All People Want My Created Cultivation Skills

Chapter 8

C8 – Hero Saving the Beauty

For two consecutive days, viewers of the live broadcast eagerly anticipated Jiang Que succumbing to the loneliness of solitude and inadvertently reciting the secrets of the Flying Blade Spell aloud.

Regrettably, Jiang Que did not oblige.

In the vast mountains that stretched for miles, the intermittent roars of beasts echoed.

Jiang Que navigated the forest with caution, his figure tinged with solitude.

It wasn’t until a distant roar pierced the air that Jiang Que’s spirits lifted sharply.

The roar was unmistakably that of a ferocious beast.

Simultaneously, he could faintly discern the angry shouts of a human.

Jiang Que grasped several Thorn Fruits in his hand and set off towards the source of the noise.

Before long, he found himself in a small grove.

Moving forward, Jiang Que spotted a woman clad in beast skins, towering and muscular, brandishing a short knife.

She was locked in combat with a massive, three-meter-tall wild boar, bloodied and sporting a single horn.

Despite its injuries, the One-horn Pig remained vigorous.

In contrast, the formidable woman was gasping for breath, clearly struggling to maintain her stamina.

“The opportunity for a heroic rescue has arrived! I’ve researched the Exile Planet extensively. That’s a Level 5 ferocious beast, a One-horn Pig. Judging by the current situation, there’s no way this beauty can overcome it.”

“Damn. You actually consider her a beauty?”

“Given the different living conditions, the aesthetic standards on the Exile Planet vary. The locals admire women who are tall, robust, and have dark skin.”

“This woman stands at two meters, her muscles well-defined, exuding a sense of power.”

“Though she appears to be on the brink of exhaustion, she remains alert and enduring. On the Exile Planet, she is without a doubt a peerless beauty of formidable strength.”

The live broadcast audience buzzed with excitement.

They were eager to witness Jiang Que deploy the Flying Blade Spell to rescue the peerless beauty on the Exile Planet.

Yet, in the small forest, Jiang Que held back.

Concealed behind the trunk of a large tree, he silently observed the unfolding drama.

As a member of the Human Race, Jiang Que was bound to save the woman.

However, he aimed to maximize his advantage.

Jiang Que was unsure how to reach the Green Tribe. Now, having encountered a fellow Human Race individual, he naturally contemplated how to gain entry to her tribe and ascend to the role of Patriarch.

The burly woman’s formidable strength and her iron dagger led Jiang Que to surmise that she held a high status within her tribe. She wouldn’t possess such a weapon otherwise. Jiang Que knew that if he could rescue her at her most desperate moment, she would be deeply indebted to him. Yet, after half an hour, she was still locked in combat with the ferocious beast.

The resilience of the burly woman had taken Jiang Que by surprise. Despite being at a disadvantage and utterly drained, she managed to bite down on her pain and use the trees for cover, narrowly evading the One-horn Pig’s assaults. She even found moments to counterattack, striking the beast and leaving gashes that oozed blood. But the disparity in strength between her and the One-horn Pig was stark. Her tenacity was impressive, but her stamina was waning.

As time wore on, the burly woman’s movements grew increasingly sluggish. In a decisive moment, the One-horn Pig charged. She dodged its piercing horn but was struck by its massive body. Sent flying like a shot from a cannon, her dagger slipped from her grasp. She collided with a large tree, coughing up blood, and struggled to rise, but to no avail.

The One-horn Pig, roaring triumphantly, turned to face her once more. It lowered its head, ready to charge again. The woman, unable to stand, still faced the beast with undaunted eyes, though a glint of despair betrayed her stoic gaze. It was then that a sudden voice pierced the air.

Jiang Que had made his move. The Thorn Fruit soared, striking the One-horn Pig’s back directly in an existing wound. The sizable Thorn Fruit buried itself deep into the flesh, eliciting a pained howl from the creature, which froze in place.

The burly woman’s eyes went wide in shock; she hadn’t anticipated this turn of events. “He’s finally taken action!” someone exclaimed. “Incredible. The scanner shows the Thorn Fruit’s velocity hit 300 meters per second! That’s significantly faster than during his practice sessions.”

“He’s incredibly skilled! The Thorn Fruit is swift, durable, and extremely sharp. Low-level ferocious beasts stand no chance against it.”

“I’m curious when Jiang Que will document the Flying Blade Spell.”

“I find him quite cunning. He only stepped in to save her when the woman was on the brink of death.”

“Well, he is on the Exile Planet. Survival there demands a bit of cunning.”

“He probably wants to earn the gratitude of this beauty, so naturally, he’s employing some tactics. We may see Jiang Que as a handsome guy, but to the women on the Exile Planet, he’s nothing but a nobody.”

“Even though Jiang Que saved the life of the peerless beauty, she’s unlikely to take a liking to him.”

“However, if Jiang Que intervenes at the moment of her utter despair, she might actually fall for him.”

The viewers in the live broadcast room were fervently debating.

Some thought Jiang Que was too underhanded, while others couldn’t resist defending him.

But only Jiang Que knew the true reason behind his actions.

As the One-horn Pig turned to face Jiang Que, he swiftly launched another Thorn Fruit, striking the beast squarely in the forehead.

The Thorn Fruit, over ten centimeters in length, nearly penetrated the One-horn Pig’s skull.

The beast began to stagger like a drunken man.

After stumbling a few more steps, it collapsed onto the ground, its life force fading away.

​Nearby, a muscular woman observed the fallen One-horn Pig, then turned her gaze to the clean-cut, slender Jiang Que. Her wide eyes were filled with disbelief.

This man had simply thrown a Thorn Fruit and managed to kill a One-horn Pig just like that.

The muscular woman was absolutely certain that if she shared this with her clansmen, not a single one would believe her.

Even as an eyewitness, she found the reality hard to accept.

Meanwhile, once Jiang Que confirmed the One-horn Pig was dead, he approached and removed the Thorn Fruit from its forehead, meticulously cleaning off the blood.

He then approached the muscular woman and asked with genuine concern, “Are you alright?”

The tall and sturdy woman shook her head.

It was only after she had regained some strength that she managed to stand up.

“He’s got a peerless beauty right in front of him, and he goes for the Thorn Fruit first?”

“If it were me, I’d rush to the beauty’s aid, making sure she’s alright. Naturally, this assumes that my taste aligns with that of the Human Race on Exile Planet.”

“On Exile Planet, a woman isn’t going to fall for a man just because he shows her a bit of kindness.”

“If Jiang Que wants to win over this beauty, he should’ve lifted her onto the carcass of the One-horn Pig.”

“After that, he could slice the One-horn Pig’s throat, offering her its fresh blood to help her regain her energy.”

“By doing so, he’d not only claim ownership over both the beauty and the One-horn Pig but also demonstrate his tender side.”

The viewers in the live stream were unanimous in their opinion that Jiang Que’s flirting techniques were amateurish at best.

Yet, despite being seen as worthless by the inhabitants of Exile Planet due to his slender and pale appearance, Jiang Que’s act of saving the beauty means she’s quite likely to fall for him.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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