Chapter 24: Herald of lust

Chapter 24: Herald of lust

The man's tattered clothes seemed to come alive, rippling and tearing apart on their own. A white, ethereal veil materialized around him, fluttering gently like a ghostly shroud. The man's wild hair seemed to stand on end as if charged with electricity. His eyes, once human, now glowed with an otherworldly intensity, reflecting the twisted desires that stirred within him.

"Who... what are you?" Kan stuttered, trying to regain his composure.

The man chuckled darkly, his voice echoing with power. "I am the conduit of the Lust God's will, and you, my friend, have just become an integral part of my plans."

The sight was both awe-inspiring and terrifying, and Kan struggled to comprehend the surreal scene before him. The man's ragged appearance had transformed into something out of a nightmare, and Kan couldn't help but feel a surge of unease.

Their battle continued, with the man now demonstrating feats of superhuman abilities. He kicked a nearby dumpster with incredible force, sending it soaring into the air, reaching heights that seemed impossible.

Kan's emotions were in disarray. Fear, anger, and confusion intertwined within him, but he knew he couldn't back down. He had to stand up for what was right, no matter the cost.

As the man closed in on Kan, he couldn't help but muster some humor amidst the chaos. "You know, floating or not, you're still just a creep!"

The man's eyes blazed with fury, and he shot back, "You'll regret your insolence, boy!"

Kan's confusion mixed with fear and anger. "I won't serve you or your twisted desires! You can't force me into anything!"

The man laughed heartily, floating effortlessly off the ground. "Oh, I won't force you, but you see, you've seen too much, and I can't have you wandering around freely,"

With newfound strength, Kan mustered his courage and charged at the man. "I won't let you hurt anyone else!"

Their clash was nothing short of spectacular. The man moved with blinding speed, dodging Kan's strikes with ease, while retaliating with devastating blows of his own. Kan found himself thrown back and forth, unable to land a solid hit.

"Bloody asshole!! I'm going to knock your balls so deep into your ass!!" Kan raged on like a wild animal.

"Give up! You're no match for me!" the man taunted, his voice resonating through the narrow alley.

"Oh, I'm just getting started!" Kan replied, wiping the blood from his lip.

The man's laughter echoed around them as he continued to chase Kan through the alleyways. Kan's emotions were in turmoil - he was scared, angry, and amazed all at once. He couldn't wrap his head around the fact that he was facing a man who could levitate and summon such incredible power.

As Kan darted through the narrow paths, he found himself exchanging banter with the strange man, hoping to distract him. "You must be pretty bored, huh? Chasing innocent people like this? Get a hobby!"

The man grinned wickedly. "You know, I usually don't take interest in idiots like yourself , but there's something about you that's intriguing. The way you jumped to that woman's defense... it's both amusing and pathetic. Face it, that was not an act of heroics. You were hoping to get handsomely rewarded"

"What? Saying please doesn't make me any weaker than you forcing yourself on her like an animal!!" Kan barked at the man.

"You are just a fucking simp!! I like..." The man replied with a suspicious smile.

Kan's anger flared at the man's insulting words, and he charged at him again, fists flying. The man parried each blow effortlessly, but he seemed entertained by Kan's determination.

"Funny how you know you are outmatched yet you keep fighting!!" The man said before punching Kan to a nearby wall.

Kan staggered back up and assumed a boxers stance. He began to bounce on both legs and when the man came closer, kan craftily pretended to throw a punch but instead settled for a kick right in the man's crouch area.

"Yeah!!! do you like that?!! It hurts, don't it?!!" Kan mocked the man.

"Hahahaha...I barely felt a thing. This right here isn't even my body!!" The man got back up immediately like it wasn't him that was just kicked in the balls.

"Say what now?" ...Kan muttered. And at that point knew he was royally screwed. "Who gets up after their nuts are kicked?!!" Kan thought and with a quick decision made on the spot, he spun around the man and took off once again.

Finally, after a relentless pursuit, the man cornered Kan once more. "Time's up, Kan. Now, repeat after me the SIMP'S OATH and seal our pact," The man brought out a book seemingly out of no where and also a pen magically summoned by him. He began to scribble down on bunch of things and when he was done, he asked Kan to repeat after him.

Kan was desperate to escape this bizarre situation, and in a moment of vulnerability, he did as the man commanded, reciting the strange words from the book after the man.

"I solemnly swear, to my wives I'll devote,

A quest for love and laughter, I will promote.

In a world of cruel design, my heart's desire,

To collect all the waifus that I admire.

From tsundere to yandere, they come in all flavors,

Each one a gem, with unique behaviors.

Their personalities varied, their charm untold,

My wife collection, a treasure to unfold.

I'll traverse dimensions, where my fantasy lies,

To seek out waifus, with stars in their eyes.

In school halls or castles, no place too far,

My determination, like a shooting star.

With kindness and care, I'll win their hearts,

For consent and respect, I'll play my parts.

In this adventure, our love will ascend,

A wife's happiness, my ultimate end.

Together we'll laugh, share tears and dreams,

In each wife's world, we'll build funny schemes.

My oath to cherish, protect, and adore,

A wife collector forevermore!

So let the journey begin, on this whimsical ride,

To gather my wives, side by side.

With love and laughter, we'll find our way,

A wife collector, come what may!" Alex pledged after the man.

"Good boy," the man sneered. "Now, say my name and you shall do the Lust God's bidding," the crazed looking man said.

"The hell? Now I gotta say your name? Nah man, I'm not saying it!!" Kan declined.

"Say my name this moment!!" The man yelled with sparks in his eyes.

"Hehehe..I bet that's what you tell your mom when you are hitting it from behind!!" Kan mocked the man but just then, he was unloaded on by the man who wasted zero time in punching the sarcasm right out of kan's mouth. In the moment he was being pummeled, it then occurred to Kan that indeed, he has messed up big time. But then again, he wasn't going to surrender like that!!

"Fine...I'll say your name, man!!" Kan surrendered. And the man seized his assault.

"Well, the basic thing about knowing someone's name is this thing called introduction. You gotta actually tell me what your name is. I'm not like you who can levitate and know people's name simply by punching them in the face.

"Right, my name's Erosse!!" the man declared loudly in the alley.

"Erosse?!!" Kan asked.

"Excellent, it is done!!" The man who introduced himself as Erosse said.

"The f*ck?! No, I didn't mean it that way!!!" Kan yelled out but at that point, it was a little too late.

Kan's heart sank as he realized the gravity of his situation. He was now bound to this enigmatic figure, and there seemed to be no escape.

The man's laughter reverberated through the alley, and suddenly, his aura intensified. It was as if the darkness of the night itself was drawn to him. Shadows danced around him, and the air seemed to grow thicker with an ominous presence.

"I shall bestow upon you a fraction of my power," the man proclaimed, his voice carrying an unsettling authority.

Kan felt a surge of energy coursing through him, and his body trembled as if it could barely contain the newfound strength. But along with the power, he also felt an insidious influence taking root within him, tugging at his desires.

The man's gaze bore into Kan's soul, and he could feel himself losing control, succumbing to a growing temptation he couldn't understand.

"Now, Kan, go forth as the Herald of Lust. Embrace your new nature, and let it guide you," the man commanded, his voice sending shivers down Kan's spine.



A bell like sound rung in Kan's head and the next minute, like a computer game, a notification appeared in his line of sight.

[You have been blessed with the lust system]...



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