Chapter 94 Blond girl’s cleavages?

Chapter 94 Blond girl's cleavages?

Back at the hospital, a blonde girl walked by the reception, her attire was vibrant and exuded confidence. Her blonde hair was tied back in a neat ponytail, secured with a black strip, showcasing her lively features. She wore a knee-length, sunny yellow skirt that brought a splash of color to the hospital's muted surroundings. The skirt had a playful flare, adding a touch of whimsy to her ensemble.

Her top, while revealing a tasteful amount of cleavage, hinted at a sense of personal style that blended professionalism with a hint of allure. This combination of modesty and confidence was further emphasized by the choice of lipstick, which added a pop of color to her overall appearance.

She approached the receptionist, who happened to be a male, and introduced herself. "Hi, I'm Elizabeth Mikkal. I'm here to visit a patient that was brought in about a week ago. I understand there might be a shift working here because you haven't been the one I've been meeting during my visits."

The friendly receptionist responded, "Oh, hi. Sorry, you are correct. I'm taking over for my colleague now. But whatever you want, I can have arranged for you. Now, what's the name of this patient?"

"Kanakan," Ellie replied.

"No last name?" The receptionist asked while focused on a holographic screen. When he looked up, he saw Ellie was still staring at him.

"Oh, so it's just Kanakan. Right, my apologies. I'll just see if he's hereee..." The receptionist said as he typed in the name. After a moment, the screen changed and the receptionist's brows furrowed.

"You said you knew this person, correct?" The receptionist asked.

"Yes, why?" Ellie asked.

"Well, he's been discharged. About three hours ago. It says here that all tests and treatments have been rounded up with him," the receptionist said.

"Hmmm," Ellie hummed, her face showing her confusion. It didn't quite make sense to her that Kan would leave without informing her, and now she had to come all the way down to the hospital, which was actually like two bus rides!

"Is something wrong, miss?" The receptionist asked, noticing Ellie's furrowed and distant face.

"Oh, it's nothing. What about a patient by the name of Kane Brown?" Ellie asked, brushing aside Kan's matter for the moment.

"Oh, a friend of yours too?" The receptionist asked while typing in the name.

"Yes, now is he still here?" Ellie asked, agitated already by the almost investigative type of question the receptionist asked.

"Ward 10, room 45!" The receptionist said.

"Oh, I know. Can I go see him?" Ellie said, wanting to leave the receptionist's presence by all means.

"Yes, but someone would have to accompany you," the receptionist stopped Ellie just as she was about to go.

"Err...Rain?!! Can someone call Rain for me?!!" The receptionist called out in the hallway.

A few minutes later, a small-statured female also in a blue healer's uniform came rushing towards the reception with a towel in her hands.

"Sorry, please can you escort this fine lady to ward 10, room 45?" The receptionist kindly asked.

"Of course, I was heading towards that area before you called," the one who was presumably known to be Rain said before looking back at Ellie and urging her to come along.

As Ellie and Rain disappeared out of sight, the receptionist blew hot air out of his mouth and whispered under his breath.

"Damn, look at her breasts!!!" He said with a lewd expression on his face but quickly discarded the act as he saw a new person heading towards him.


In the confined space of Ward 10, room 45, the atmosphere held a distinct mix of antiseptic cleanliness and the hushed undercurrent of worry. The sterile scent of hospital-grade disinfectant hung faintly in the air, contrasting with the low hum of medical machinery that surrounded the bed.

Kane, with his dark ebony skin, lay on the hospital bed, an intricate web of tubes and monitors tethered to him. The array of medical equipment stood sentinel, monitoring his vital signs and providing a stark reminder of his vulnerable state. His face was obscured by the swathes of white bandages, a silent testament to the severity of his injuries.

Ellie stood by his bedside, a whirlwind of emotions veiled behind a practiced facade. Her greeting was warm, though tinged with an undercurrent of apprehension that she fought to conceal. She wore a smile, carefully sculpted to mask the turmoil that churned beneath the surface.

"Hey Kane, how are you today. You look good," Ellie's voice held a tone of forced cheerfulness, the words a delicate dance between concern and the desire to uplift.

Kane's response, though offered in kind, bore an air of curiosity, a hunger for connection and a thirst for news from the world beyond the hospital walls. His words, delivered with a hint of weariness, revealed the depth of his concern not only for himself but for the extended family he held dear.

"Hi... Ellie. How are you? And how's the gang? The twins, are they good? And how are you handling you and Jessica's situation?" His voice, though slightly muffled by the bandages, held a genuine warmth and concern for those he held close.

As Ellie listened, a storm of conflicting emotions surged within her. The mention of the twins and Jessica tugged at a knot of longing and sorrow, a reminder of the complexities that had woven through their lives.

"I'm... we're trying our best, Kane," Ellie responded, her voice carrying a weight of genuine affection for the twins. "Jessica... she's holding up. It's not easy, but we're getting through it together."

The room itself seemed to hold its breath, as if absorbing the weight of their shared history. The muted beeping of monitors and the occasional soft shuffle of footsteps in the corridor formed a backdrop to the poignant exchange.

In this confined space, emotions swirled, bridging the gap between past and present. The room bore witness to the fragility of human existence, juxtaposed against the resilience that echoed in Ellie's carefully chosen words.

As their conversation continued, the room held a sense of timelessness, a sanctuary carved from the outside world. It was a space where truths were confronted, where vulnerabilities were laid bare, and where the echoes of their shared history resonated.

In the solemn hush of the hospital room, Ellie stood, her heart heavy with unspoken emotions. As she turned to leave, Kane's voice, though tinged with a fragility, called her back.

"Help me thank Kan. And don't blame him for the things he did. If not for the actions he took of which I don't know how he was capable of, I'm sure I'd be dead by now. So when you see him, tell him from a brother to a brother, that I said thanks!" Kane's words hung in the air, carrying a weight that belied his weakened state.

Ellie's breath caught in her throat, her eyes glistening with unshed tears. It was a moment that pierced through the layers of their shared history, revealing the depth of Kane's acceptance. The room seemed to hold its breath, as if bearing witness to a profound declaration.

"Su...sure," Ellie's voice trembled, the words a fragile echo of the emotions coursing through her. She held Kane's gaze, her heart swelling with a mixture of gratitude and sorrow. It was a moment of acceptance, a bridge forged between past wrongs and future possibilities.

As Ellie turned to leave, the weight of Kane's words settled in her chest.

"Now I need to get to Kan. This whole thing that has happened can't go unpunished. The outcast gang must payback!!" Ellie tightened her fist as she wiped her tears, seeing she was getting close to the reception. Unknown to her, someone else was eagerly waiting for her arrival.

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