All Time Marksman

Chapter 189 - It Was Not Death That Matters

"So what is going on?" one squad leader asked the 2nd man communication as he saw the 2nd man quite confused about what he was seeing.

"The captain ordered us to attack the south forces that are over there. He told us to open fire on our own and I am still not responding. But I really felt that the south detachment over there is really splinter group of the sleeper agents."

The 2nd man communication said to the squad leader that approached him.

"Well then, if the captain said we must do it, regardless. That is the strict rule of this world, I guess." The squad leader reply as he ordered his men to charge on to the south forces an opened fire. At first, the other loyalist armed soldiers were hesitant to fight with their rifle.

But their squad leader was too forceful and blind. With a single shot from their direction make a clash between two forces that were once allied together.


"Hey brother are y-" the blood splash onto one of the southern loyalist soldier. "What the heck why are the west forces firing at us!?" a soldier of the southern loyalist exclaims as he tried to take cover from the continuous gunfire that was coming from the western forces.

"Call the commanding officer of the west forces! And try to call the commanding officer we are getting fired upon here!" shouted by one of the southern soldier that was hiding in cover because they could not return fire from the ones who are firing at them because it was too suppressing.

[Inside the building of the Purple Armored Knight]

"Hey look the western forces and the southern forces of the Loyalist are fighting" one of the purple armored Knight exclaim "How can that be did the western forces join with us or there was a miscommunication?" one of the purple armored knight replied.

"Prepare for a fight, maybe that is all a diversion to get your attention!" Liu Lei shouted at her squad members as they try to lower down their rifles that were supposedly aimed at the position of the enemy.

"Two loyalist forces fighting that seems to be weird how can that supposed to happen," Liu Lei thoughts as she grips her rifle.

[At the room 2001]

"Well, what can you tell two forces are now fighting on the same side, hey officer, what are you beef with the southern loyalist forces? It seems you guys have a long beef because that beef helps me a lot in ordering your men to attack" Jin looked at the officer and he noticed the officer is still unconscious.

After a few minutes, a phone call was ringing inside the room. Jin glanced at the phone that was ringing same with Han Zian and fang Shirong, who was sitting on one chair and relaxing.

"Don't pick that up or else we are going to get found out we don't want to get our plan to be sabotage by a single call" Jin ordered and so the phone continuous rang and the fight on the ground increases as the western loyalist forces continues to fire upon the southern loyalist forces.

Jin raised his FXR-Raven and scoped the location and from what he sees is that the two forces have been receiving fatalities and casualties. Jin smirked and then tapped the comms on his neck.

[Radio: Alright prepare to attack the enemy when I said engage all forces engage the two forces you are facing. Focus to neutralize them and avoid getting casualties. And wait for the signal over.]

[Radio: North Force ready to attack over]

[Radio: East Forces read to attack over and out]

"Alright guys, we are going to save the purple armored knights. Kill the officer I want that officer dead Fang Shirong," Jin ordered as he turned around and looked at Fang Shirong, who was sitting and looking at the unconscious body of the Officer.

[Radio: All Squad must be in position prepare for Phase 1 to Phase 2 of Operation Rocked-2]

[Radio: Copy that T1, B3 is ready to go]

[Radio: Copy and ready to go T1, B4 is punching some loyalist rats over]

Jin whispered "Robotics" and then a blue tab appeared in front of him. The blue tab is a window interface where he can see a different type of robot controlled equipment. "So the only that is unlocked for me here is a drone? And a Type 1 Humanoid 1 this seems helpful enough"

Jin then tapped the drone and then the drone materialize at the same time the window that appeared in front of Jin had gotten smaller, which is now he can drag it to his left side view.

After that, Jin looked at the window interface that was beside him and there he can select which location should the drone go to.

There is also an added option to its interface, which is the self destruct option. "This is quite handy I can launch it onto the enemy and just tap the self-destruct button." Jin smiled.

"This is one outstanding drone," Jin exclaim even Fang Shirong got amazed and even Han Zian, who was just watching at the back. It amazed them on how their squad leader became stronger. "Sir, you are exceptional you can now produce a drone?!" Fang Shirong commented as he slits the throat of the officer.

"Now Let's start the damn attack I want to get a piece of the action." Jin then taps the location near the intense firefight. The drone flies towards the intense firefight location.

The two forces stopped firing as they saw that there was a flying drone above them. One of the soldier was about to fire at it, but then Jin tapped the self destruct option and the drone exploded.

*BOOM* the explosion was too powerful that they need to cover. After the explosion, it had created a crater after the crater there were patches of small fire everywhere and a thick fog.

Because of the thick fog, the intense fire fight stopped. But Jin summoned one more drone before it goes to cool down for 3 hours before he can use it once again.

Jin then tapped the drone, and the drone materialized like what he did earlier e sent the drone towards the location where the intense firefight was. And so both side where now thinking, who has sent the drones and keep doing a self destruct sequence.

Before they could return fire. Bullets went flying over their head. And one of the armed loyalist soldiers shouted. "BLACK ARMORE-" and a bullet pierces through his neck, making him unable to talk and unable to shout. The Black Armored Forces charge forward and the two forces did not expect.

Jin looked at Han Zian and Fang Shirong said. "Guys have you ever glided before?" and Fang Shirong replies "Once in the training but it only made me sick" and Jin said "Well that good enough because we are going to glide from this place down to the building over there were the Purple Armored Knights were being trapped.

Jin whispered "Open Global Market" and a Market window appeared. When the Window Market appeared, Jin saw a lot of sale but he was on mission so his focus was still on the mission. Jin searched for a glider, and so he could get one for only 300 Gold. Jin bought the glider and then throws them to Han Zian and Fang Shirong.

"Sir, are we really going to be needing this should we just walk towards their?" Fang Shirong asked, but Han Zian has already worn it same as Jin, so Fang Shirong could no longer say that he disapprove of the wearing of the glider chute.

Soon enough, Jin jumps at the end of the open balcony of the hotel. And once he was going down fast, he then he tapped the button on his side and two wings appeared behind him.

After Jin jumped, Han Zian followed. He looked at Fang Shirong, who got scared as hell, but he continued to follow the squad leader. "Oh, come on, why am I all the time getting tricked in doing something crazy!" after that he dashed and leaps at the edge of the balcony.

It scared Fang Shirong as he falls down the hotel building, but he quickly tapped the button and successfully glide to the roof of the building of the Purple Armored Knights.

Jin successfully landed on the roof of the building, but because it was only his 2nd time, he crashed and got some few scratches on his face. Jin stood up and try to look at what was happening from the form below the intense firefight continued the bullets were firing.

[Inside the building]

"Yes! We are being saved by our own forces, HOORAH!" one of the purple armored knight shouted as he raised his rifle. "Keep an eye on the SQUAD and so we can survive form this battle!" Liu Lei ordered to her squad.

[On the ground]

"On the left, lower!"

"Behind the boulder to the left!"

"Take cover! And avoid getting hit!"

Bullets scratching the outer layer of the armor of the Black Armored Knights.

"Why are they so many we need reinforcements or else we won't go to last long!" one of the southern loyalist soldiers trying to take cover but sadly got hit by a bullet coming from the western forces.


Jin turns around and Han Zian was healing Fang Shirong because he crashed himself to the ground. Fang Shirong was not in the good mood as he landed on the roof.

"Sir, why did we need to do that?" and Jin pushed the button that is the detonator that he had planted in the officer room that both of them did not know. And after Jin pushed the detonator, the room of the officer exploded.

Fang Shirong looked at the fiery flames, trying to get out of the place. "I don't want them finding that we are the ones who ordered the Loyalist vs Loyalist," Jin replied, and so he opened the door.

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