Chapter 38 100% Support

Chapter 38 100% Support

As Kan got into his room, he sat on the bed, looking at the system display in front of him.

[Because you were intimate with aunt Layla, you have gotten her magic ability as well]

[Acquired ability - pheromone (level 5)]

"Wait, what? I acquired a magic ability simply by doing that?" Kan said in utter shock.

[Yes...yes ...yes. I forgot to mention that you can acquire the magic abilities of the women you sleep with. Depending on how strong their ability is that's how strong yours will be too] Hela explained.

"Okay, but pheromone?!" Kan asked yet again.

[Pheromone - The user has complete control over the pheromones, a secreted or excreted chemical factor that triggers a social response in members of the same species, of oneself and others, including releasing pheromones that induce attraction between subjects (or within a subject for oneself), to exuding pheromones strong enough to induce sleep, change/influence emotions, draw crowds, etc]

[Pheromones may induce a pleasure or may put subjects into a state of high suggestibility (either of which is useful for limited mind control). Other uses of these pheromones can be used to mark territory (causing people to feel the compulsion to not go into a certain area), or to leave a pheromone path which others can follow. The user's pheromones may even increase stamina, slightly stimulate the healing process or (used offensively) cause foes to become disoriented, violent or extremely sick. But again, all these abilities are directly influenced by the level of the magic]

"So you mean I could do all of that with just this ability? That's crazy!! But wait, hold on. Does that mean aunt Layla used her powers on me?" Kan began to suspect.

[No baby, that was all on you. You wanted her ass, don't blame it on her,] Hela was quick to step in and kill the suspicion. Kan laughed to this as he thought the system had a really funny personality.

"Wow, so the more women I fuck, the stronger I get and even more powers? That's like a stack of rewards for enjoying myself!!" Kan was elated.

[ gets better though. Just you watch, baby] Hela said.

"Hahaha...I can't wait. But hold on, let's see what my profile looks like now," Kan thought and with a single thought, brought out the system window.

[Profile of the lust system]

[Name : Kanakan]

[Race: Elf]

[Alliance: Errose]



Strenght : 32

Stamina : 30

Agility : 35

Vitality : 30

Charm : 35

Luck : 10

Mana : 40

Skills : Arousal [level 1], Singing [Level 3], Pheromone [ Level 5]

"Nice. I could increase all these skills with skill points. Increase my charm as well and even increase my stats as well. I might be on to something here," kan gazed at the screen before him until he finally dozed off.


The next day, Kan ventured to school on his own, his steps purposeful and his determination evident. He entered the classroom designated for introductory magic, his heart a mix of excitement and anticipation. This was where beginners like him would embark on their journey into the world of mysticism and power.

However, as he settled into his seat, the atmosphere in the room took an unexpected turn. The students around him exchanged puzzled glances, their whispers growing hushed. Kan furrowed his brows, his excitement giving way to confusion as he realized that something was amiss.

A sudden hush swept over the room as the door swung open, and a figure entered with an air of authority. All eyes turned towards her—the blond woman with a striking red shirt that hugged her figure and a black skirt that exuded confidence. Her lips were adorned with a bold shade of red lipstick that seemed to mirror the intensity of her presence. This was Miss Katherine, the teacher in charge of the elementary magic class.

The room seemed to hold its breath as Miss Katherine's gaze swept over the students, her eyes finally landing on Kan. She approached him, her steps deliberate and her expression a blend of sternness and professionalism.

"I'm sorry, Master Kanakan," she addressed him, her voice carrying a hint of authority that brooked no argument. "But as it stands, our previous mana test indicated that you do not possess any magical abilities. This, unfortunately, means that you are not suited for this introductory magic class."

Kan felt his heart sink, a mixture of disappointment and frustration welling up within him. He had come to the class with high hopes, only to be met with this unexpected revelation. He met Miss Katherine's gaze, his own eyes reflecting a mix of determination and a touch of defiance.

"Is there nothing I can do?" Kan asked, his voice carrying a hint of desperation. His dreams of mastering magic and unraveling the mysteries of this world were threatened to slip through his fingers.

Miss Katherine's expression softened ever so slightly, and she offered a sympathetic smile. "Fear not, Master Kanakan. There is an alternative path for those without innate magical abilities. You will be redirected to the Craft and Tech Beginners Class, where you will have the opportunity to explore a different avenue of expertise."

Kan nodded, a mixture of resignation and determination settling within him. He understood that his journey might take a different route than he had initially envisioned, but he was determined to make the most of it.

Determined and unyielding, Kan's gaze locked onto the Mana detecting ball once again, a fiery determination burning in his eyes. He wasn't willing to accept defeat without another attempt. "Would it cause any harm if I tried it again?" Kan's voice broke through the whispers and giggles that had already begun to swirl around the classroom. He felt the weight of their mocking stares, but he was resolute in his decision.

Miss Katherine's patience appeared to waver as she met Kan's gaze. Furrowing her brow, she sighed, her tone tinged with exasperation. "As I explained, your test results were negative for Mana just yesterday. The chances of a sudden change occurring are highly unlikely, especially given your age." Her words held a stern edge, a warning that Kan was treading on thin ice.

"Nevertheless, a single attempt couldn't hurt, could it?" Kan persisted, his voice steady despite the visible doubt that lingered in the room. After a moment of contemplation, Miss Katherine conceded, her frustration palpable.

With an air of confidence, Kan approached the Mana ball that had become a subject of scrutiny. The classroom held its breath as he placed his hand on the surface, his touch tentative yet determined. And then, in a blaze of unexpected brilliance, the bulb within the ball ignited with a dazzling light.

"What the?!!" Gasps of astonishment reverberated through the class, disbelief painting the faces of the students. Kan's success was met with a mixture of surprise and awe—it was unheard of for Mana to manifest overnight.

Even Miss Katherine, the embodiment of authority and knowledge, appeared genuinely perplexed. Her usually composed demeanor faltered, her brow furrowing as she struggled to comprehend the unprecedented turn of events. This was a twist she had never encountered in all her years of teaching.

In an effort to regain control and save face, Miss Katherine swiftly replaced the Mana ball with another, offering an explanation that rang with a hint of desperation. "You see, just like electricity, there might be residual Mana in the ball from previous use. The presence of your living cells could have triggered its activation." Her words were an attempt to pacify the confused class, to restore a semblance of order in the wake of the unexpected revelation.

Yet, to her dismay, the second ball, too, ignited with a radiant glow. The classroom erupted into a buzz of astonishment, disbelief giving way to a collective murmur of disbelief. Miss Katherine's confidence wavered, her composure slipping further.

Left with no other recourse, Miss Katherine set both balls aside and addressed Kan with a begrudging formality. "You may resume your seat." Her tone was a mix of acknowledgment and begrudging acceptance, her authority momentarily eclipsed by the unforeseen turn of events.

As Miss Katherine hastily exited the classroom, her murmured words carried a hint of uncertainty, a reflection of the questions that now lingered in the wake of Kan's inexplicable demonstration of Mana. The students remained in a state of awe and confusion, their eyes following Kan's triumphant form as he returned to his seat.

In that moment, amidst the lingering buzz of disbelief, Kan couldn't help but let a triumphant smile creep onto his lips.


The atmosphere in school that day was a stark contrast to the previous one. Kan found himself surrounded by classmates who, just a day ago, had seemed aloof and distant. The transformation was remarkable—students approached him with smiles and friendly greetings, eager to strike up conversations and forge new connections. The whispers and giggles had given way to genuine warmth, and Kan was at the center of this newfound camaraderie.

Among those who extended their hand in friendship, it was the girls who stood out the most. Their laughter seemed to dance on the air whenever Kan was around, their eyes drawn to him as if by an invisible force. Kan couldn't help but notice the intrigued glances and playful smiles that were directed his way, leaving him both flattered and slightly bewildered.

Hela's amused voice resonated within Kan's mind, her words tinged with a sense of triumph. [ see? With a little "magic," you can get anyone's attention.] Her tone was a mixture of pride and playfulness, hinting at the power that had seemingly awakened within Kan.

The school day progressed smoothly, guided by Miss Katherine's renewed enthusiasm. The class delved into the fundamentals of mana and its profound impact on their world. Kan found himself engaged in the lessons, his mind absorbing the knowledge with a newfound eagerness. As the final bell rang, signaling the end of the school day, Miss Katherine addressed the class with a cheerful announcement.

"Tomorrow is a significant day, my dear students. We shall embark on the second phase of your magical assessment. While we have confirmed the presence of magic within you, the extent of your magical abilities remains unknown. Tomorrow, we shall unveil the strength of your magic. Rest well tonight and prepare yourselves for the upcoming challenge."

Her words were met with a mixture of excitement and apprehension, the air buzzing with a sense of anticipation. As the class dispersed, Kan walked through the bustling hallway, his classmates exchanging thoughts and hopes for the next day's test.

"I really hope I perform well. The thought of having weak magic is almost worse than not having any at all," one student admitted, voicing a sentiment that seemed to resonate with many.

"Let's stay positive and give it our best shot. Who knows what we're truly capable of!" Another chimed in, offering reassurance in the face of uncertainty.

Amidst the conversations swirling around him, Kan's attention was elsewhere. He scanned the hallway, his gaze searching for a familiar face. "Come on, where is she? Where are you, Ellie?" Kan's internal monologue reflected his eagerness, his eyes darting around in anticipation.

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