Chapter 70 [Bonus chapter-Response to summoning pen]

Chapter 70 [Bonus chapter-Response to summoning pen]

Ellie's sensitive werewolf nose caught a whiff of something unusual as they entered the bathroom. Her keen senses immediately detected the scent of blood, and her eyes quickly focused on the source—a pool of crimson liquid on the bathroom floor. There was no sign or trace of its source, but the sight alone sent shivers down her spine.

Miss Katherine, on the other hand, remained vigilant. She had no intention of putting Ellie in harm's way or becoming a subject of inquiry herself. The sight of the pool of blood was alarming, and it raised numerous questions about what had transpired in the bathroom.

Moreover, the identity of the person to whom the blood belonged was still a mystery. Miss Katherine knew they needed to exercise caution and not jump to conclusions. The situation was far from clear, and they couldn't afford to make hasty judgments.

With a protective instinct, Miss Katherine guided Ellie out of the bathroom, ensuring her safety and avoiding any potential complications. She was fully aware that bringing a student into a potentially dangerous situation was not something she could explain or justify.

As they exited the bathroom, Miss Katherine couldn't help but cast one last lingering look at the unsettling scene. Her expression was a mix of concern, curiosity, and a desire to unravel the mystery that had unfolded before them.

"Something terrible must have happened here," she mused aloud, her words laced with worry.

While Miss Katherine pondered the situation, Ellie's thoughts took a different path altogether. Her werewolf senses were on high alert, and she couldn't help but analyze the scents that lingered in the bathroom.

"What were you doing in the bathroom, Kan? Your scent, it still lingers. And you were not alone. There were two more people, one appears to be fading fast for some reason," Ellie thought, her brow furrowing in concern as she mentally pieced together the clues.

Miss Katherine, sensing Ellie's unease, tried to offer reassurance. "Relax, it will be fine. Seek a safe place to lay low for now. We don't know what has gone wrong; it could be anything. I'll try to alert the other teachers. In the meantime, just do as I have said!!"

With those words, Miss Katherine opened a nearby door and urged Ellie to enter. It was a familiar place, the elementary classroom—a territory Miss Katherine knew well. She believed that Ellie would be safe there while she ventured out to seek help and gather more information.

Inside the classroom, Ellie felt a mix of emotions. She understood the gravity of the situation and the pressure on Miss Katherine. Elves, like Miss Katherine, often carried a heavy burden of empathy. They could absorb and feel the pain of others, and Ellie respected her former teacher for her compassionate nature.

"That's the thing about Elves. They come in several varieties. Some of them are as hard as a rock, others are softies like her. An empath for that matter, it must be a pain having to suffer other people's pain!" Ellie reflected on her knowledge of Miss Katherine, her former teacher, and the incredible empathy she possessed along with profound deep respect she had for her.

The atmosphere inside the classroom was tense, filled with unanswered questions and the uncertainty of what had transpired in the bathroom. Ellie knew that they were now in a waiting game, hoping that Miss Katherine's efforts would shed light on the mysterious incident and ensure their safety in the face of an unknown threat.

Inside the elementary classroom, Ellie moved with a sense of cautious curiosity. Her sharp werewolf senses were on high alert, and she carefully scanned the room for any signs or clues that might shed light on the mysterious incident in the bathroom.

The classroom was dimly lit, with the soft glow of daylight filtering through partially closed curtains. Rows of small desks and chairs filled the space, each one neatly arranged, waiting for the young students to return. The room had an air of familiarity, a place of learning and innocence.

Ellie's steps were silent as she moved along the rows of desks, her golden-brown eyes scanning every corner. Her werewolf instincts guided her, and her sensitive nose twitched as she detected faint scents lingering in the room. The atmosphere was tense, and she could feel the weight of uncertainty in the air.

As she reached the far left corner of the classroom, her nose caught a distinct scent—a familiar one. "This is where he sits,"...

It was Kan's scent, lingering on the seat where he had sat earlier. Ellie's keen sense of smell had led her to the spot, and she paused, her gaze fixed on the empty chair.

The seat bore no visible signs of disturbance, but Ellie knew that something had happened. Her heart raced as she contemplated the implications of finding Kan's scent in the classroom. It raised more questions than answers, and she couldn't shake the feeling that they were on the brink of uncovering a larger mystery.

"I have to find him. If there's anyone who is as good as I am in tracking goes to that scene, they'd pick him out instantly. He isn't much good at being the people's person to begin with. Most times he looks like he just dropped from the sky a day before!!"

"He can't face an angry gathering, not now!" Ellie thought, her determination driving her forward. With hurried steps, she approached the classroom door, fully intending to step out and follow the trail she believed Kan had left behind.

However, upon reaching for the door handle and attempting to open it, Ellie discovered that Miss Katherine had locked her inside the classroom. Frustration welled up within her, and she muttered an exasperated "Seriously?" under her breath.

Ellie was faced with a dilemma. She knew that she might be defying authority and causing trouble by breaking out of the locked room, but her commitment to finding Kan was unyielding. She shook her head, realizing that her actions had already set her on a path she couldn't easily retreat from.

Resolute, Ellie gripped the door handle once more, her hands bulging with visible veins as her muscles expanded. With a resounding *crack!*, the door gave way to her extraordinary strength, and she pushed her way out of the elementary classroom.

Before leaving, she couldn't help but cast a rueful glance back at the broken door and whispered a soft "sorry, Miss Kath," acknowledging the repercussions of her actions.

As Ellie stepped out into the corridor, her keen sense of smell guided her, leading her toward Kan's location. She moved with a sense of urgency, her heart pounding as she followed the invisible trail that only she could perceive.

It didn't take long for her to spot a familiar figure stepping out of an unexpected place—the counselor's office. Ellie's brows furrowed in confusion as she wondered what Kan was doing there. His back was turned to her, seemingly engrossed in something.

"Counselor's office? What is he doing there?" Ellie pondered as she approached Kan cautiously, her eyes narrowing with suspicion and curiosity.

Kan, unaware of her presence, was deeply focused on the information displayed on the system screen in front of him. Meanwhile, within the system interface, the message continued to display:

[Congratulations, secret quests completed!!]



*Author's note*

I'm honestly blown away by the love I'm being shown so far!? I started this novel to test myself, see if I could hang in another trope entirely.

Y'alls response tells me I may be on to something, lol

*Thanks for the magic castle @Retarded culture. Also big shout out to Umbrra, Samuel Grayson,? David goodin and kashmn97!!!

Thank you all for the support!!

I promise to give back the only way I can which is more exciting adventures!!

*Also, thanks to everyone else whose name is not on here, would be a chapter long if I decided to go down that route!!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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