All Time Marksman

Chapter 49 - Training Mission Reflection

There was a knock on the door three times. Fang Shirong opened the door. It was an officer in the control panel.

So Fang Shirong saluted and so the officer outside of the room. Fang Shirong asked kindly as he too was confused as to why is there an officer outside of the room. And so the officer said

"Give this to your Squad leader" the officer handed an envelope and the officer followed up with "Make sure that your squad leader will be able to receive that letter am I understood, candidate?" Fang Shirong replied with confidence.

"Yes, Sir" Once again the Fang Shirong saluted and so the officer saluted back turning around and leaving. At that time Jin was about to enter the room because earlier he was just practicing at the gun range.

"Sir!" Fang Shirong said as he looked at Jin. Jin was a bit surprised at why Fang Shirong called him for. And as he reached Fang Shirong, Jin was looking at him and he saw that Fang Shirong was grabbing an envelope.

And as he was about to say something Fang Shirong handed him the envelope and said. "Sir an officer from the control panel has handed me this letter and the officer said that you must receive this as soon as possible."

Jin already knew that the schedule for the practice mission is already being proceeded. So Jin said "call the others and make sure they are in suit uniform because we are doing a practice training at the Dome 3 facility.

Fang Shirong quickly rushes inside so that he could announce what will happen. As he opened the door once again he saw Qiao Jiao brushing her hair, Han Zian reading some book. Qi Meili is cleaning her bow. All of them looked at Fang Shirong as he opened the door and entered. He was a bit nervous as he was gathering composure as to what he heard from Jin.

"The Squad leader said, that we need to get into our uniforms because as of today we are going to have a practice mission which will be located at Dome 3. The squad leader has given us exactly 5 minutes to get into our uniforms."

Fang Shirong said as he stood there and then after finishing his sentence he quickly goes to his locker and the same with the others. After 5 minutes all of them were now wearing their corresponding suits. Jin entered the room and was amazed at how fast the squad is getting.

Jin then said, "We are now departing this place, let's move." They leave the rooms as they were wearing their practice mission uniforms. And then they reached Dome 3.

They were met by one of the control officers, Jin saluted at the control officer and the control officer saluted back. "You from the 29th Squire Squad?" the officer said Jin replied kindly. "Yes, Sir we are the 29th squire squad"

"Well done you met the required time to be here the practice training that is scheduled for you will begin please enter the simulation dome." The officer said. Jin walked was at the front and fang Shirongwas at the further back.

Their formation was like a line and as they enter the hallway towards the dome. It was all lights the ceilings were ll grey it was all plain no colors. It was all grey and the smell of metal lingering. They reached the end of the hallway and Jin opened the door. And as he opened an announcement appeared that was above them.

[29th Squire squad, this practice mission is rescuing a squad member from a squad that has been ambushed by monsters, your task is to rescue the squad member and get out of the place as soon as possible. The time limit will be 1 hour and 30 minutes. Once you cross the red line the clock will start]

Jin nods so he looked back and said

"All radio is on there are no closed radios. I want Fang Shirong to lead at the front to increase speed Fang Shirong and Qi Meili have the agility and speed so they will start from top to bottom. While I and Qiao Jiao will be bottom to up. For Han Zian he will be following us. That is why I want the radios open because if needed I will let Han Zian go on the middle floor and then meet there for us to regroup and heal. Understood?"

All of them replied with "Yes, Sir we understood" after that Jin crossed the line and a building suddenly appeared not far from their location. The whole place was still like the city there are ruins and the sounds of shrieking ghouls that were roaming around.

[Radio: Check Radio T1]

[Radio: Check Radio T2]

[Radio: Check Radio T3]

[Radio: Check Radio T4]

[Radio: Check Radio T5]

[Radio: All radios good open communication upon entrance]

"Death Terror" Fang Shirong pauses as he felt the buff running through his veins.

After that, he whispered once again "Midnight slash" after that he looked for the stairs and then stood at the stairs. Qi Meilie whispered "Find weakness" after that she pauses for a while as she felt the buff is all over her body. "Wind walk" after that both of them run-up to the stairs as fast they could.

[Radio: this is T1 all enemies are to be engaged if you have crossed them at the stairs]

Jin looked at the two and then said "go do your buffs before we enter the first floor of this Building" after Qiao Jiao goes first as she whispered "Last sword call" and she felt her sword and arms as if it was getting much comfortable to get a grip a swing it. After she said "Defiant call".

For Jin, he silently whispered, "Zero Eye Blue Bullet" after saying that a blue tab appeared. [The blue heir has activated a blue bullet Skill] [Zero Eye blue bullet will expire if the Bullet inside the magazine reaches zero].

Soon enough his left eye retina turned to crosshair-like eyes. Jin slings his XDR-Rifle to the front.``Well, I guess I need to cover this true hidden class within me to avoid further suspicion about my abilities.

"Alright let's go"

and as they walked towards the door Jin looks up and he saw that the 2nd floor, the 4th floor, and the 6th floor are all traps that are filled with monsters. And because of the Zero Eye blue bullet, he was able to see through the whole building and his whole surrounding inside the building he saw that hostage is on the 3rd floor.

``So the hostage is on the 3rd floor I need my men to go to the third floor without having any suspicion.

Jin entered the main 1st floor and from the first floor, they saw 4, type 2 ghouls. And as they opened the door all of the ghouls rush in their direction. "Shi- Qiao Jiao!" jin shouted as he was about to raise his XDR-Rifle.

Luckily Qiao Jiao was a quick-phased player and was able to catch up to the first ghoul that was supposed to leap towards Jin. The teeth of the ghoul were easily blocked by the sword of Qio jiao.

"Oh lord, this ghoul's breath is really stinky." Qiao Jiao commented as she felt disgusted and pushed the ghoul away. 

Jin aimed and pulled the trigger and as he fired the bullets *Prfft *prfft* *Prfft* those bullets were all normal and not imbued with a skill not like the Bullet fire which is increased damage and critical on the enemy.

[Magazine round: 40/70] Jin was able to kill 2 type 2 ghouls at that spray of bullets. Meanwhile, Qiao Jiao was able to kill the other two by using her skills Iron slash as she sliced and decapitated the first ghoul that attacked her and then using Defiant slash by slicing the other ghoul in half. The floor was full of slimy green mucus. As it excretes the foul lingering smell.

"Let's get out of here and go to the next floor," Jin said as he felt there are no valuables that can be collected on the first floor of the building.

[Radio: this is T5 and T4 we are currently engaging with Red Spincers at the stairs going to the 5th floor. Over]

[Radio: Copy that T5, continue to engage but be careful if the enemies are too many and trying to flank you as of the moment. Retreat and regroup on the 3rd floor and wait for us there. Out]

Jin reached the 2nd floor of the building, he can see that there are a lot of enemies that are inside the so he waited for Qiao Jiao and Han Zian. He turned to them and said

"Go check the third floor and then radio the others, if you need help the time is tunning and we need to find that hostage." Qiao Jiao and Han Zian haste to go to the third floor so that they could check it and go back to the 2nd floor to meet with Jin. Jin tried to open the door but it was already locked, ``So it's locked it needs power so that it can open.``

Jin steps back a few inches and then raises his XDR-rifle

And at that time Qiao Jiao and Han Zian opened the door for the 3rd floor, and Fang Shirong and Qi Meili are still securing the 5th floor because there are still a large number of Red spincer that might attack the people that are below them.

Qiao Jiao rushed forward to kill the 4 ghouls and 1 volcanic crawler that was stationary inside the floor.

They were expecting a lot of enemies but there were only a few. Qiao Jiao did not receive any wound or damage because he was being healed by Han Zian as Qiao Jiao fights with the 4 ghouls.. It was an easy fight due to the level gap and the sword skill that Qiao jiao was able to use.

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