had to deal with it as a real person. He couldn't exactly push the blame to Hela if this had turn out to be a potentially dangerous situation whereby he was asked and would have had to say..."It wasn't me, my system did it!"

Surely that didn't make any sense.

[Well, are you going to reply her or not?!] Hela after all the warning asked.

Kan sighed, fearing that all he had said had just gone through thin air. He hated the dynamics of how his thoughts and actions could he heard and read by Hela yet somehow, the veil protecting the system ensured he had limited information about practically everything else.



**New message from HealerSab**

**HealerSab** - Hi, master Kan.

**Khela203** - Hey, Sabrina. Sorry if what I did appeared to be stalking. Just wanted to ask if I could comeback and get my stuff. I believe my card's with you!

**HealerSab** - Yes!! As a matter of fact, I've been looking to get in touch with you. Could you come pick it up right now?! I'm over at your apartment building but can't seem to figure out which room you stay in hehehe!

"What the hell?! She's at my place?!! How did she even find my place? Oh shoot, the card!! It seemed like nothing when that police woman handed it to me. Now I know to be more careful with it because it has way more than just my name on it!!" Kan noted, the surprise evident on his face and even making Mendy who he was walking with throw a few glances at him.

"Are you okay? Don't let how she's behaving throw you off. I personally believe you know what you are doing here and you two, I mean, you and Keyla seem to have a connection going so if there's anyone that can bring her in, it's you!!" Mendy offered his words of support before going back to his M-Phone.

"Yeah, thanks!!" Kan said, pretending that what he had said was his present concern meanwhile he was thinking about the new mess he was now in.

[You should probably reply her soon. She's waiting!] Hela didn't do much to help.


**Khela203** - Oh, you are at my place already? Well, I just got out of school and I'm heading for the bus.

**HealerSab**- It's okay, I'll wait then!!

**Khela203** - okay then, I'll see you soon!


"What the hell?! She's coming all the way to my place to deliver my card? Couldn't she have just invited me to the hospital to pick it up?!" Kan thought about the bizarreness of the scenario.

[Maybe she had a lot of time on her hands or perhaps lives close, you don't know!] Hela tried to make sense of it. But even then, Kan could tell that the system's tone was one of knowing, almost as if it was hiding something from him and mocking him at the same time.

"So guys, I'm just going to take a quick detour home to pick something. You all go on without me, I'll be at the base as soon as I can!!" Kan said to Mendy who was the only one that was near enough to hear him. However, the ladies at the front, Keyla and Ellie both turned as they had heard what he said.

"You are going?!!" Keyla asked, clear distress in her voice as she wanted to know if Kan was leaving her all alone. She meant no offence but alone with Mendy seemed quite alright other than the silent treatment she felt she would mostly receive as he seemed all too occupied with the strange gadget in his hands, still she felt she could at least manage.

However, alone with Ellie didn't seem like something that she wanted to try anytime soon.

"I'll be back, I just have to run some errands. You guys take care of her, please!!" Kan said, turning around and tearing off towards a different direction.

'I wonder why he's so eager to leave' Ellie looking at kan's fading figure in the distance.

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