Alpha's Cruel Addiction

Chapter 101  Use Meư

Chapter 101  Use Me

Author's Note (Sept 23, 20220: ACA has returned with a 5 chapter mass release today and tomorrow!

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"Fuck's sake."

Ophelia didn't dare to utter a single sound. She shakingly glanced at her feet in shame whilst squeezing her eyes shut, bracing herself for the storm. She heard his angry footsteps sweeping across the stone balcony. The night air was crisp and cool, but his voice made every hair on her arm stand. The moon was hidden by a thick sheen of clouds and even the stars went into hiding.


Killorn let out another string of loud curses. Ophelia flinched back, her shoulders caving in, her heart pounding a tattoo against her chest. All she could hear was the rush of blood and feel the quickening of her pulse. She was scared for her life.

Without warning, Killorn grabbed her by the elbows and pulled her in his direction. She flinched and glanced to the side. "Look at me," Killorn warned.

Ophelia couldn't.

"Don't make me repeat myself, wife," Killorn deadpanned.

Ophelia's lips trembled. She swallowed hard, her eyes watering when she stared up at him. Immediately, her knees turned into mush. Cruel. Cunning. Cold. A man in complete control was on the brink of losing it. He gritted his teeth, his eyes burning golden like the stars that shriveled up and died in his presence. His jaw was sharp and cut through her defense mercilessly.

"How long have you been going behind my back?"

Ophelia stiffened. Her mind went blank. "N-no, it's not l-like that!"

"Don't lie to me," Killorn snarled. "How long have you been getting all friendly with the vampires?"

What? Was that what he was worried about? "N-no, I—"

"Ophelia!" Killorn snapped, his voice sending the trees behind them rustling and bowing back in fear. Birds flew off in terror as he scared every animal in their vicinity.

Ophelia couldn't hold it back anymore. She let out a hiccup and then a sob, her knees giving out completely. He let her slump to the ground, her dress sinking around her, resembling fallen rose petals. Killorn let out a furious growl at the sight of the red. He bent and picked up the material, the color getting on his last nerves. "Strip."

Ophelia was mortified. Right here…? Right now? She knew the only thing separating them from the real world was the balcony windows and curtains. She'd have to walk stark naked through the crowd? Was this a ploy to humiliate her? "No," she beseeched, her voice cracking at the simple word.


Killorn reached for her, but she scrambled back in fear, the entire time, hiding her tears and face in shame. "You're in the color of the vampires when you are the wife of an Alpha!" Killorn demanded. "Take off your dress right now." Ophelia's pitiful crying filled the silence. She pressed a hand to her mouth in an attempt to shut it down. She hated her inability to control her emotions and tears. She didn't mean to let them out, but her throat tightened regardless. She heard his feet shuffling and then he let out a sharp exhale. "D-don't do this t-to me," Ophelia pleaded, her tone low and wary whilst she struggled to properly gasp in air. "Please I-I'll d-do anything, but that, p-please Killorn, I-I… please."



Killorn knelt by her and grabbed her hands. She was firm to stay, but he lifted her to her feet regardless, sniffling and sobbing. He brought her closer, his arms coming around her body. His wife's past was filled with wounds, all of which he tried to heal, but to no avail. "I'm sorry," Killorn muttered. "I didn't mean to raise my voice, don't cry. Alright?"

Ophelia was quivering like a fallen leaf by now. She felt his presence reaching for her, but she tensed.

"Or, cry harder, that's fine with me. I'd rather you do it in my presence," Killorn responded, rubbing his hand up and down her frail spine. Ophelia hiccuped, the tiny action racking her entire body. He soothed her and pressed his lips to her hair, breathing in the sweet scent of… roses? That was not how she usually smelled like.

Killorn narrowed his eyes. She was set up, but by who? She tightly gripped his shirt, her hands trembling in the process, but she pressed herself even more against him. Killorn's fingers curled into a fist. He had never felt more shit than now. What was he thinking? What the hell was getting into him? He was just furious at everyone else, but not her, yet was taking it out on his wife. He never wanted to be the kind of man that his father was, but the longer they stood here, the more he resembled that sinister man.

"Ophelia," Killorn muttered. "You must understand I'm not mad at you."

Ophelia shamefully glanced to the floor, her hair hiding her anguish, strands sticking to her stained cheeks. "My sweet, look at me," Killorn gently addressed, his hand sliding to her face. His movements were fluid and warm whilst he slid a warm arm around her shaking body. She was stiff as stone, unable to move.

"Ophelia, you do not understand," Killorn whispered. "You don't understand what these monsters want from you."

Ophelia's heart skipped.

"Because of a stupid prophecy, Vampires are losing their sanity over you. The vampire faction wants you on their side because they believe you are a Direct Descendent. They want to use you," Killorn seethed whilst spitting out the last words. "W-what?" Ophelia whispered.

"It's just an old wife's tale that your blood can heal and your flesh can grant power," Killorn demanded. "It's not true."

"B-but I told you, m-my blood can…"

"It's not true," Killorn insisted, his firm words making her second guess her own blood. "And you'll tell no one else that same thing."

Ophelia clamped her mouth shut, realizing he had found a flaw that she could once again, never change. "W-what even is a D-direct Descendant anyways?" Ophelia's voice quivered.

Killorn opened his mouth to respond, but saw the curtains sway. He tensed, noticing someone had been eavesdropping on them. Immediately, his expression grew frigid.

"Someone was watching us," Killorn seethed.

Ophelia's shoulders dropped in disappointment at how quickly he eluded the question. He never told her anything like Everest would.

"Come, we're going back to our palace. It's not safe for you at this ball, it was a foolish idea to attend in the first place. This room is crawling with people out to get you—"

"A-and are you o-one of them?" Ophelia whispered.

"What?" Killorn snapped.

"A-are you one of the people w-who want to use me?" Ophelia asked, her voice lowering in the hopes that he wouldn't hear it and all of this was a sick and twisted dream. She fingered the red materials of her dress, the sight of the gem suddenly making her sick to her stomach.

"You think I would do such a thing?" Killorn returned, his tone darkening. He was furious that the thought would even cross her mind.

"I-I just wanted to be s-sure—"

"I am your husband Ophelia. You are my Duchess and the Luna to my pack. I would never use you in the same manner that those men out there would." Killorn thrusted a finger in the direction of the balcony. Ophelia understood between the lines. "S-so you'd use me, b-but not in the same thing t-they'd use me for."

Killorn's patience snapped. "And you don't use me, Ophelia?"

Her eyes widened.

"You don't seek my comfort and protection? You don't seek my reassurance? My patience and time? You don't use me?" Killorn returned. "You, a human girl in a world of werewolf and vampires, tell me that you do not use—"

"I-I have only w-wanted your attention."

Killorn froze.

"O-only to make you h-happy," Ophelia confessed whilst tucking her fingers together. "M-my father used you for marriage t-to keep me safe. I-I only wanted to repay you f-for your kindness."


"I-I didn't intend for you t-to feel used," Ophelia muttered. "I-I'm sorry. I w-won't bother you anymore."

Ophelia barely squeezed out the last word. She felt her tongue stuck in her mouth, her shoulders heavy with shame. Killorn stood there, speechless. His face blanked over. He blinked. Without another word, Ophelia gathered her gown and brushed past him, feeling like a fool and useless woman. Had she only burdened him all this time? Was she that weak in his eyes? She needed to be stronger. She had to find a way, no matter what.

Suddenly, Layla's offer rang in Ophelia's mind. She turned to face her husband, ready to ask him the final question, but his expression made her freeze. Killorn wore a murderous glower, his eyes glowing like ember under the moonlight skies. A dark shadow crossed over his handsome and sharp features. The man standing before her was not her husband, but a warrior that'd defend the nation with his last breath.

"Exploit me then," Killorn softly said. "Do it as you please."

Ophelia shakingly stepped back, but Killorn crossed the distance. He curled his fingers around her wrist, gentle as could be, with no intention to hurt her.

"In the meantime, know this—you disappointed me tonight," Killorn muttered.

Ophelia's heart fell.

"You mingled with the population that wanted to take advantage of you, then you went and questioned my loyalty for your safety," Killorn repeated the scenario.

"N-no, I—"

"Do you even trust a word that comes out of your husband's mouth?" Ophelia's eyes widened. She was numb and frozen, staring at him in disbelief. That was not her intention, but his words cut her deep. When she reached for him, his face flashed with irritation. She was heartbroken. He viewed her with enough animosity for her knees to go weak. She tried to speak, but no sound would come out.

Ophelia realized she had let her husband down. "K-Killorn—"


Killorn coldly brushed past her, not once touching her. With his absence, she felt a chill go down her spine. She raced for the balcony doors and grabbed ahold of him, but he simply stared her down.

Ophelia's heart trembled at his disappointed stare. He viewed her with animosity. Her lips trembled.

"You, my wife, who can barely speak properly or react to me without shaking. Do you think I'd use you?"

Ophelia's eyes went wide. Not only had she felt useless, but his words cut her deep. She was an inadequate wife as it was, now he was treating her as such. Then, he was gone.

This chapter upload first at NovelBin.Com

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