Chapter 82 Leave my man alone!!

Chapter 82 Leave my man alone!!

In the midst of this urban battleground, Kan and Silo clashed relentlessly. Buildings bore the marks of their fierce combat, their frames now pocked with holes akin to the size of a grown man.

From one of these damaged structures emerged Silo, unexpected and bloodied, now finding himself on the wrong end of the fight. Grunting, he heaved a hefty chunk of concrete from his back, evidence of the punishing exchange.

Before him stood Kan, unwavering, ready to resume the onslaught. With a resolute charge, Kan barreled into Silo, propelling them both through yet another crumbling wall. The violence continued, Kan an unyielding force, driving Silo through room after room.

As they collided with something profoundly solid, a guttural cry of pain escaped Silo. Staring down, he beheld a steel rod impaling him from back to belly. Blood loss was copious, the dosage of G-viagra keeping him upright, but it was a precarious thread he hung upon.

"We've been fighting relentlessly now and somehow this kid isn't even showing signs of weakness yet. The same can not be said for me as my body doesn't feel so good. Not only are the damages I'm receiving from him piling up, but the drawback effects of G-viagra are starting to kick in!!!" As Silo said this, he looked at a wound around his arm that was slowly turning grey. This was of course as a result of the unholy amount of G-viagra he had taken in one go.

He had lost so much amount of blood and if it weren't for the ridiculous amount of doses of G-viagra he had taken, he would be on the ground now.Yet, what was to say he wouldn't fall soon?

Kan's punches hammered at Silo, unrelenting. An uppercut sent Silo's head skyward, but Kan seamlessly guided it back down, pushing Silo further onto the rod.

"Arghhhhh!!!" Silo's scream reverberated, a symphony of agony. Yet, Kan's visage remained impassive, devoid of mercy, each blow calculated.

In the grip of this brutal exchange, Silo realized the drugs could only delay the inevitable. His body, no longer regenerating, was a canvas of wounds, and Kan showed no signs of halting his assault.

"I have to get out of here. I have to!!" Silo's eyes darted around in desperation. In a brief moment of respite, Silo seized Kan's hand, hauling him close, skewering Kan on the same rod that impaled him.

Now both combatants were skewered, bound by a gruesome connection. Silo, his insides spilling out, summoned the last vestiges of strength to shove Kan away, then heaved himself from the rod.

Collapsed on the ground, he realized that the rod, though a source of agony, was the only thing sustaining his vertical orientation. He couldn't stand by himself anymore. His fading perception clung to the illusion of the drug's lingering effect.He was completely deluded into thinking that the effects of the drugs still lingered when in fact, his body was beginning to react back.

What is this?!" Silo muttered as he noticed that even his fingers were turning into that colour.

As the color of his flesh took on an unnatural hue, Silo's faculties teetered. However, the respite was short-lived. Kan, though visibly weakened, pressed on, drawing nearer.

Yet, a transformation rippled through Kan. He breathed heavily, emitting groans of discomfort, a stark departure from the stoic force he'd been. Silo, observing this, sensed a shift in the battle's dynamics.

"His power is waning. He is starting to feel pain now. Could it be he had the same G-viagra? But then why are his eyes that color?" Silo mused, his eyes locked on Kan's shifting form.

Kan, gripped by his own agony, clutched his gushing stomach wound. The once-frenzied fight was now etched with vulnerability. In this moment, Silo realized that Kan was not just enduring; he was suffering.

Unknown to Silo, deeper turmoil churned within Kan, a struggle he faced in silence.

[You have suffered tremendous damage!]

[Berserker mode will now cancel in 1 minute]

[Continuous ignorance to pain might lead to brain damage. Host's numbness to pain shall now be deactivated!!]

[Rage rate is dropping!]

[Bloodlust rate is dropping]


The following messages flashed into Kan's view, the system's notifications punctuating the chaotic battle. His vision blurred, but the relentless gleam of his yellow eyes held steady, fixated on Silo.

Silo, battle-worn and driven by adrenaline, perceived Kan's movements slowing, a telltale sign of waning strength. Gritting his teeth against the agony coursing through him, Silo recognized this window of opportunity.

His body a patchwork of wounds and his organs spilling forth, Silo summoned his last reserves of strength. With a desperate resolve, he readied himself to deliver a final, decisive blow to Kan.

In this brutal, blood-soaked arena, the clash of these two titans neared its climax.Silo's eyes scanned the chaotic surroundings, seeking any advantage. His gaze fell upon a jagged chunk of concrete, and with a staggering gait, he advanced towards Kan. Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Silo swung his fist, colliding the concrete with Kan's face.

Kan, barely upright, fought to maintain his stance. His once formidable strikes were now feeble, his attempts grazing past Silo's form. A cruel laugh escaped Silo's lips, even as he bore his own injuries.

"Pathetic!!" Silo's voice rang out, "All that beating I endured from you and yet, I'm still the one who has more left in me!" He said, his voice dripping with contempt. He hoisted Kan, ruthlessly driving him into the ground. The merciless assault continued, crimson splattering the earth.

[20 seconds till Berserker cancels out!!!]

The system's countdown blared in Kan's ears, a relentless reminder of his diminishing strength. His once blazing yellow eyes dulled, their shape returning to their natural circular form. Suddenly, the muffled symphony of the battle roared to life, assaulting Kan's senses. Pain surged through his battered body, every nerve alight with protest.

It was as if some earplugs had been lifted off him, the sound of the chaos, of him getting punched suddenly all rushed into him.Several parts of his body felt oddly painful. He couldn't move under Silo's weight as he continued to get pounded repeatedly."He...Hela... What's going on?" Kan managed to reach out to his system.

Desperation gripped him as he reached out to Hela through the system. "Sorry baby, you are being fucked up at the moment! Try to do something!!] Hela urged Kan on. The system feminine voice echoed back, urging him to fight. But his body lay unresponsive, a prison of agony.

As the steel rod hovered menacingly over his face, Kan's feeble plea escaped his lips. The impending doom hung heavy, until an unexpected savior intervened. A voice, defiant and resolute, pierced the chaos.

"Yes, leave my man alone!" The words thundered forth, a war cry, and with a swift, powerful motion, a massive paw, adorned with lethal claws, arced towards Silo.

The world fractured into a deafening impact, a shattering thud that reverberated through the broken building. Silo's body crumpled, colliding with Kan's in a gruesome tableau. But his head, a grim testament to the brutal strike, told a different story.

A blood-soaked figure emerged from the fray, eyes brimming with tears, hands stained with the remnants of battle. Ellie's voice trembled with a mix of grief and fury as she shoved aside Silo's lifeless form.

"Kanakan!" Her cry pierced the air, a lament for the horrors kan seemed to have endured. Tears streamed down her face, mingling with the grim tableau before her.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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