Chapter 151 Aunt Layla has other plans?

Chapter 151 Aunt Layla has other plans?

In the kitchen, Aunt Layla moved with a graceful familiarity, navigating the countertops and shelves as if she had an innate understanding of each ingredient's place. The air filled with the enticing aroma of herbs and spices.

Kan, in the living room, continued savoring the cookies, occasionally taking sips of the mysterious milk. As he indulged, his mind lingered on the peculiar events of the day, from the intense football match to the unexpected visit from Aunt Layla.

Curiosity nudged at him, and he couldn't help but wonder about the artifacts that adorned Aunt Layla's residence. Each piece seemed to hold a story, adding an air of mystery to the already enigmatic atmosphere.

Aunt Layla soon emerged from the kitchen, bearing a plate of steaming hot food. The tantalizing scent wafted through the air, reaching Kan's nose and instantly elevating his appetite.

"Here you go, Kan. I hope you like it," Aunt Layla said, placing the plate in front of him.

Kan's eyes widened with delight as he took in the sight of the meal. It was a savory dish, rich with flavors and adorned with vibrant colors. The presentation alone hinted at Aunt Layla's culinary prowess.

"Wow, this looks amazing!" Kan exclaimed, genuinely impressed.

Aunt Layla smiled, her eyes reflecting a mixture of warmth and satisfaction. "Dig in. I made your favorite."

As Kan delved into the meal, he marveled at the exquisite blend of tastes. The flavors danced on his taste buds, a testament to Aunt Layla's skill in the culinary arts.

While enjoying the food, Aunt Layla sat across from Kan, observing him with a contented expression. The air in the room was filled with a comfortable silence, occasionally punctuated by the sounds of Kan savoring each bite.

As the meal progressed, Kan couldn't help but express his gratitude between bites. "This is incredible, Aunt Layla. Thank you."

Aunt Layla waved it off with a modest smile. "It's the least I could do. Besides, I wanted to make sure my favorite nephew gets a proper meal."

The mention of family brought a subtle warmth to the atmosphere. Kan, amid the flavors and the familial connection, felt a sense of comfort that transcended the ordinary.

Once the meal concluded, Aunt Layla cleared the table with practiced efficiency. Kan sat back, feeling content and pleasantly full.

As Aunt Layla joined him in the living room, she asked, "So, how has life been treating you at the academy? Any exciting tales to share?"

Kan, still savoring the lingering flavors, began recounting the day's events, from the football match to the camaraderie with his new teammates. Aunt Layla listened attentively, her eyes reflecting a prideful gleam.

The evening unfolded, filled with laughter, stories, and a sense of familial connection. The artifacts in Aunt Layla's residence seemed to silently witness the bonding that transcended the ordinary, weaving a tale of shared moments and newfound connections.

Little did Kan know, the events of this evening marked not just a delightful meal but the beginning of a chapter that intertwined his academy life with the mystique of Aunt Layla's world.

And so, in the glow of the ambient lights and the camaraderie that unfolded, Kan embraced the serendipity of the moment, savoring the flavors of both the culinary delights and the familial warmth that Aunt Layla graciously shared.

"So Aunt Layla, about uncle Mike," Kan started, shifting the conversation away from himself momentarily.

But as soon as Kan mentioned the name, he could sense the discomfort and a palpable look of disgust on her face.

"What about him?" Aunt Layla asked, her tone shifting immediately to a rather cold one.

"I was just going to ask, does he do the same job my mother and father do? You know, at the Elves connect as a surrogate?" Kan asked.

Aunt Layla's face suddenly lit up, almost as if she was relieved that Kan had asked that question.

"Yes he works at the Elves connect. However, he doesn't do what your mother and father do. By the way, how is Brenda holding up?" Aunt Layla asked.

"Oh you mean, how is she and her new... boyfriend hanging out in my house? Just great, I think," Kan said, a ting of bitterness evident in his voice.

"Listen to me..." Aunt Layla said, drawing closer to Kan and pulling him to herself.

Tightly held in Aunt Layla's embrace, Kan could smell her perfume which was very intoxicating to say the least.

"You have your life to live, okay? You don't have to worry about what they do or don't. All you need to do is carbe out your own path? You hear me?" Aunt Layla adviced while holding Kan tightly.

Kan, enveloped in Aunt Layla's comforting embrace, absorbed her words. The scent of her perfume, the warmth of her presence, and the genuine concern in her voice created a cocoon of solace.

"I know it's hard, Kan. But dwelling on what they do won't change anything. Focus on your journey, your goals," Aunt Layla continued, her words a soothing balm.

Kan, though initially resistant to the idea of detaching from the complexities of his family, felt a sense of reassurance in Aunt Layla's guidance.

"Yeah, I get it. It's just... weird, you know? Everything's changed," Kan admitted, the weight of recent events evident in his tone.

Aunt Layla pulled back slightly, her hands on Kan's shoulders as she looked into his eyes. "Change is a part of life, Kan. What matters is how you adapt and shape your own path. And remember, you're not alone. You have people who care about you."

Kan nodded, a mixture of gratitude and vulnerability in his gaze. The bond between him and Aunt Layla transcended typical one, it was a connection forged in understanding and shared experiences. Perhaps, this feeling was what Aunt Layla found in Kan and couldn't detache herself from him.

Aunt Layla pulled away and decided to clear the dishes. Kan offered a hand and escorted her, following her to the kitchen. As he did, he noticed Aunt Layla's behinds, around her buttocks was a little wet.

"Is she wet?" Kan thought, wondering what might have triggered it. But just to be on the safer side, he decided to clarify.

[Arousal activated]

[Target's sexual state - 70%]

...."Huh...I see why she's flowing like the Pacific now," Kan mused as he continued behind Aunt Layla.

[More interesting to me is why she brought you all the way to her house instead of hers,] Hela chimed in.

"Hehehe..I guess we will have to find out. But for now, I wanna play a little game. Ignore her and make her work for it," Kan thought in his head.

"You know, it's really nice just being with you," Kan muttered as they did the dishes together.

Aunt Layla turned to Kan and smiled. She then dried her hand with a clean cloth and then drew closer to him, cupping his face in her hands, the older woman who was just a few inches taller than Kan noticed something and said...

"Did you...grow taller? I mean, I could have sworn you were shorter a month ago. Not just that... you've added a bit of muscle as well. Is this all due to football?" She joked.

"Oh...well...I guess?" Kan responded shyly as he watched Aunt Layla feel around his well defined body. Kan on the other hand couldn't stop staring at her massive badonks that stared back at him with equal enthusiasm. As Aunt Layla moved her hands around Kan, she would giggle, seeing how Kan stood and was acting shy the entire time.

'It's not exactly normal for young elves to still experience growth spurts. But I wonder since most things have increased...perhaps...his...what am I even saying? That's not possible. Well, unless If I see for myself,' Aunt Layla thought, working her hands around kan's body.

Aunt Layla's teasing comment brought a blush to Kan's cheeks. Her hands on his face and her playful inspection made him acutely aware of the physical changes he had undergone, thanks to his newfound passion for football.

"Well, I'm glad football is keeping you fit," Aunt Layla remarked, a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Maybe I should consider taking up a sport too."

Kan chuckled nervously, feeling a mixture of embarrassment and amusement at the unexpected turn of the conversation.

As they finished with the dishes, Aunt Layla patted Kan on the shoulder. "You're growing up, Kan. Finding your way, embracing new experiences. It's a journey worth taking."

Kan smiled appreciatively, grateful for Aunt Layla's support and understanding. The evening, which began with the thrill of a football match, had evolved into a moment of connection and shared laughter.

With the dishes done, they returned to the living room. Aunt Layla settled into a plush chair, and Kan took a seat opposite her.

"So, what's the plan for the rest of the evening, Aunt Layla?" Kan inquired, curious about the enigmatic twists this unexpected visit might take.

Aunt Layla leaned back, a mysterious glimmer in her eyes. "How about a little trip? There's something I'd like to show you."

Kan's eyebrows arched in curiosity. "A trip? Now? Where to?"

Aunt Layla simply smiled, the hint of adventure lingering in her expression. "Trust me, Kan. It'll be worth it."

As they prepared for this impromptu adventure, Kan couldn't help but wonder what mysteries awaited him in the hands of Aunt Layla.

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