All Time Marksman

Chapter 204 - Remember To Stay Calm Under Fire

"Move the wounded at the back!" He shouted as he looked at the wounded crying for medics then he added "I need more fighters here!" He shout for reinforcements but there were only a few that rushed to his position

"Hold the line, you stupid shits!" Wen Bao order as he try to return fire at the enemy that were firing at them.

"Shi- there is no SQUAD and we are here fighting both hooded figures and damn rebel cell minions. They really like to play!" Wen Bao commented angrily. He slammed the wall that he was taking cover on. "Those commanders, they are just there and letting us die here," one of the Black Armored Knight that was under Wen Bao stated.

"Sir!" the 2nd man of Wen Bao called out for him. Wen Bao turns to his 2nd man "What?" he reply and then the 2nd man said, "Sir, Squad leader Hu Gui died on the line of duty. A rebel cell minion shot him in the head. I just received a report from his squad that will soon attach to other squads that are still-"

Then an explosion beside the 2nd man erupted. Wen Bao saw how his 2nd man got blown away by the explosion and the debris knock him off to the ground and followed by rocks hammering down on his 2nd man.

Wen Bao tried to rush towards to his 2nd man but it was too late. He saw a hooded figure, and it engulfed his entire arm in flames.

The hooded figure looked at the side he saw Wen Bao on the ground, holding a rifle and about to pull the trigger. Wen Bao's hands were shaking and he can't aim properly meanwhile the hooded figure raised his hand and a fireball materialized at his palm. The hooded figure releases the fireball from his palm and it melts the rifle of Wen Bao.

Wen Bao looking at death slowly walking towards him, his hands shaking but in the end he hold and bear with the pain.

The hooded flame user smiled behind the dark mask he was wearing and, with a touch on Wen Bao armor, the whole armor suddenly ablaze. Wen Bao screamed in pain as the fire travelled inside and slowly burn him from the inside out of the armor and the inside out of his body.

The Hooded flame user turns around and saw 10 Black Armored Knights aiming at him. But unlike Wen Bao, who only aimed the rifle, the Black Armored Knights pulled their trigger. And a rain of bullet came upon the Hooded flame user.

Because there was no force field user that was assisting the hooded flame user, he then received a lot of bullets piercing through his body. "I won't die in vain, I will sacrifice myself" the hooded flame user shout and threw a fireball towards the black armored knights.

But even though he could throw a fireball across the hallway, which burned 4 of the 10 Black Armored Knights.

The hooded flame user did not escape death as he dropped to the ground and bullet holes all across his body. In the end, the whole body of the flame user exploded *BOOM* and with that, he killed an entire squad with the last sacrifice he has.

But the advance of the rebel cell minion continued. "What Rebel cell Guild is this?" the Black Armored Commander lowered his head as his lieutenants take charge of the defense, as the rebel cell has breached multiple defense lines.

Continuing their charge towards the building "Sir, reporting the uniforms that the enemy is wearing are part of the rebel sub group called the Black Lion Pride leaded by the Black Lion Draxus." The Lieutenant replied to the commander.

"How many minions does that subgroup have? Give me an estimate so we can use the air superiority of Maskara over the skies of Jelkala,"

The Commander ordered. So he looked at the window and when he was about to raise his head, a bullet graze on the window and shatters the glass window. "Holy mother!"

The commander exclaim as he feared that he almost got killed from that bullet. "Sir, base on the intelligence we have gathered, the Black Lion Pride Guild has around 12,000 rebel cell minions. But this information is from the last 3 months."

"Alright, call on the tower I want an airstrike and air support on this place tell them we need air support now." The black armored commander raised his submachine gun and fire at the running rebel cell minion on the ground. *RATATATTATA* in a quick burst of fire, he killed 3 rebel cell minions.

[Black Lion Pride Forward Operating base under the Western Sector.]

"Give me a status report regarding the rebel cell minion casualties ASAP, alright we are going to send in the Lions on the ground. Make them push the forces apart and cut their communications lines so they are both blinded and unable to coordinate." ordered by a Lion pride officer while looking at the screen that he was watching the advancement of the Lion Pride Soldiers.

"Sir, a message from the Guild leader Draxus." A communication officer walked up to the Lion Pride officer that was looking at the screen. The Lion Pride officer turns around as his attention got called.

And then he turned around and grabbed the paper he then read on the paper it said that he needs to increase the deployment of a hooded figure, especially the users and players, to overrun the enemy forces before they turn to the skies.

After reading the letter that was given to him, the Lion Pride officer burns the paper. And ordered "I want all of you to reorganize battle exodus we are deploying all the detachment A to D we are going to take down both forces. And all the communication officers that were on facing their monitors replied.

"Yes, Sir" and they began communicating in each detachment officer to relay the deployment and objective points for their detachment to attack.

The door opened they all put their hoods on. They readied their weapons, their swords and staff for the magic that they will use.

[Purple Armored Knight FOB]

Intense explosions from left and right. 2nd defense was a breach by Lion Pride soldiers, Hooded figures running up onto a Purple Armored Knight and slashing their armor. The Purple Armored Knight knelt down in front of a hooded figure as the hood figure touched his armor and a lava flow onto his armor.

"RAHHHHH Please don't!" the Purple Armored knight shouted as he dropped to the ground. "Sir, we need to retreat!" one of the lieutenant shouted at the purple armored knight commander.

"We cannot retreat, so tell your squad to hold the damn line! Communication officer, call for an airstrike from the tower and tell them we need support ASAP!" the Purple Armored Knight commander.

"Yes, Sir we are currently communicating with the tower," the communication officer replied.

[Maskara Underground base]

"Sir, I am receiving two distress calls from Jelkala FOB's what shall we do? They are asking for air support on both of their location. Should we send in the Wing 4 to 6 sir?" the communication officer looked at the commanding officer that was looking at him. "Yes, call in the Wing 4 to 6 we are going to take them to move into formation and take the enemy from above." The commanding officer ordered.

[Radio: This is Tower to Wing 4 this from the immediate air support we are allowing to organise a strike force to take down enemy forces on the grounds of Jelkala, I am sending you the coordinates wing 4.]

[Radio: Copy that Tower we are going to scramble our units to the location you have sent me]

[Radio: This is Tower to Wing 5 this from the immediate air support we are allowing to organise a strike force to take down enemy forces on the grounds of Jelkala, I am sending you the coordinates wing 5. This is an immediate flight plan code 7]

[Radio: Copy that Tower we are also scrambling the bombers en route to the location you have sent me over]

[Radio: This is Tower to Wing 6 this from the immediate air support we are allowing to organise a strike force to take down enemy forces on the grounds of Jelkala I am sending you the coordinates wing 6. Bombing run Alpha Tango Juliet Echo Lima Kilo Alpha Lima Alpha over],

[Radio: Copy loud and clear I am scrambling my pilots tower copy over and out]

With that all Wing 4 to 6 start to scramble all of their pilots that were on and off duty to take part of the strike force.

With that it was the first time that the Tower communication have allowed such strike force to be conducted. Multiple aircraft from Strike Helicopters, Deadly Macktoll-4 Jet fighters, and last Flying Hawk Bombers. Were on the lane towards the ramp to go up to the airfield above them.

[Radio: This is Wing 4 Flight leader BULLDOG All Strike Helicopters will be on my lead over]

[Radio: This is Wing 5 Flight Leader JEEPY all Macktoll-4 jet fighters will be under my wing over]

[Radio: This is Wing 6 Flight Leader MUSANG all Hawk bombers will be under my leadership over]

With that all of the same aircraft have join together.

[Radio: This is Tower Central. We have sent the coordinates to each and everyone the purpose of the strike group is to take down the enemy units on the ground as we see fit. The target coordinates might change anytime, as they sent it to us delayed by 20 minutes. First aircraft may fly]

[Radio; Copy that Tower Central]

And the first Macktoll-4 jet fight lunches to the sky followed by the other MackToll-4 jet fighters. After that it was followed by the Strike Helicopters that was also flying and hovering towards Jelkala.

[Black Armored knight Forward Operating base.]

"Sir we have lost the 3rd Line of defense from the Lion Pride soldiers. I think their first wave of rebel cell minions have ended due to we have more superiority of firepower. But still the stand-" and an explosion erupted. "Whoa that kind of explosion is familiar with a marksman." One Lieutenant commented as he saw the explosion were too explosive.

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