All Time Marksman

Chapter 36 - Charismatic Officer

The officer who controls the movements of the monster was shivering as he was scared if he kneels which means he can get fired. "Do it. Make the volcanic minion kneel we can no longer fight them it will just be a suicide in the end." Officer In-charge said as he looked at the officer who is controlling the movements of the volcanic minion And the officer replied with "Yes, Sir."

And on the ground, the volcanic minion kneels and collapsed and its whole body deteriorated and pixellated and vanishes in thin air. Then an announcement message appeared in front of them. [Mission success yo have beaten the training practice proceed back to your barracks and soon you are going to be given a training mission]

"We have done it! nice one! Yang Lanying! You defeated the volcanic Minion!" Sun Li shouted as they all celebrated the defeat Jin looked at them and smiled. "We won first time ever that I felt something that I am proud of."

He whispered as he looks at the celebrating girls. And then Sun Li looked at smiling Jin and glared at him Jin turns back his face into a poker face. And Sun Li walks over to Jin while the others were celebrating. "Fix your aim so soon you will be the one being celebrated" Sun Li winks and then turns around.

After that Jin was the last one to step out from the simulation but as he was stepping out of the simulation door the officer was leaning in front of the door. "How come you know that Volcanic Minion weakness was its arms?" the officer exclaimed as he looked at Jin. Jin replied with "Sir?" an officer walks up to Jin and said.

"You have a talented kid. Most Squires did not know that as you guys mostly learn Physical training at 4 months no education yet. But for you, you were able to know the weakness of the enemy. Even without the skill for finding its weakness. I am sure you have battle experience, how you have a lot of them."

After the officer ended what he said Jin was left out stunned and confused. ``I forgot most of the squire candidates came inside the walls and not from the outside most of the squires here are not yet trained. The squire phase was only to weed out more undesirables. Before finally educating them. What a doctrine you guys have…``

Jin continues to walk to the room that he shared with the girls. And when he entered, the room he saw all of them sleeping and taking rest for the next day will be going to receive a new Training mission.

But Jin also noticed that Sun Li was not in her bed, so Jin put down his things in front of his bed and look at the comfort room if there is light. And there was no light so that means no one is using the bathroom at this time of the hour. Jin grabs his towel and then walks to the comfort room and then gets into one of the showers.

After washing his body Jin gets out of the shower and suddenly Sun Li was about to enter the shower half-naked. "Oh, Lord!" Jin shouted and goes back into the shower cubicle. "Can you not see that the light is on?" Jin shouted "Shut up! I sticky and sweaty can you faster up like if you see my whole body get out of the cubicle!"

Sun Li shouted as she knocks on the door of the cubicle. Jin suddenly opened the door, and Sun Li has mistaken Jin's chest as the cubicle door so she touched Jin's chest. "Uhhh that hurts" Jin whispered. Sun Li blushed but then he steps back and turned his view to the left in which she will not see Jin leaving the comfort room.

Jin quickly leaves the comfort room so that Sun Li will be able to enter the shower cubicle.

The day ended and all of them have a fine well-rested day. And they were all woken up by the morning reveille by the trumpet of the officer in charge of the morning.

All of them quickly formed outside of their rooms in one straight line the Squad leader must be at the further right. Then a rough voice and an officer in a white uniform walk to the podium and then he coughed for a second before speaking.

"This is an announcement for all you Squire candidates as of today there are only 120 candidates left. And there are only 5 teams that will only be accepted and the rest will be put into support units if they passed the further assessment with this, we are all wishing you candidates a stroke of good luck that you as a person may pass the challenges. Starting today the challenges are going to be hard."

After that announcement, there was an officer handling our Training Mission and soon enough the officer hands the training mission to Sun Li.

After the mass formation, the group gets inside the room. "So what is our Training mission?" Fan Qingge asked, Sun Li felt a bit saddened when he opened the briefing monitor as she saw that their Training Mission is an ambush type of training.

The enemies they will be facing are volcanic crawlers, ghouls both type 1 and 2, and Lone spiked wolves. Sun Li looked at Fan Qingge

"Well, it an Ambush training mission and we are facing around 300 monsters and we need to survive for about 1 hour and 30 minutes or more if we don't then we are going to get a failing grade and 3 of us will be removed from the squire candidates and will be put into support unit."

Jin felt pressure from all the people inside the room. "We are already right we will able to beat this like the first one right" Jin exclaimed as to lift up the pressure and saddened feelings that are surrounding all of them. And Sun Li replied with "Yes, we can. Now, let's start our morning Physical training."

It was morning till noon that they did a morning warm-up as the scheduled training mission is in the afternoon.

[Announcement:12th Squire Squad you are being assembled at Facility Dome]

"Sisters we are going to complete this mission and we will able to succeed in our dreams." Sun Li raised his clenched fist to the air.

And soon everyone followed. They entered the Facility Dome and they felt the pressure, but they all ignored it and continued to walk to the center. And there they saw an officer in white uniform looking at them, and when they are all in the center the officer began to speak to them.

"Welcome to your Training Mission 12th Squire Squad you are here to be trained in basic ambush tactics. And it is for your squad leader and all of you inside the squad what tactics you will use.

Remember that the damage that will be inflicted to you by the monsters in this simulation will also simulate real pain, So be cautious and be vigilant."

"Yes, Sir" they replied with confidence. And then an AI voice announces [The training mission will now begin.] [Timer have now started] [Begin!]

"Alright get into formation!" Sun Li shouted and quickly all of them quickly move into position. Their reaction time was faster than the first squad that entered earlier.

Sun Li raised her staff and cast "earth Shield!" and a stone wall-like fortification surrounded them. But this wall was not that high, but it was able to stop volcanic crawlers and hinder other monsters indirectly attacking them.

After casting that buff Sun Li shouted "Earth wall!" while pointing his staff at the earth shield, the earth wall is now becoming the first wall of the fortification. Same time Yang Langying pulls out an arrow that was inside his quiver and then aims at the enemies. After aiming she whispered "Volley arrow" and she let go of the string and firing the arrow.

And when the arrow reaches its maximum height it then spreads into multiple arrows targeting multiple volcanic crawlers that were in the open space. The volcanic crawlers that were shot were instantly dead because of the impact force and the damage generated by the arrow attribute.

When Sun Li caster her earth wall earlier. Liang Meifen also cast a buff on all of them as she raised her staff and whispered "Holy Blessing" with that it helps them to be able to heal for shallow wounds. Meanwhile, Fan Qingge was in a stationary position and waiting for a monster that was able to get off the wall and attack.

And so their main damage as of now is Yang Lanying who is able to attack once again she draws 1 arrow in her quiver and aims once again.

After aiming she whispered "Rapid Arrow Fire" and soon the tip o the arrow slowly generated fire and Yang Lanying lets go of the string and the arrow fired. And as the arrow reaches its maximum height it suddenly increases its numbers and soon dropped on the charing volcanic crawlers.

"Sir their team is well-coordinated, it looks like they will pass this Training mission if we continue to the schedule of release.." One of the control officers said as he was looking at the officer in charge of the training mission.

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