Chapter 61 The trial Chamber : Test begins

Chapter 61 The trial Chamber : Test begins

Kan and his classmates stepped through the open door, completely unprepared for the sight that awaited them. It was as if the entire student body of Ebony High magic school had congregated in a single room, or rather, a grand hall. The sheer magnitude of the gathering was overwhelming as Kan's eyes swept across the sea of students, spotting beings of various races and magical origins.

Among them were elves like Kan, recognizable by their char

acteristic long ears. However, there were also creatures that defied his understanding, strange and fantastical beings he had never encountered before. The hall was a tapestry of chaos and beauty, a collision of magical diversity that both captivated and bewildered.

In a nutshell, it was like being chucked inside the dreams of a horror movie director.

Amidst the crowd, one thing caught Kan's attention: a focal point that seemed to draw everyone's gaze. "What's everyone gathered around?" Kan wondered as he and his classmates followed Miss Katherine, their teacher, further into the hall.

Miss Katherine led the group to a man dressed in a blue velvet vest and black hat, they two were engaged in hushed conversation. After a while of talking to the man, with a smile, she walked away from the man, the students tailing behind her like little ducklings.

Amongst the plenty people occupying the hall, miss Katherine found an area that seemed spacious enough to fit them all. She then directed the students' attention towards a particular area where the crowd seemed to be concentrating.

"This is where you'll take your ranking test. Welcome to the Chamber of Elemental Trials," Miss Katherine explained, addressing the puzzled expressions and raised eyebrows.

"Huh? I thought we were the only ones or perhaps a few more taking the test? I didn't expect the whole school to be present" One of the students asked miss Katherine the obvious question they all had in their minds.

"Not really. The non-magic users are absent from this hall. There's a separate hall where their own test is being carried out. Though they may not possess mobile Mana, it's still present and inactive within their cores. This is why they too need rankings,"...

"However, the reason it may seem like there are a lot of people in here is because the year two and three students also come back for routine test. This way, if anyone has improved beyond their ranks, their crest will be updated," Miss Katherine explained.

She then pointed towards a pit below, and as students craned their necks to look, the true essence of the Chamber of Elemental Trials unveiled itself.

The chamber's architecture was a marvel of mystic design. The walls were adorned with intricate carvings that depicted the ebb and flow of elemental energies, each symbol resonating with latent power. Soft, pulsating light emanated from enchanted stones embedded in the walls, casting an otherworldly glow that bathed the chamber in an ethereal luminescence.

At the center of the chamber lay a circular arena, its floor a mosaic of concentric circles, each representing a distinct elemental aspect. Intricate pathways radiated from the center, guiding students towards their chosen elemental flames. Suspended above the arena was a massive, crystalline dome that refracted and scattered light, creating a breathtaking effect reminiscent of a starlit night sky.

Within the arena, a circular pit descended, its edges adorned with shimmering sigils that pulsed with energy. The Flames of Tenacity danced within the pit, casting their unique hues upon the surroundings. Each flame represented different magical aspirations, ranging from the serene blues of indigo to the fiery crimson of archmagehood.

The mechanics of the flames were a marriage of enchantment and elemental infusion, a testament to the school's dedication to nurturing the magical potential of its students.

As the students took in the grandeur of the Chamber of Elemental Trials, the air was charged with excitement and nervous anticipation. It was a place of initiation, where students would prove their magical prowess and determination. And as they prepared to embark on their own journeys of elemental mastery, the aura of the chamber seemed to resonate with their dreams and aspirations.

In the middle of the chamber, yet another man dressed in a blue velvet suit stood. His arms corssed behind his back and his face, emotionless, almost like a doll.

"Welcome all to the ranking test. For the sake of the elementary class, we shall go over the intricacies even though the year two and three have pretty much got the whole event on the tips of their fingers," the man's voice boomed through the hall.

These men in blue were actually called Knights. They occupied a lot of positions in the school ranging from running events such as the ranking test to even going as far as being the school's security.

They were scattered about and not just in one place.

He went on to lay out the rules and the entirety of how the chamber functioned.

**Chamber of Elemental Trials: Flames of Tenacity**

Within the Chamber of Elemental Trials, the Flames of Tenacity serve as both a test and a revelation of a student's magical potential. The chamber operates on a set of rules and mechanics that determine the ranks and points gained by each participant. Here's how it all comes together:

1. **Choosing a Flame:**

- Students approach the circular pit at the heart of the arena, where the Flames of Tenacity burn with their unique colors.

- Each student is to start with the basic and lowest level flame; Indigo flame.

2. **Endurance and Resilience:**

- As the student steps into the first flame, an enchantment envelops them, adapting the flame's intensity to their magical potential.

- The trial is a test of endurance and resilience, as students must remain within the flame for a specific duration to qualify for a rank.

3. **Colors and Ranks:**

- The colors of the flames represent different ranks within the magical hierarchy.

- Indigo Flames: Testing for Indigo Initiate rank.

- Golden Flames: Testing for Golden Adept rank.

- Emerald Flames: Testing for Emerald Enchanter rank.

- Azure Flames: Testing for Azure Sorcerer rank.

- Crimson Flames: Testing for Crimson Archmage rank.

4. **Points and Subdivisions:**

- Within each rank, there are three subdivisions, each with its own point range that reflects the student's mastery.

- Level 1: 0 - 20 points

- Level 2: 21 - 50 points

- Level 3: 51 - 100 points

5. **Earning Points:**

- As students endure the flames, they accumulate points based on their ability to withstand the intensity.

- The enchantment within the flame gauges their magical response and resilience, which contributes to their point total.

6. **Rank Classification:**

- At the end of the trial, students are classified into the rank that corresponds to the flame they chose and the points they earned.

- If a student remains within their chosen flame for the required duration and accumulates enough points, they advance to the next subdivision within that rank.

7. **Rank Announcement:**

- The announcement of ranks takes place after the trial, and students' achievements are celebrated.


"With the rules out of the way, we would like to start the event with the elementary class since they are still new to the academy and their ranks haven't been recorded before," the man in the blue velvet suit annouced.

Miss Katherine nodded her head, urging her students to proceed into the pit. The test was about to begin.

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