Almighty Game Designer

Chapter 127: Showmatch

Chapter 127: Showmatch

It was alright during the first match, but during the second and third match, Chen Mo never stopped talking and always pointed out any mistakes the players made, angering some of the fans.

My goodness, its gone! He really does dare to criticise anybody!

Its fine if you point out the mistakes of the loser, but picking out mistakes from the winner too?

Wow, I finally realised what Captain Hindsight means!

I really want to tell him to play if hes so good at the game!

Of course there were many who were standing by Chen Mo.

Braindead fans out!

Cant you just listen to the commentary? Did Chen Mo say anything wrong? Hes the developer, wouldnt his game knowledge be much better than you keyboard warriors?

Another You play if youre so good. Do I need to be able to cool things down before I review a fridge?

If you dont wanna listen to him, just mute the stream! Nobody is forcing you!

Youre doing great Chen Mo! Dont listen to these haters!

Soon, the two opposing sides of chat started going at each others throat.

The majority of the players stood by Chen Mo, but the people against it had strong will and never gave up.

During break time, a member of staff spoke to Chen Mo.

Mr Chen Mo, Ive got something to discuss. There are many in chat who are saying that youre too good and commentating and started arguing. Could you tone it down a bit in the future matches?

Chen Mo laughed, I understand your concern. Ive looked at chat and I know where Im at. Moreover, wouldnt this tournament be more popular if more were talking about it? This is a good thing for you guys too.

The staff was a bit hesitant, So Mr Chen Mo, theres a showmatch tomorrow when the tournament finishes. Youre supposed to play against the winner of the tournament.

Chen Mo was shocked, Huh??

The staff explained, Of course we wont get the champion to play against you at full strength. We thought about getting them to only use the mouse to play against you. Its for entertainment purposes afterall. Do you understand what I mean?

Chen Mo nodded.

The organisers planned a showmatch for entertainment, by having Chen Mo play a game. The viewers would probably want to watch the videogame designer play their own game.

Of course there could be a discrepancy between the skill level of the players, which was why the winner would only use a mouse, making it a bit more entertaining.

But after all the arguments in chat, the showmatch got more interesting.

Many of the viewers felt that Chen Mo was Captain Obvious, although his analysis was good, there was no way he could be good at the game. How awkward it would be if Chen Mo lost to the winner whod play with one hand.

Nobody but himself would be to blame if he lost!

The staff said, How about this, you go ahead with what youre doing, and Ill get the organisers to cancel the showmatch tomorrow. It wasnt anything important anyways.

Chen Mo shook his head, Dont, how could we do that? Dont worry, the match will be my concern, the show will go on.

The staff was shocked, What does this mean? Was he confident in his abilities?

Obviously they didnt know how good Chen Mo was, but he couldnt be bad seeing how confident he was. It should be a big deal when he would play against the champion.

The staff nodded, Alright, well do as you say.

The tournament continued. Chen Mo didnt make any changes and continued speaking his mind, completely ignoring what was going on in the chat.

Zhang Yang even felt bad for Chen Mo, thinking that he didnt know how bad the haters were!

The tournament went on quite smoothly, the players were playing seriously and Chen Mos commentary was very insightful. The viewers are more than happy to watch it.

The organisers were also quite satisfied as the money spent on Chen Mo was well spent!

Of course there was a vocal, unhappy minority. But the organisers didnt see it as a big problem as Chen Mo acknowledged and approved of it himself.

The tournament continued on the second day.

The quarter finals, third place match and finals had the viewers going crazy. In the end, Goph outskilled Digwa to win the tournament.

Alright, let us congratulate Goph for being the champion of this Fantasy Cup! He will receive five hundred thousand in prize money, congratulations! announced Zhang Yang

The chat was also incredibly supportive.


King of Orcs! Long live the king!

Lets go Orcs!

Geez, thats too bad! If Digwa didnt make a mistake in picking mines, he probably wouldve won!

This tournament was so enjoyable to watch! Warcraft is much more entertaining to watch than Legion Conquest!

Watch this makes me want to play ranked!

By the way, dont leave now as the competition is not finished. Yes, up next will be a very entertaining showmatch! said Zhang Yang

The audience were shocked. Showmatch? What show?

This showmatch will be a matchup between our champion Goph against the designer of Warcraft and my partner, Mr Chen Mo! announced Zhang Yang.

The chat went wild following this announcement!

What? Chen Mo is playing the showmatch? Against Goph?!

Whats the point. Goph has four thousand something points, wouldnt he just bully Chen Mo?

Maybe not, Chen Mo has really good game knowledge.

What good is game knowledge going to do. The game depends on execution and hand-speed. Wouldnt Goph stomp all over Chen Mo? What is the organisers planning?

Hahaha, we were just talking about Captain Obvious Chen Mo. Hes good at pointing out mistakes, lets see how he does in a match.

Wow, Im amazed that Chen Mo accepted it! Is he underestimated the strength of his opponent?

As the chat was discussing, Chen Mo was already sat at a computer ready to play.

Alright, as its a showmatch, Goph will have to play with one hand. That means Goph can only use his mouse, no keyboard. explained Zhang Yang.

The chat went wild yet again.

Like I said, Goph would stomp Chen Mo if he played seriously. Playing one-handed is more like it!

Wow, thats kind of insulting, only one hand?

But I still think Goph will win!

Hahaha, how bad would Chen Mo feel if Goph won one handed!

Its hard to tell, I think he could last a little bit?

Before the chat calmed down, Zhang Yang held onto his earpiece and was shocked.

Zhang Yang continued after thirty seconds, Alright, I just got the message from the producer. Mr Chen Mo is asking Goph to play with both hands. To be honest, Im surprised to hear that message. I wont say much more, lets look forward for the showmatch!

The chat took a quick 180. There were a few people being condescending at the start, but the chat was filled with LOL and ??? when Zhang Yang was finished.

Chen Mo is asking for Goph to play with both hands?

Hah, thats incredible. Maybe he thinks it would be too embarrassing if he lost to him single-handed, which is why he requested two hands?

Hahaha, thisll be good. Lets go Goph! Bring down Captain Obvious!

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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