Chapter 31: Slight road block

Chapter 31: Slight road block

As Kan felt a sense of comfort and familiarity wash over him as he hugged Aunt Layla back. But just then, a strange thing occurred as he saw a new notification pop up right in his view.


{Run your hand down her back (+1 skill point)}

{Grab her ass (+5 charm points)}

{Do none (-1 charm point)}

"Well this is new. If I do any of these, I get a reward but if I don't, then there's some type of penalty involved, ayy?" Kan thought. He looked at the options. The task weren't inherently things he couldn't do or were seemingly impossible. But then again, it became a tug of war having to decide between the charm points and the skill point, which was more important.

As Hela already explained, both the charm and skills in his disposal are great tools to ensuring the success in his future endeavors. However, as he thought about it, numbers certainly did not lie. And besides, he had three skills available.

"What are the odds that the point wouldn't go to singing anyway? If I choose the first option now, I lose the other two. While one of them is expendable, I can't say the same for the other two. I mean, one against five is simply no argument. Numbers do not lie," Kan thought and in that instant, Kan sneakingly brought his hand down towards aunt Layla's ass and like a handling a delicate surgical operation, Kan palpated her soft ass with his wide spread fingers covering a large extent of her behind.

"Damn, I couldn't even make it past half of her surface area!! She's got a huge weapon behind!!" Kan could only confirm what he had seen already before. But with aunt Layla's ass being so good, each time it came as a surprise.

However, aunt layla did respond to kan's antics.

"Kanakan!! Don't be silly, it's not bath time anymore. You don't have to feel for dirt," aunt Layla said, pushing Kan away and her voice tinged with both reproach and playfulness. Kan saw the beautiful smile on her face as she invited him in. She turned around and walked in front, her ass jingling through the loose brown gown she wore.

"She has no panties on!" Kan thought as he failed to see any prints nor did he feel any strap when he grabbed her ass. He was a veteran in this game and didn't need more than a single touch to access the situation presented before him. As he walked in, a constant smile remained on his face not for the warm welcome he was receiving but rather because he could see a blue computer like prompt hanging over his view.


[5 points added to charm!]

[Charm -35]

"Hehehe...loving this already," Kan mused.

[No shit, keep this balsy attitude up and you might just become the lord of tits and ass in no time!!!] Hela said enthusiastically.

"Is that really something anyone should look forward to? Well I guess being the herald to the literal god of lust means at some point, I have to meddle in such affairs. Sigh, why have I been cursed with such tantalizing blessing?!" Kan joked.

"Make yourself at home," aunt layla said as they walked through the passage way to the living room.

Admist all that had happened in his short interaction with aunt Layla, Kan failed to take into account the beauty of the house she lived in.

Stepping into Aunt Layla's house was like entering a realm of enchantment and modern innovation. The interior exuded a unique blend of traditional warmth and futuristic elegance. Luminescent panels embedded in the walls emitted a soft, ethereal glow that illuminated the space with a calming radiance.

The living room was adorned with holographic artwork that seemed to come alive as Kan moved. Vibrant scenes of magical landscapes and mythical creatures shifted and changed before his eyes, captivating his senses. Furnishings, though fashioned with classic designs, were enhanced with subtle magical enchantments, providing an unmatched level of comfort.

The centerpiece of the room was a large, transparent holodisplay suspended in mid-air. It projected a three-dimensional view of Veridale's skyline, complete with illuminated landmarks and swirling magical currents. Aunt Layla's home was a testament to the seamless integration of magic and technology, where everyday objects held an otherworldly charm.

As they sat down, the holodisplay transformed into a captivating light show, casting mesmerizing patterns across the room. The gentle hum of hidden machinery created a soothing ambiance, and the air was infused with a delicate fragrance of enchanted herbs.

Amidst the innovative design, cozy corners provided spaces for personal touches. Intricately carved wooden shelves showcased ancient tomes alongside holographic crystal orbs, offering a bridge between past and future. It was a space where tradition and progress coexisted harmoniously.

In this extraordinary setting, Kan found himself captivated by the beauty and wonder of Aunt Layla's home. It was a reflection of Veridale's unique character, a place where the old and the new danced in perfect harmony, creating an atmosphere of magic and comfort that Kan would always cherish.

"Uncle Mike is just upstairs, I'll go get him right away," Aunt Layla said with joy in her voice as she immediately sprinted towards the stairs, hopping over a step to the next and in the process, her breasts clasping together while all Kan could do was sit in sheer appreciation for the beauty he was beholding.

But then it suddenly dawned on him.

"Fuck!! Stupid uncle Mike is home?!! What happened to going out and working hard like men would do? How do I fuck her with him around now??!" Kan was beside himself. These thoughts were of course internal as he didn't voice any of it out.

[You know, the greatest people didn't become great by letting little obstacles block their way. So what if he is around?! You can still fuck her and make sure she doesn't moan loud enough to his hearing!] Hela remarked and her tone sounded as though she was losing her patience.

"You know, you are one bad influence!" Kan said but a smirk was on his face as he realized the system wasn't far from the truth.

And just then, walking down the stairs, a large frame figure with ears pointed outwards like his (Kan) walked down the stairs with aunt Layla behind.

"And If it isn't Kanakan himself!! What brought you over to my house?!" The one known as Mike came down the stairs with a wide grin plastered on his heavily abundant facial hair occupied face.

'Oh nothing, just came to fuck your wife. You and there... regular stuffs,' Kan said in his mind while extending a handshake towards uncle Mike who stared at his hand in a confused manner.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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