All the Dust that Falls

Chapter 77: Operation S.P.O.T.

Chapter 77: Operation S.P.O.T.

I finished cleaning the undersides of all the tables in the library. It wasn't really necessary, but I really didn't have anything else to do while Beatrice and Tony finished going through Tony's class change. Apparently, it was a complicated process, but it didn't seem related to me.

Eventually, they both stood up, Tony's shoulders 4.5% square. Tony went out in the hall, muttering something about finding a shovel. Beatrice walked over and sat on the ground in front of me. "Master, I wanted to ask about your plans for when the Lieutenant awakens."

I was not very capable of talking, but I would give my best effort. I tried to convey that sentiment to her in a series of beeps. Beatrice nodded, and I think she understood as she continued on with her questions. "How much do you want me to do? I am still not sure if you intended on me taking care of it myself, if you wanted the fight for yourself or somewhere in between."

I wasn't sure how to answer that. It wasn't like I had a plan for any of this. Seeing my lack of an answer, Beatrice took it as a chance to explain her thoughts more.

"Of course, if you want, I will do my best to handle things. I am just not at all confident in taking on something that is at least 40 levels higher than me. Even if we manage to get Tony to level 20, I don't think it will make that much of a difference. As you know, levels without combat experience don't mean too much. If I hadn't spent too much time fighting lesser demons or skeletons, I would be pretty useless myself." Beatrice elaborated. "I think that was how I got any skills that were combat related, even tangentially."

I still wasn't sure how to answer, I tried to give her a reassuring note, but it didn't feel like enough. Beatrice appeared to agree as her face became stricken and 60% paler. "I… I understand, master. I will do my best. If I fall, I can only beg that you step in and… Save humanity from this threat. Please."

No, no, no. That wasn't what I meant. I let out a couple of panicked beeps. I would be there to help. I just didn't think that I would be able to do much, either. Sure, I was more combat capable than her, but from what I had heard, this mess maker was scary. I was relieved that she seemed to understand this time.

"I would be glad to accept any help you are willing to give," Beatrice said, some color returning to her face. I didn't think she fully understood. As long as she would try her best, though, that would have to do.


I was ecstatic. Ever since Tony had gotten his new class, he had been building ramps all over the castle. He wasn't nearly as excited about it as I was. I couldn't stop going up and down the last one, he built. At least, not until the next one was finished. I was able to access the whole castle at this point, but still, he didn't stop.

It was convenient for me and gave me much more efficient paths around. However, I am still worried. Beatrice hadn't left the library in days, only occasionally popping out to gather supplies. Tony had also barely charged at all. I could tell that he was not running on a full battery, but nonetheless, they kept pushing on.

When Tony mentioned that he hit level 10, the strategy was clear to me. Still, I felt bad as I wasn't able to help in any meaningful way. I didn't have much ability to prepare for anything like this ahead of time. Alchemy was not in my skill set. As for increasing my personal power like Tony was, that wasn't feasible either. Cleaning simple stains gave me experience, but I could feel that it was barely anything compared to what I would need to level again, let alone to where I would get my next mutation. At least according to my best estimates.

Also, there were no tough opponents for me to fight. I considered transmuting the demons and skeletons I still had in my dustbin, but I was saving those for when I needed them. It didn't take time to do, so it seemed wasteful now. Also, after going through my memories, I noticed how the things I absorbed seemed to come out much stronger somehow.

First was the rodent. Second was the two demons I had used to distract the skeletons. That wasn't quite enough information to pull a concerted trend or make any real conclusions, but I did think that waiting longer could help me get more information. For now, the only thing useful I came up with was being a certified ramp tester. A responsibility I tackled with absolute gusto.


Bee peered through her blurry eyes at the potion she was brewing. Now that Tony had reached level 10, she needed to make some of the lesser ones, as it might actually be worth it. If only he had received a better skill. It was to be expected that he wouldn't be offered a combat skill as he had only built ramps, but Interior Construction wasn't really a winner. Still, the other option, Ramp Master, just wasn't viable.

Still, it wasn't all bad; once he finished harvesting all the easy experiences, he would start setting up ballista. With his new skill, it might help a little. It was a stretch in her mind, but Tony seemed to be confident that the traps and defenses would be included.

Bee had wanted to take the experience from the ramps for herself, but she just didn't have time. Besides, Tony needed it more. She consoled herself by remembering that there were diminishing returns. Especially once the castle was accessible. Still, the gains were irresistible.

The work she was doing was decent for experience, but it wasn't going to make much of a difference in time. She just finished another dissolution potion. It was one that her Divine Alamchey applied on. It gave her a bit more yield from each batch and slightly more experience from making it. Placing the flask next to all the pouches of the demon's bane she had already prepared, she got to work making another batch before realizing that she had run out of flasks.

Moving her equipment off the heat, she darted upstairs to one of the labs to gather more supplies. Rushing up the nearest spiral stairs, she almost ran headfirst into Tony. Only her incredible reflexes prevented her from bowling him over. It looked like he was building a spiraling ramp down the staircase. It didn't seem to be going very well.

"What's the rush?" She heard him call up after her. Without stopping, she called back. "Ran out of flasks."

A second later, he joined her, running up the stairs. "I'll help you carry more."

She nodded her thanks. He just shrugged. "Anything is a good break from building more ramps. The spiral ones are just a bunch of small ones, but they need to line up perfectly. I don't think I could do it without Interior Construction."

"How close are you to 15?" Bee asked. It was slightly rude, but she needed to plan for how much he would be able to do. Tony didn't seem bothered in the slightest.

"13!" He answered in an eager voice. "I can't believe I have more than doubled my level since I met you. At this rate, I'm going to be at a higher level than my Da when I get home."

Bee didn't say it out loud, but if Tony made it through the coming conflict, she'd be shocked if he didn't rocket right past the level 24 Trent. Just the fight with the Lieutenant alone would give him a lot of experience. But if he also kept helping Void out, there would be no way that he wouldn't keep leveling. Between the two of them, they would be a force to be reckoned with if they survived the week.

That would hopefully be something that would never matter in normal life, but seeing what had happened with the adventurers that attacked her, she had her doubts. They might still be seen as a threat by the mages who had fled. Hopefully, letting that woman go would earn them some goodwill, but Bee doubted it would matter. The mages would only stay away for so long.

They must have plans to come to fight Nazareth'gak. If only they would get here sooner… But they couldn't know it would be freed so soon.

They dashed into one of the labs that she hadn't already picked clean. She started rifling through the cabinets and pulling anything that could hold a potion. There was a chance that she was going a little overboard. The odds of her being able to use all these were very slim. She really should be throwing out the older ones that were brewed when she was less skilled. But at this point, Bee would take what she could get.

Tony came back with a few cases that they loaded up and brought back to the library.

"After I finish with this stairwell, I'm going to start trying to build the ballista. Still haven't figured out how to get them all to fire at once. But If I get more than three set up, I can start working on it." Tony updated Bee on the way down.

"That's probably fine. I'm not certain how long it will take for it to be vulnerable, and it wouldn't be a good idea to waste more than we need. Especially if reloading is going to be difficult." Bee responded.

"Difficult? Probably not, but it will take some time." Tony said thoughtfully. "I think it's a fair assumption that we won't have time to reload unless we hit it too early. Actually, I might make the loading mechanism with that in mind. The design would take a really long time to load but will be quicker to make. I'll make one with quick loading… We can test with that one."

Bee just nodded. It made sense to her.


The rest of the days passed too quickly. Bee spent the entire time making potions and other defensive measures, only sleeping when her body forced her. Right before she intended to start the series of concoctions to wake up the Lieutenant and start the fight, Tony insisted that she sleep and go outside for a bit.

"Based on what you've told me, it's gonna be a hard enough fight as is." Tony gently pulled her to her feet and ushered her towards the door. "We need to be in tip-top shape, both of us. Plus, you've already prepped plenty. I dunno if a couple more potions or powder satchels will make a big difference now."

His argument was compelling. They couldn't afford any mistakes tomorrow. So after they dropped crates of various countermeasures in Nazareth'gak's room and through various retreat points, she stumbled her way outside. Tony left her with Void, moving to finish setting up another oversized crossbow in a hall that was being treated as a backup avenue for retreat.

She stepped carefully down the stairs, blinking repeatedly and trying to relax a bit. Her brow had become perpetually furrowed over the past few days, eyes narrowed and squinting at beakers and scales. Void trundled down the ramp next to her. Bee cracked open the castle's front door and slipped out.

The fresh, cool air hit her, and she breathed it in. It was nighttime outside. The quarter moon shone brightly down from a clear sky, illuminating her surroundings only a tiny bit. It was amazing how much she had missed this. Looking up at the stars that glittered cheerfully above, "she thought back to another time, so far away now, when she had laid in the grass with her mother and gazed up like this. The memory was bittersweet now.

Sometime later, she and Void retreated back inside. It was almost time. She would get to bed, sleep for longer than she had in months, make the last few unstable waking potions, and then everything would start. On the way to the stairs, though, something caught Bee's eye. She tilted her head and examined the recessed hallway that housed the catacombs' entrance. The door appeared to be open.

She wondered when Tony had done that. She was glad he hadn't gone inside, at least. They might not have been able to get to him in time if he had.

Bee shrugged and took a couple of steps over to close the door, then made her way back upstairs. Tomorrow was the big day, and she sure hoped she was ready.

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