Chapter 125 Kan does it again?!!

Chapter 125  Kan does it again?!!

The safe room, once a fortress of impenetrability, bore the scars of Keyla's unleashed power. Blackened scorch marks streaked across the walls, vivid reminders of the fiery onslaught that had raged within. The air still held a faint tang of burnt wood and singed metal, a testament to the intensity of Keyla's magic.

Several crates that once stood tall and imposing were now reduced to smoldering remnants, their contents either consumed by flames or reduced to ash. Metal struts that supported the ceiling above were twisted and warped, warped by the searing heat. The very structure of the room had been tested, revealing the limits of its fortifications.

Amidst this fiery aftermath, the fallen bodies of enforcers lay in varying states of disarray. Some were sprawled across the floor, limbs splayed haphazardly, while others were frozen in contorted positions, victims of the rapid and chaotic battle that had unfolded. Their suits, once immaculate, now bore scorch marks and singed edges, a stark contrast to their former pristine state.

The ground beneath them was stained with soot and ash, a gritty testament to the ferocity of the struggle. The air hung heavy with a mixture of burnt materials, a scent that lingered as a haunting reminder of the violence that had transpired.

In the midst of this scorched battleground, Keyla stood resolute, her eyes gleaming with determination. She was the tempest that had torn through this once secure space, leaving behind a tableau of destruction and chaos. The room bore the marks of her power, a vivid portrayal of the force she could wield when pushed to her limits.

However, as the enforcer with bulging muscles and a faint blue aura advanced, Keyla felt a shiver of apprehension. This transformed figure was unlike any opponent she'd faced before. His size alone was imposing, and the blue hue that surrounded him hinted at something extraordinary.

But before the situation could escalate further, Kellogg, brandishing the same pipe Keyla had wielded against him, stormed into view. His eyes were ablaze with fury, and his grip on the pipe was white-knuckled.

The enforcer's suit strained against the newfound bulk of his muscles, emphasizing the extent of his transformation. The warehouse seemed to quiver with the tension of impending conflict.

Keyla, now flanked on two sides by formidable adversaries, felt the walls closing in. It was a precarious position, one that demanded careful strategy.

Then, a curious distraction arose. A distant sound, haunting and melodic, began to fill the air. "Is someone singing?" Keyla mused aloud, her attention momentarily diverted by the enigmatic sound.

Even Kellogg, his rage still simmering, seemed momentarily entranced by the ethereal melody. "You, go check out who is making that sound. I'll deal with this one!" he commanded the transformed enforcer, a sly grin betraying his intentions. The enforcer, though reluctant, obeyed, heading towards the exit to investigate the source of the music.

Meanwhile, the bodies of the fallen enforcers lay strewn about, testament to Keyla's earlier display of fire magic. The air was still charged with the remnants of her power.

Turning their attention back to each other, Keyla and Kellogg faced off amidst the flickering shadows of the warehouse. Keyla, undaunted, snapped her fingers, conjuring a fierce eruption of fire that danced along her wrist and forearm.

"Fancy light show. Unfortunately, I have one up my sleeves as well," Kellogg sneered, his hand delving into his pocket. With a crunch and an audible groan, he produced something, swiftly chewing on it. The effect was immediate, his eyes glowing with an unnatural intensity.

"Come here, you annoying elf!" Kellogg roared, the challenge ringing through the air.

The warehouse seemed to pulse with tension, the very air crackling with impending violence. Keyla, undeterred by the odds stacked against her, prepared to face the dual threat with a fierce determination burning in her eyes.

The transformed enforcer, his muscles bulging beneath his strained suit, moved through the warehouse like a force of nature. His steps echoed off the metal walls, each footfall a declaration of his relentless pursuit. He shoved aside crates with brute force, creating a path through the maze of boxes.

As he neared the end of one row, a swift figure caught his eye. A black-haired woman darted across the top of a stack of crates, her movements as graceful as they were rapid.

"Hey, you right there!! Stop where you are!!" The enforcer said in a hoax voice, a change that could be blamed on the transformation that had occured. She paid no heed to the enforcer's demand, a testament to her determination.

Before he could give chase, a sudden impact struck him from behind. The enforcer felt the jarring shatter of wood against his skull. Splinters of crate littered the floor around him, but to his surprise, he himself remained unharmed. His enhanced physique absorbed the blow without faltering.

Turning to face his assailant, he was met with the sight of a young man, black hair tousled and a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. Clad in a school uniform, he bore a striking contrast to the hulking enforcer. His most distinctive feature, however, were the long, pointed elf ears that peeked out from his tousled hair.

"Hey, muscle man, pick on someone your own size," the young man taunted, his voice tinged with a confident edge. His stance was relaxed, exuding an air of casual defiance. The enforcer, momentarily taken aback, scowled in response. He had not anticipated this unexpected turn of events.

[To be honest, you aren't his size. So that line you just quipped might be the death of you,] Hela chimed in to be as uninspiring as she could.

Kan paid no mind to the voice inside his head. Rather, he was determined to go through with the plan.

"I saw the door open. Only one came out meaning they may be more. But from all the noise that just quietened, I'm guessing there aren't much left in that room. Ellie is on her way now and should be able to handle whomever would get in her way. As for this bully here, I think I can handle him!" Kan said.

Although as confident as he sounded, he still commanded the system to pull up his profile.


Strenght : 62

Stamina : 80

Agility : 55

Vitality : 65

Charm [lvl 2] : 56



•Alpha presence.

Kan observed his stats, seeing the slight changes and areas he "These stats look good but I don't know if it would be enough. The thought needed work on. But that would be for later. At the moment, there was a mammoth sized man in front of him.

"These stats look good but I don't know if it would be enough. The blue glow around his body suggest he is on that drug Mendy talked about. Meaning, he might be more than a match for me!" Kan communicated his concern with Hela.

[If you are asking me which I know you are then you know already what I'd advice you to do. It's the only way to bring everyone out of this situation safe!] Hela replied.

'You are right. These people will harm us no matter how I try to preserve them. Ellie and Keyla are in there. I can't be selfish and hold back while putting their lives in danger!!' Kan resolved within himself before saying the next few words.

"Activate Berserker"...

Finding himself in another situation where he wasn't willing to take any risk, Kan was going back on his very words sooner than he expected. He had resorted to a particular skill he deemed too dangerous.

As the activation of Berserker surged through him, it was as though a tempest of raw power was unleashed within Kan's veins. The sensation was akin to molten oil, a searing cascade of energy that coursed through every fiber of his being. It was hot, fierce, and it felt like his very bones were being broken and reforged in the crucible of his resolve.

Wrinkles etched themselves at the corners of his eyes, a testament to the immense strain. Veins, once subdued, now bulged with newfound vitality. Kan's teeth clenched, biting down hard to contain the overwhelming surge of sensation. He knelt, the ground beneath him seeming to quake in resonance with the storm that raged within.

The enforcer, a towering figure of brawn and belligerence, watched in perplexity. He couldn't fathom the torrent of transformation before him, uncertain of how to react to this unexpected turn of events.

"What's wrong with this one?!" he muttered, his voice tinged with a mix of bewilderment and wariness.

Yet, amid the crucible of pain, Kan began to rise. His ascent was slow, each movement deliberate, like a marionette finding its strings. He stood, albeit with a precarious stagger, akin to a man intoxicated by power. There was an irrevocable change in the air around him, a palpable shift that seemed to emanate from his very core.

The enforcer's confusion deepened. "Yellow eyes? How?!! He is clearly an Elf!!" he sputtered, incredulity etched across his features. The once-familiar almond-shaped eyes of an elf were now transformed, their hue a luminous, predatory yellow.

This was Kanakan in the throes of Berserker, a force of nature, a maelstrom of power and purpose. Every movement, every breath, was an embodiment of this newfound might. The very ground beneath him seemed to shiver, mirroring the seismic transformation that had taken root within him.

He was no longer just an elf; he was a tempest, a cataclysm, an unyielding force of nature. And in this moment, facing down the enforcer, he was unstoppable.

[All stats tripled]

•Body enhancement complete

•Blood lust - 200

[Profile of the lust system]

•Rage - 200

•Numbness to pain - 200

[Profile of the lust system]

[Name : Kanakan]

[Race: Elf]

[Alliance: Errose]



Strenght : 62 × 3

Stamina : 80 × 3

Agility : 55 × 3

Vitality : 65 × 3

Charm [lvl 2] : 56

Luck : 40

Mana : 60

Skills : Arousal [level 2 ⬆️], Singing [Level 5], Pheromone [ Level 6]


•Berserker (active)

•Alpha presence.

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