Chapter 143 Banshee in labor?!

Chapter 143 Banshee in labor?!

Deep the heart of Veridale city was home to a famous and notorious gang, the Blood moon gang. Notoriously known by their leader, Joaquin, who was notoriously known for his antics. Their leader, Joaquin, was a name synonymous with notoriety, known for his unpredictable and often cruel actions. His dominion extended over a significant portion of the city, a realm he proudly called the Underground City.

He controlled a large portion of the city, terming it, THE UNDERGROUND CITY.

He had taken over at a crucial moment when the core of the inhabitants of the neighborhood needed direction the most.

As werewolves, the need for a leader was ever so crucial and Joaquin stood up to the plate, promising his followers heaven and earth, however, his territory had ended up living up to its name, the underground city.

This was because they had resisted outside intervention the time Joaquin had taken over, trusting in their strengths, numbers and resources to take them to the top of the food chain, shifting the balance of power that the demons held on to steadfastly.

However, with minimal intervention from the other race, the werewolves under Joaquin were quick to realize that their little empire was destined to crumble.

And thus, at the end, what was left of it was a wasteland filled with plenty of life yet not much to go by on.

The population had skyrocketed but there limited resources. And to make matters worst, no one dared to leave. Not when Joaquin remained the alpha.


Still at the underground city, emanating from an odd building was several displays of light.

The building was odd because unlike the other ones in the city, this particular area had nice looking buildings and the environment itself was clearly distinct from the neighborhood.

It was like a palace in a slum. And this was so because it was the main base of the alpha, the leader of the pack, Joaquin.

By the entrance were two men, walking side by side they had a few words exchanged between one another.

"You know Marhal, you really should cut down on all these bitches," Roman said to Marhal who stood nonchalantly with his hands in his pants pocket.

"Yeah yeah...says the one who scared off those pups and let's not forget what you did to that stubborn cunt. Anyways, why are we standing here instead of going to where the party is at?" Marhal pointed towards the door through which numerous colours of light filtered through it's crevices and loud music blared with voices of happy people.

On the outside of the building they stood, the sign read...."BLOODMOON CLUB"


Roman looked around before answering Marhal's question.

"Hey mate, do you think the boss might be a little bit obsessed with that bitch, Ellie?" Roman asked, still looking around to make sure they weren't being listened to.

He was well aware that even in his position in the gang, a bad word about him and he could end up on the wrong side of the alpha, Joaquin.

"What do you mean?" Marhal asked, intrigued yet cautious at the same time.

"I mean, he personally conducted the attack on the Gecko brotherhood gang and in the process delt with Ellie's little gang. He even brought back some souvenirs, those freakish boy and girl!!" Roman pointed out his case.

Looking around first, Marhal decided it was safe to talk and then went ahead "I mean, he had a soft spot for Ellie. Joaquin rarely shows any form of emotions for any of his bitches but Ellie was different. We know how he treated her special. What she did to him was quite brutal. I guess he is still mad at her," Marhal said.

"You can't say that. Be honest, he only liked her best because she's different. Let's face it, that bitch is special. I'd go crazy if I lost her too. But then again, how long has it been and he still wouldn't get over her! He killed her friends and made us take back those two kids and up until now, I have no idea what he wants with them," Roman said to Marhal.

"Hmmm. If there's one thing I know about Ellie, it's that she's fearless. We should expect a visit soon," Marhal said back to Roman and at that moment, Roman's eyes opened up.

" are right mate!" Roman nodded as if he was hit with a blast of eureka.

"So that's why Joaquin took the twins. Knowing Ellie would come back!" Roman said.


The sterile scent of antiseptic hung thick in the air as Ellie cautiously stepped into the hospital room. It wasn't a place she frequented willingly, but Mendy's condition demanded her presence. The hum of medical equipment and distant chatter from the hospital staff created an uncomfortable symphony.

The room itself was a blend of clinical white and the occasional intrusion of somber beige. The bed where Mendy lay seemed almost swallowed by the stark surroundings. Machines monitored vital signs, their rhythmic beeping punctuating the quiet atmosphere. Ellie's gaze fixed on her friend, whose stillness seemed unnaturally out of place.

A soft sigh escaped Ellie as she pulled up a chair, taking a moment to steady herself before addressing the unconscious Mendy. "Hey, Mendy," she began, her voice a mere whisper, "you picked to be out. I really need you now. The twins, Kane.....we need you back with us, you know?"

She took Mendy's hand gently, finding little comfort in the coldness she felt. The room, despite its sterility, seemed to close in on Ellie. The beeping of machines became an insistent reminder of Mendy's fragile state.

As Ellie sat there, the door creaked open, and a healer entered with a clipboard in hand. "Miss, you should be in your own room. You need to remember you are a patient as well!," the healer informed Ellie with a gentle smile.

"Your wounds might seem to have healed but we haven't determined you are stable enough. I hope you understand that our concerns are in your best interest," the healer explained.

Ellie nodded, acknowledging the unspoken rules of the hospital. She glanced back at Mendy, a mixture of worry and frustration etched on her face. "I just want him to wake up, you know? He's been through a lot, and I can't lose another friend."

The healer offered a sympathetic nod before retreating, leaving Ellie alone with her thoughts. The room fell into a somber silence, interrupted only by the rhythmic beeping and the distant sounds of the hospital.

Suddenly, the tranquility was shattered by a series of piercing wails. Ellie's head snapped towards the source, the door swinging open to reveal a banshee-like woman being wheeled in on a stretcher. The banshee was in the throes of labor, her wails echoing through the corridors.

A chaotic energy enveloped the room as hospital staff hurriedly prepared for an unexpected delivery. Ellie, torn between concern for Mendy and the unfolding drama, found herself inadvertently caught up in the bizarre sequence of events.

The banshee's blood-curdling screams echoed through the hospital corridors, reaching a pitch that began to shatter windows. In a desperate attempt to quell the unearthly cacophony, one of the healers raised her hands, uttering a powerful enchantment.


A surge of mystical energy filled the room, a shimmering aura encapsulating the banshee. However, the banshee's cries persisted, defying the magical intervention. Undeterred, the healer, a look of fierce determination in her eyes, approached the banshee.

With a swift and decisive movement, the healer cupped her hands over the banshee's mouth. A hushed incantation escaped her lips, weaving into the very fabric of the banshee's cries. The once-deafening screams were now muffled, transforming the banshee's demeanor from chaotic to strangely docile.

The banshee, once a tempest of sound, now stood subdued, her wild eyes showing a glimmer of confusion. The hospital room, earlier a battleground of noise, embraced an eerie calm.

The subdued banshee, though still restrained, exuded an air of melancholy. Her cries, now contained, revealed a mournful undertone. The healer, sensing the banshee's anguish, cast a gentle gaze upon her.

From her vantage point, Ellie could see what appeared to be the banshee's distressed family members, their faces a blend of panic and excitement. Healers rushed around, attempting to navigate the unexpected delivery with a sense of urgency.

As the banshee's cries reached a crescendo, Ellie couldn't help but glance back at Mendy, almost as if seeking solace in the familiar. The contrast between the two scenes—one of life entering the world, the other battling to hold on—was stark and surreal.

The banshee's cries were eventually replaced by the delicate sound of a newborn's first cries. A strange mixture of relief and joy washed over the room. Ellie, though enveloped in the unfolding drama, couldn't shake the worry that lingered for her own friend.

Hours passed, and the chaos settled into a subdued rhythm. The banshee, now a mother, was moved to another area of the hospital. Ellie, once again alone with Mendy, leaned forward, her voice barely above a whisper. "You see, Mendy? Life goes on, even in this crazy place."

The door opened again, this time admitting Sabrina. Her eyes, tired and worried, met Ellie's. "How's he doing?" Sabrina inquired, her gaze shifting between Ellie and the still form of Mendy. She was still on shift and was doing a ward check.

"No change," Ellie replied with a heavy sigh. "But there was a banshee giving birth. It's been a wild night."

Sabrina offered a small, understanding smile. "Hospitals have a way of turning into a circus, don't they?"

As the night pressed on, Ellie remained vigilant by Mendy's side, finding solace in each other's company. The hospital, with its cacophony of life and illness, carried on its relentless march. And in that quiet room, Ellie clung to the hope that, amidst the chaos, Mendy would find his way back to them.

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