Chapter 171 Meeting Vera

Chapter 171 Meeting Vera

[How long is it going to take you to make a move on her?] Hela asked.

"Who?" Kan asked.

[You know who it is. Why play dumb? You could have easily kissed her the night before but instead you offered to teach her a secret handshake! You are slowly inching towards the friendzone!!] Hela warned.

To this, Kan didn't give a response. The next day had arrived and same occurrence repeated itself. By the entrance, Kan found the Ebony kings waiting at the entrance once more.

Undeterred by the looming confrontation, Kan steeled himself for whatever awaited. "If they want to fight once more, I'm ready. I don't care about their numbers," he declared defiantly, quickening his pace, prepared to face head-on whatever challenges lay in his path.

Approaching the school gate, Kan chose not to immediately confront the gang. Instead, he opted to feign forgetfulness about the recent events, walking past them with a casual air.

Despite his heightened senses, the gang members seemed oblivious to his presence, engrossed in a conversation that excluded him from their attention.

"What's up with these guys today? I think they didn't see me," Kan mused, puzzled by their nonchalant demeanor.

[From the looks of things, they don't remember what happened the other day] Hela speculated.

"They don't remember? Did they both take such great blows to the head?" Kan wondered aloud, attempting to grasp the unusual turn of events.

[That could be the case, or it could be something else. Like, the stranger wearing the mask from before may have made them forget what happened. They appear dazed for the second time in a row. Almost like they are missing a part of themselves] Hela proposed.

"Hmmm, but if that's the case, why would the masked guy help me out? Is he some distant relation or something?" Kan questioned, grappling with the mystery surrounding the mysterious stranger.

[The man and his motives remain a mystery] Hela admitted.

Undeterred by the mysterious turn of events, Kan proceeded to his classroom. The halls were relatively empty as classes were already in session.

Thankfully, his class teacher hadn't arrived yet, providing him the opportunity to slip into his seat unnoticed.

As he settled in, a few curious eyes turned towards him, aware of his absence the previous day.

Among them was Vera, the reserved and exceptionally bright vampire in his class. Though they exchanged occasional glances, Kan had never mustered the courage to initiate a conversation with her.

As he sat down, he saw her eyes following him but as soon as he turned to look at her, she turned her glance away.

"Hmmm, that's exactly what she does every time I catch her staring at me. She doesn't even wait for me to wave, nor does she wave at me. How strange!" Kan lamented, observing Vera quickly diverting her gaze.

While he contemplated the dynamics of his class, Mr. Gordon, the somewhat dull class teacher who just returned form vacation, entered with his customary large black book.

"Ugh! This man's going to ruin my day today. Let's see what he has in store for us today. I believe he brought more boredom from wherever he came from!" Kan lamented, settling into his seat in preparation for Mr. Gordon's class.

Kan, anticipating another tedious session, sighed in resignation, readying himself for the impending monotony.

As Mr. Gordon began his lecture, Kan's resistance to the boredom waned, and the overwhelming desire to sleep took over.

"Happens every time!" Kan muttered, acknowledging the familiar routine. Despite his efforts to stay awake and absorb the content, Mr. Gordon's class proved to be as unproductive as ever.

"Seeing this man sucks! I prefer seeing the darkness than this man!" Kan quipped, resigning himself to the inevitable boredom.

Closing his eyes briefly, he sought a momentary escape from the monotony.

"Kanakan? Kanakan?" A voice interrupted his brief respite. Kan opened his eyes to find a female standing in front of him. Still groggy, he couldn't make out where he had seen her until seconds later when he finally caught on.

The girl in front of him was Vera, the class's smartest girl, standing before him. Rising from his seat, Kan met her gaze, noticing her elegance and beauty up close.

"Uhmmm, hi!" Kan greeted her, slightly taken aback by her unexpected presence.

"Hi! I just wanted to inform you that class is over, and it's already recess time. It seems you were sleeping all through Mr. Gordon's class," she informed him with a casual smile.

"Oh, right!" Kan exclaimed, realizing the class had concluded, and he had missed the transition to recess. Glancing around, he noticed the empty classroom, with only Vera and him remaining.

"I had a bit of a rough night; that's why! Thanks," Kan explained, attempting to justify his drowsiness.

"Oh, that's good. You weren't in class for a day or two. Hope all is well?" Vera inquired, showing genuine concern.

"Yeah, yeah, just engaged in some stuff. Thanks for noticing!" Kan replied, appreciating her attentiveness.

With a nod, Vera turned to leave. Kan, intrigued by her demeanor, couldn't resist one more question. "What's your name again?" he asked.

"Veronica, but you can call me Vera," she replied, offering a simple smile before departing.

"Nice meeting you," Kan remarked, though Vera chose not to respond as she walked away. Kan stood there, watching her departure, pondering the enigma of her reserved behavior.

Vera walked back to her seat at the front, sat down alone, and continued reading from a book. Without wasting any time, Kan decided to go check up on some of his friends in other classes.

As Kan walked out of the classroom, he passed by Vera, who was engrossed in a particular book. Intrigued, he stopped and inquired politely, "What book is this, please?"

"This is the book given by Mr. Gordon today," she replied, closing the book to reveal its dark cover, identical to Mr. Gordon's large book, albeit smaller in size.

"Today? Wow, seems like I dozed off more than I expected," Kan chuckled.

Vera only smiled and turned back to her book. Kan decided to leave her alone in the class, contemplating her unusual behavior.

"Why is she into books this much? Books are not supposed to be part of someone's life. But why is she behaving differently every second? She stares at me in class some days and woke me up today as if she really cared about me, but I don't understand this slightly cold attitude she's showing now!" Kan pondered as he exited the classroom.

[You never get ladies] Hela remarked, and Kan couldn't help but smile.

As he headed to meet his friends, he passed the walkway leading to their school football training pitch.

"I think I'll go check if there's training today," Kan decided, diverting his pathway toward the pitch.

To his surprise, the walkway was unusually clean and tidy compared to the last time he came.

"I believe the cleaners have finally heard the pleas of the ground," Kan remarked as he continued walking.

Passing by the dance and singing clubs, he noticed they were occupied with students creating a lively atmosphere.

He peeped into the archery clubhouse and saw three female students inside, a contrast to the solitary figure he observed the other day.

"Why is it that only ladies come here? This is suspicious!" Kan mused as he finally reached the football clubhouse.

As Kan stood in front of the football clubhouse, he was puzzled by the unusual silence that replaced the usual lively chatter.

"Why is there no noise here today? Even if I'm late, this place should be occupied!" he exclaimed.

Pushing the door, Kan found it open, allowing him entry. As he stepped onto the small pitch, he discovered it completely deserted.

"What's going on?" he wondered. Initially thinking of leaving, he noticed a lone ball lying on the reserve bench from a distance.

"Well, let me try a few moves," Kan decided, approaching the ball with the intention of testing his free-kick skills. As he walked toward the ball, he was taken aback to find a small bottle of water lying next to it.

Ignoring the unexpected discovery, Kan picked up the ball and rolled it onto the ground, preparing for a free kick from outside the box.

Taking a deep breath, he positioned himself on the left side of the pitch, aiming for the right corner of the goal post.

With precision and shot power, Kan kicked the ball, sending it flying. Although nearly perfect, it struck the goal woodwork.

"That was close! I over-hit the ball," Kan admitted as he rushed to retrieve it for another attempt.

Placing the ball in the exact spot as before, Kan positioned himself once more, kicking the ball with slightly less power. This time, it found its way into the goal net, not at the precise spot he aimed for but still a satisfying attempt.

"Nice, dude! I'm learning fast! I'm gradually getting good at this," Kan exclaimed joyfully, pleased with his newfound football skills.

Kan picked the ball once more and attempted another shot, hitting the same spot again.

"That was even closer!" he shouted with excitement. Undeterred, Kan ran to retrieve the ball, determined to make the perfect shot.

As he noticed sweat forming on his forehead, Kan decided to take a break. "I might get my uniform wet; let me wait for another day when I can wear training kits and get as sweaty as I want," he said, catching his breath.

Deciding to store the ball properly, Kan opted for the clubhouse instead of leaving it in the open.

Pushing the door that was already ajar, he entered the clubhouse and made his way to the rack where balls were usually kept. After dropping the ball, he turned to leave.

However, just as he was about to exit, Kan heard a soft humming noise emanating from the dressing room.

Surprised, he stood still, waiting to confirm if it was just his imagination or if someone was indeed inside. The humming ceased, leaving Kan curious and eager to investigate.

He approached the dressing room door cautiously, gently pushing it open. To his astonishment, he found a naked lady in the process of getting dressed.


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