Chapter 153 Convergence Orgy?!! (++R18!!)

Chapter 153 Convergence Orgy?!! (++R18!!)

The dance floor pulsated with energy as Kan and Elara moved in rhythmic harmony. The multicolored lights cast a dazzling spectacle around them, creating an atmosphere of enchantment. The music, a rhythmic heartbeat to the night, enveloped them in its seductive embrace.

Just as the dance reached its zenith, a sudden silence descended. The music vanished, and the vibrant lights dimmed to nothingness. The once lively pool area plunged into an eerie darkness. An unsettling hush swept through the crowd as whispers of confusion and anticipation rippled through the air.

Kan's senses heightened. In the inky blackness, he felt a gentle touch on his shoulder, delicate fingers wrapping around him. A silent gasp escaped his lips as he realized that the same mysterious force was at play for everyone on the dance floor. It was as if a collective breath had been held, awaiting the unveiling of what was to come.

The gripping tension lingered in the darkness, each passing moment feeling like an eternity. Kan strained to see in the obscurity, his heart pounding in anticipation. Whispers and soft giggles echoed around him, heightening the suspense.

Then, a giggle, unmistakably close, reached his ears. The fingers on his shoulders tightened, and he was pulled with a swift yet gentle force. In the depth of the darkness, he trusted his instincts, sensing a playful mischief at play.

The abrupt cessation of music plunged the Night Spa into a chaotic symphony of cheers, giggles, and shattered glass. Kan's senses heightened in the dimness, capturing glimpses of frantic movements and the occasional flicker of dim emergency lights.

Glasses crashed, echoing in the chamber like distant thunder, while the unmistakable sound of tables scraping against the marbled floor underscored the sudden frenzy. The once serene atmosphere had transformed into a realm of unpredictable excitement.

In the midst of the disarray, a singular phrase reverberated through the tumult, each utterance heightening the suspense: "It's that timeeeee." The words bounced off the walls, a shared secret among the revelers.

Kan, caught in the midst of the unfolding spectacle, felt a mix of anticipation and unease. The darkened surroundings concealed the faces of those around him, their movements fueled by an unseen energy. Whispers circulated like a clandestine mantra, adding an air of mystery to the gathering.

As the darkness persisted, the atmosphere thickened with an electrifying tension. The occasional burst of laughter mingled with the shuffling of feet, creating an improvised dance of shadows. The broken rhythm of the once-vibrant spa now pulsated with an unknown cadence.

Then, a dim blue light pierced the obscurity, casting an eerie glow over the transformed space. It revealed figures engaged in a spectrum of activities — some dancing wildly, others entangled in intimate embraces. The Night Spa had metamorphosed into an arena of liberated desires.

As swiftly as it had descended, the darkness lifted. The dance floor, now bathed in a cool blue light, revealed a transformed scene. The surroundings had shifted, and a new ambiance took hold. The pool glowed with an ethereal radiance, and the floating lights above danced in a mesmerizing display.

The revelation brought forth a wave of laughter and exhilaration. The unexpected interlude had turned into a thrilling spectacle, weaving an aura of mystery and delight. Kan found himself entangled in the intrigue of the night, an unwitting participant in the magical dance orchestrated by the unseen hands of the Night Spa.

The music resumed, but the atmosphere had shifted. The blue light added an otherworldly charm to the proceedings. The dance floor pulsed with renewed energy as people, caught in the spell of the moment, embraced the unexpected twist. The mysterious interruption had transformed the night into a tapestry of surprises, and Kan, entwined in the rhythm of the night, surrendered to the enchantment that lingered in the air.

Elara confirmed kan's suspicions as a kiss was flatly placed on his lips.

At first, he didn't respond back but when she kept on with it and began to slip down to his trousers area, Kan knew the situation had gone from what it was to something else.

Elara uncocked his zip and uncaged the monster hidden in the abyss. Breath taken, she gazed at kan's unmistakable stepbrother, his other half, his first bone and crowned prince of pleasure, she stared at the first wonder of her world, kan's dick.

"Oooff!!" She exclaimed, unable to contain her excitement.

Visibly, she was stunned. Internally, she was excited. Beyond all expectations, she was pleased with herself.

She grabbed kan's dick and made her second hand travel all the way to his buttocks and in the wildest way, she grabbed hold of his ass in a sensual and violent way.

Then, like an ice cream cone, she flicked her tongue against the tip of kan's dick.

"Sweet Alabama!!"

Kan yelped but quickly contained himself. Trying to understand what was happening still. It felt like a dream. Not one that would happen so often because this was the real deal.

The wildest and unbelievable thing wasn't the fact that he had been stripped and was about to receive head from a total stranger. No, not at all.

Matter of fact, in the crazy world he lived in and had now come to love, this was the least shocking thing. To be frank, this was something he expected to have happen quite a long time ago, perhaps in a bus station or in the class.

But no, it was the fact that in front of him, not just himself and Elara, but everyone else seemed to be indulged in similar act.

As a matter of fact, many had gone over board already and with the slow background music, Kan could pick out the sounds of flesh lashing against flesh. Someone was getting banged for sure.

His heart pumped, his eyes moved about and prior to all belief and common sense, he saw all around him, people were fucking the hell out of each other.

To simply put, this was a mass orgy!!!

Elara invested in Kan's dick failed to notice when a figure walked behind Kan and grabbed hold of him, pulling him from her grip.

"What?!!" She protested, seeing a female, much taller than her and kan standing next to Kan.

She recognized the woman from before. It was the same person she had borrowed Kan from, Aunt Layla. And she didn't look pleased.

"We can share, you know?" Elara said, licking her lips, salivating at the sheer fantasy of being cocked by kan's amazing lenght.

"Kan baby, are you fine with this?" Aunt Layla asked straight away, turning her attention from Elara to now focus on kan.

Her hands were placed on his shoulder and chest, circling around his nipples while she waited for a response.

But of course this in itself was a setup. Kan was beside himself. How did he not think of it?

Surely, a lot of things seemed not alright from the very go. The sudden arrival of Aunt Layla at his school, the outrageous arousal level she had on from the onset and the random girl who had just come around to ask him for a dance. No doubt, Kan was good looking, especially so with all the recent improvements going on with his body. He was a stud in his own right but from the scratch, it all felt like a setup, one that he was starting to like.

"I mean..." Kan was going to say but Aunt layla giggled slightly, her hands still on his chest, moving about it.

"I thought we tried something different from the last time. You know, shake it up a bit. That's why I brought you here. I'm sorry if this is too much," she said, looking away from kan.

"No, not that at all. I mean, I like it. It's just..." Kan was going to say but yet again, he got cut off by Layla who insisted with a slight giggle and leaned in, her breasts pressed on kan's upper chest and neck area.

"I knew you'd like it. This place is famous for the spa. But at a certain time, it changes. You know something, look up and tell me what you see," Aunt Layla proposed.

Kan then turned to look outside of the canopy but he didn't need to look for too long as what he was looking for was already reflecting on the pool surface.

"Two moons?" Kan uttered. And as bizzare as it sounded to him, it was happening right then.

The two moons were actually crescents and they seemed to be on the verge of colliding with one another.

"Yes. It's called the convergence. We Elves celebrate it every year it happens. This time, I get to spend it with you," Aunt layla said with a giggle.

Kan was thrilled by the air of confidence and mischief she had about her. She looked like she passed a lot of tests in her time because she had more Ace's on her sleeves to be revealed.

"Okay, so is he in or are you going to leave because you are spoiling my fun," Elara sauntered into the conversation, disrupting Kan and Aunt Layla's moment to make her claims.

"Who's first?" Kan smiled, inviting both ladies in.

Aunt Layla and Elara both exchanged glances as they smiled at one another and something in Kan knew he was in big trouble.

[Perhaps, you should have thought this through?] Hela said, her tone signalling fear in some sort of way that Kan was not used to.

*Author's note*

Hi everyone, thanks for all the support, I really appreciate it!!

If you feel I'm doing a great job and would like to support me, please feel free to drop some golden tickets and most importantly, a gift would suffice!

Any gift at all, lol..

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