Chapter 192 Von shizaros

Chapter 192 Von shizaros

As he stepped inside, he was surprised to see something really astonishing—something he had never expected to find.

Kan, filled with curiosity, questioned, "What the heck is this?"

"How is this even possible?" he wondered aloud. He took another step into the room to observe what really happened.

Before him was an empty room; the once full shelves were now bare. The large bookshelf stood tall without a single book on it.

Kan stood puzzled and perplexed. "How is that even possible?" he asked.

He took a few steps into the room and walked to the shelves, gently touching the spots where the books were supposed to be. Kan examined each shelf, hoping to find a leftover book, but there was none.

"Who could have possibly done this?" Kan asked curiously.

"Or have Mum and Dad possibly found out that I've seen this and decided to change its location?" he wondered.

He looked up and down, left and right, searching for any clues.

After some tiring moments, he decided to walk out of the room. As he was leaving, he stepped on a piece of wood on the ground that made a gentle sound.

Kan looked down and was surprised to see the wood lying bare. He picked it up, turning it on both sides, but there was nothing on it.

Not satisfied, Kan felt it might be a clue leading him to what happened to the books in the secret room. He walked out of the room, holding the wood firmly in his hands.

Closing the door to the secret room, Kan hung the picture back to its original position.

After walking out, Kan carried his snacks on the plate and headed back to his room.

Seated on his bed, he decided to eat.

The first spoonful of the snack was a bit spicy, but manageable. He took the wood he found in the secret room, examining it as he ate. Turning it to different angles, he found nothing discernible.

As he took the second spoon, the spiciness increased, causing him to cough. Trying to cover his mouth with the hand holding the wood, some saliva inadvertently touched the wood.

After he stopped coughing, he moved his hand away from his mouth to resume eating. As he prepared for another spoon, he noticed a sudden change in the wood he was holding.

The once empty wood started emitting a gentle blue light. Kan quickly turned the wood to see where the light was coming from.

Upon turning it, he saw some form of writing on the wood, although too small to read easily.

Narrowing his eyes, he focused and managed to read it, "only, only, the band, no, the blind can see!"

Puzzled, Kan repeated the phrase, "only the blind can see? It doesn't even make any sense."

He read it once more and noticed a change in the writing.

"Only the deep, no, deaf can heal, hear," he deciphered.

Kan sighed and said, "Only the deaf can hear? What's with all these senseless writings?"

Suddenly, the once blue light turned red.

The writing on the wood became larger and clearer, allowing Kan to read without narrowing his eyes or focusing too much.

As he read, "verily, only the faces masked remain visible."

Kan immediately uttered those words. The wood in his hand vanished into thin air, and before he could react, he started feeling a heaviness in his head. His hands and body grew lighter, and the snacks before him transformed into tiny dust particles.

Raising his head, Kan witnessed his room disintegrating into dust. As he tried to stand, he felt disoriented. The room crumbled, and new bricks formed, shaping into a room identical to his bedroom on Earth.

Within a split second, the bricks formed the room before Kan. As he scrutinized the room, he realized it was indeed his bedroom back on Earth.

Faint voices from the sitting room, reminiscent of his wife's, reached his ears. She seemed to be saying something strange, like "Von Shizaros!"

Eager to confirm if he had returned to Earth, Kan rushed to the door. However, as he touched the door, the bricks making up the room started breaking apart once more, echoing the previous disintegration.

"No! Damn it!"

In an instant, new bricks began arranging themselves, shaping into another familiar environment. Kan recognized the old bricks and the slightly dark surroundings.

The sound of dripping water echoed in the background, striking a familiar chord with Kan.

Turning around, he observed the door to the room he was in, triggering a confirmatory realization of his location.

He found himself in the correctional facility where he had met his end before transmigrating. The room appeared unchanged, mirroring how he left it.

Abruptly, a loud bang reverberated through the door.

Bang! Bang!! Bang!!!

"Von Shizaros!" Brenda's voice called from behind the door.

"What, Brenda, again?" Kan questioned aloud.

"Wait, am I back in Alex's body?" he pondered, examining himself. However, there was no alteration— he remained as Kan.

The banging persisted, but no one responded after Brenda's call.

Subsequently, low moans emanated from behind the door.

Although the words were indistinct, Kan sensed someone speaking on the other side.

Intrigued, Kan moved closer to the door. As he touched it, the bricks began to fade away, akin to what had happened before.

In another split second, the bricks disintegrated, and new ones started to form, shaping another structure.

Kan anticipated the emergence of a new building, yet he was bewildered to find nothing but a vast, empty, dark expanse. Devoid of light, the sheer darkness enveloped everything he could perceive.

Looking down, he encountered the same darkness beneath him, though he could see his feet.

No air was present, but to his surprise, he could still breathe.

Attempting to raise his hand, he realized his movements were sluggish, slower than ever, making even the simplest actions challenging.

As he attempted to move forward, his steps were met with an unexpected resistance, as if the very air itself was pushing against him but there was no air to begin with.

With each sluggish step, he grumbled in frustration, the effort to propel himself forward proving to be more challenging than any physical task he had faced before.

The dark void seemed to conspire against his movements, resisting his every attempt to traverse its obscure terrain.

Complaints escaped his lips, a litany of frustration echoing into the emptiness. "Why is this so difficult?" he muttered, his voice sounding muted and lost in the vast nothingness.

His complaints became a desperate plea for ease as he yearned to break free from the constraints of this peculiar, unyielding darkness.

Despite his efforts, Kan's progress was agonizingly slow. His limbs felt heavy, as if weighed down by an unseen force.

The void offered no clues, no landmarks to guide him, only an oppressive darkness that seemed to mock his attempts to navigate through its mysterious depths.

As he continued to grapple with the challenging environment, his complaints grew with time, as if seeking acknowledgment from an indifferent void.

The struggle to move forward became a metaphorical battle against an intangible force, leaving Kan caught in a disorienting dance between frustration and the relentless grip of the void.

"Fuck!!" he shouted, but it seemed as though his expletive echoed in isolation within the strange void.

"Hela? Hela?" he attempted to reach out, yet there was no response.

"Where am I?" he complained, his struggle to walk becoming increasingly taxing after just three steps.

Beads of sweat formed on his furrowed brow, and oddly, instead of dripping to the ground, the sweat defied gravity, ascending and dissipating into the void.

As Kan continued his arduous journey, an unfamiliar voice echoed the recurring phrase he had heard since entering this perplexing realm, "Von Shizaros!"

At the utterance of those words, a single brick moved independently in the air. Intrigued, Kan halted, taking a moment to observe the brick as it floated freely.

Suddenly, another brick materialized, seamlessly joining the first to create a single step.

In a rapid succession, numerous bricks manifested and fused together, forming a multitude of steps.

"Is this the House of Steps?" Kan pondered with curiosity.

The individual steps began converging, organizing themselves into a chain akin to the House of Steps, albeit with a distinctive difference. Instead of the usual random movements, these steps remained stationary.

Kan examined the interior of the room or space he found himself in. Deciding to venture further, he took a step forward, discovering that walking was surprisingly easier than before.

As he explored, he found the space to be devoid of any structures or signs of life. Approaching one of the stationary stairs, he gently touched it.

Unlike the disappearing structures he had encountered earlier, this one remained unmoved.

Instead, a familiar voice echoed the enigmatic phrase, "Von Shizaros!" The voice sounded closer and clearer than before.

Turning around to locate the source, Kan found the place still empty. Determined to investigate further, he took another step, contemplating his surroundings when suddenly, he felt a hand on his shoulder from behind.

"Von Shizaros!"

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